Village Destruction (4)

While two stupid people were heading to their demise, another crazy person was watching them from afar with a calculation gaze.

Akai watched his two other 'friends' going to question the Oracle after what he told them yesterday, and the seed that he planted was about to bloom.

After telling Tuil and Toro about Delvin and who he thinks Lu Yao is, Akai started fabricating stuff mixed with truths to make them begin doubting Delvin and even rebel against him.

Seeing their relatives not returning that day, Tuil and Toro, just as Akai planned, went to visit the Oracle to demand answers, sacrificing their lives in vain.



"Good Morning, young Miss. I hope you had a satisfying sleep." Delvin the ever so dutiful spoke as soon as he saw Lu Yao stretching.

"Mhmm," Lu Yao absent-mindedly answered, showing that she has slept very comfortably.

'Haven't had that nice of sleep since I left Mo.' Lu Yao thought before looking at Delvin and asking: "Have you packed your bags yet?��

"Yes, young Miss. We can leave to your destination whenever you want."

"Alright, let's finish business here fast then." As soon as Lu Yao spoke, a knock was heard from the door.


Going to check who dares disturb his young Miss in the morning, Delvin opened the door.

Seeing who was at the door, Delvin didn't react as if he expected them. Toro presumptuously asked after looking at the situation. "Great Oracle, we came here to ask you something important. Can we enter?" Delvin let them in, without saying a word.

The situation became awkward when neither Tuil nor Delvin spoke, so it was up to Toro to talk again.

"Oracle, we came here asking if you know what happened to our relatives? They went to Patrol yesterday, but they never came back?" Toro's question, although looked harmless on the surface, was laced with doubt, as if he knew the answer and just wanted to confirm it.

"You mean those three bastards that dared fight the young Miss. Yes, we got rid of them. Do you have a problem with that?" Delvin answered as if he was speaking about some trash that he just threw away, making both Tuil and Toro mad.

Tuil couldn't handle it anymore and shot towards Delvin, who looked at him as if looking at an idiot. Before Tuil could reach him, he changed direction and avoided him. Using his top speed, Tuil tried to attack Lu Yao, who was behind Delvin.

Delvin didn't expect for the dumb Ogre to dare attack the young Miss, making him extremely mad. Unleashing his fall power, Delvin shook the entire Ash Expanse. Earthquakes started exploding, and volcanoes erupted in all the Ash Expanse.

Tuil, who was about to approach Lu Yao, suddenly exploded into pieces. The Mana in the room was so overwhelming and dense that it blew the whole Village. Everyone and everything in Altonia and even farther than it was destroyed into smithereens.

Lu Yao looked at the scene and gaped in surprise. But she quickly yelled as she remembered something, "DELVIN STOP. STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!!" Hearing Lu Yao's command, Delvin immediately reigned in his aura.

Looking around him, Delvin saw blood, flesh, and barely intact body parts. 'Is it that the young Miss wanted these people so much? Is that why she stopped me? Doesn't she know that when we go back home, she can get as many as she wants and even with better quality?' Delvin was utterly confused as to why Lu Yao stopped him.

They were planning to kill everyone anyway as she would like to use them as resources, and although he blew them up using his aura, that means he is that confident of getting her better 'food.'

Looking at Delvin's confused face, Lu Yao's face turned cold. Then with a tone laced with fury and threats, she said each word slowly, "If something happened to him. I will destroy you."

After seeing these words, Lu Yao left the destroyed Village and Altonia with the fastest speed she can currently muster. 'Please be safe. Be safe!!!!' Lu Yao thought fearfully.


"Have you felt that big brother?" A monkey asked a little kid that was flying through the void next to him.

"Yes." Answered the little kid with bright red eyes.

After finding Kul on his way to Xue Mo, Proud monkey decreased his speed and started moving alongside his brother.

"Although that energy was too weak for us. However, for Second brother right now, that energy is enough to eradicate him, and this energy that we just sensed came from the same place second brother's aura was being emitted from." Proud monkey tried to explain himself more clearly to his big brother.

