Village Destruction (3)

While Lu Yao and Delvin were thinking about different things, the trio of True Mages in the village were doing other things unknown to them that their fate has been sealed and their deaths are soon to come.


Akai the elf leaders home

Three people of different races were sitting comfortably on sandalwood chairs with a relaxed atmosphere in the air; these three were Akai the elf, Tuil the Ogre, and last but not least, Toro the Triant.

"SO AKAI WHY DID YOU CALL US HERE?" Tuil being as loud as usual, yelled at Akai, making the other two next to him grimace and close their eyes for a sec, but since they were used to it, they quickly recovered.

Toro was also curious as he shot Akai, a curious look, asking for an explanation. Seeing the two so eager to know, Akai chuckled before looking around him to see if someone was listening in on them. Although they were the strongest and most respected in the village other than Delvin and Lu Yao they still needed to make sure that no spy was buzzing around.

Making sure that only the three of them were here, Akai still didn't let up and conjured a barrier that will block anything from entering it. Seeing how severe and prepared Akai was, the other two stopped being relaxed and put on some grave faces.

"I brought you here to talk about what happened back then when the Oracle came back." Akai, being the smartass he is started talking after making sure no one below their levels would be able to breach that barrier or try anything without him noticing.

Akai's words got the other two's attention focused on him now more than ever as they are also curious about that fox that Delvin called young Miss and treated with respect as if he is her subordinate.

"You have also heard what the Oracle said back then and how he addressed that fox, right?" Getting a nod as confirmation, Akai continued, "Did you know that the Oracle our great leader is the butler of some high-ranking people in one of the Real System worlds. These are high-ranking and powerful individuals that we might never get the chance to meet again. Hell, even people in the Top grade world are some legendary people for us. I don't even know what a Real System world is, but from what I gathered after extensive research is that above our world, there exist other worlds, and Top-grade is the Grade above us. These people are so strong that we can't even compare to one-tenth of their power. I only found out about the Grades of the world by chance.

At that time, I was going to check on the Oracle and ask him when we were leaving when I heard him saying, 'Yes, Master. We are leaving soon. Yes, Master, I understand nothing must happen to that person, I will be sure to bring that person back when they agree to come with me. I won't force them. Yes, Master, I have the portal that will transfer us to a Real System World before we come to you. I know Master, me too. I am excited to meet that person finally.' That's all I was able to hear before the Oracle pushed the door open and asked what I want in an annoyed voice that almost scared me sh*tless.

From the way the Oracle talked to that person, it seemed that it is his superior, and with the Oracle's power, he surely would have known that I was outside the door, so why didn't he stop me from eavesdropping?" Hearing what Akai said, the other two were about to faint from so much information, but they knew Akai long enough to know he was telling the truth and wasn't lying, so they remained silent and waited for him to continue.

Akai didn't disappoint them, and as soon as he heard no answer from the other two, he continued: "The answer is obvious; it's because even if I knew I couldn't do anything and even if I could I wouldn't dare. From the looks on your faces, you want to say, 'Then why are you telling us this?' the reason my two friends are very simple..." Akai let his words trail off before finally saying with a greedy face: "Opportunity."

The other two were quickly able to catch what he meant as they both started to drift in their thoughts and started making plans. 'Hehe, as easy as tricking kids for food.'

While the other two Ogre and Triant were falling into Akai's hands as he used them, Akai started planning while remembering something that he didn't tell when he explained.

'The young Miss is what that person called. The Oracle called the Fox young Miss, so that means if I get close to the young Miss, I would be able to live and might even be able to go higher than I ever expected.' While Akai was stupidly thinking of ways to bootlike Lu Yao, he didn't know that Lu Yao was too lazy to finish them off today and was going to do it the next day.


Back to Lu Yao and Delvin

After finding Lu Yao, Delvin didn't try to pry Lu Yao open, ask her about her power, or how she went back to being a fox. He instead started acting like a butler and a servant as he asked her what she needed and started cooking dinner for her.

After several hours of her body growing and getting stronger, Lu Yao was done as she liked as she has grown by 3 centimeters. Still, her physical body's power has dramatically increased to the level where she can easily get one-shot mid-grade apprentice Mages without the need to reinforce her body with energy. However, she didn't test it out, but that's how she gauged it when she calculated her strength.

Delvin didn't ask her about anything or her skills, but he started telling her some common things about higher grade worlds that way if she decided not to go with him now and asked him to go away while she continued traveling worlds won't seem like a country bumpkin.

"Young Miss, I will now tell you about how many grades the worlds are divided into. There