"I know." Proud monkey was speechless. Ever since they have found out about their second brother's rebirth, Kul has been speaking less as if his mind is on something else.


'Doesn't matter big brother would never let anything happen to him, anyway. What am I so worried about?' Proud monkey thought while increasing his speed to match his big brother, who was slowly getting faster.

'Even if he says so little these days. Big brother is still big brother, worrying about second brother so much.' Proud thought with a chuckle.

"Don't think about useless things so much and increase your speed already." Kul suddenly spoke, making Proud speechless before increasing his speed.

Shaking his head faintly, Proud also increased his speed to keep up with Kul.


While three people that were worried about him were rushing for his position at their fastest speed, Xue Mo was fighting a metallic illusion rhinoceros.

After separating from Lu Yao, Xue Mo and Hesroth made their way to Westeros.

Westeros was a desert. Filled with earth and metal elements creatures, it housed one of the strongest creatures on the Ash Expanse.

The metallic illusion rhinoceros were creatures that came from an upper world and landed in the Ash Expanse. These creatures have both affinities for illusions and metals, making them the craftiest and most dangerous in the Ash Expanse.

Utilizing the extreme heat and the vast sand area of Westeros, these magical beasts had some degree of intelligence. They were able to trap their prey in illusions and make them feel as if they had walked for days without drinking or eating and draining their mental energies. When their prey is exhausted enough, they would use their metal properties and lock them down in things similar to cages.

It has been weeks since Xue Mo has arrived at Westeros, and in all these weeks, he had tried various methods to draw the metallic illusion rhinoceroses out, but it was all in vain.

Thanks to his various experiences and his special body, Xue Mo wasn't tired or felt mental fatigues after all this time. This is why he didn't encounter any metallic illusion rhinoceros, as they can sense if someone is faking it or not.

'Damn Yao'er has already finished from Altonia and is probably moving to Nivera, and I haven't even left Westeros even after weeks of being here.' Xue Mo complained.

Xue Mo suddenly felt something tickling him. He looked behind him and saw Hesroth affectionately hitting him while pointing with his bony head to the ground.

Understanding his gesture, Xue Mo grinned evilly before patting Hesroth while focusing his attention on where Hesroth pointed. 'Finally decided to come.' Xue Mo thought.

Xue Mo didn't move or react in any way that might alert the target. However, Xue Mo was secretly transferring Mana in him and concentrating it as he molded his blood and earth affinities separately.

Xue Mo suddenly turned in the direction of the unsuspected target and released his earth element, making the surrounding ground harden. Since it was a rhinoceros, its size was large, and although it could quickly move underground, it wasn't able to escape from the strength of Xue Mo's spell.

After locking it, Xue Mo used his blood affinity and started controlling it. Since Xue Mo already made the ground harden, he decided to also make it into spikes that hit the body of the metallic illusion Rhinoceros stopping it from casting illusion and somehow even penetrating its metallic body.


The injured rhinoceros yelled out in pain from getting injured, although the injury is small and almost negligible. Still, it was the first time for it to get hurt, so it didn't know this feeling before, and with Xue Mo's black-blood corroding it and controlling it, the rhinoceros wasn't able to do anything but scream.

Xue Mo let his spell slowly eat away at the rhinoceros blood and devour it, making it unable to react but stand there and slowly die.

Before Xue Mo can finish his task, suddenly, all the surrounding earth starts quaking and moving making all the surrounding sand sink downwards with Xue Mo, Hesroth, and the almost dead metallic illusion rhinoceros dive into it.

Xue Mo didn't panic as he saw the situation he was in, his experience allowed him to stay calm and analyze the situation, but he asked himself a question 'What the hell was that power?!'


Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1690 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)]

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 4000 points Chaos energy (New)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Realm: [Body tempering first stage] (No ranks or other things it can Infinitely be upgraded. no limit. Only Technique's grade is the only limit)]

Technique: Real Body Cultivation Technique



{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}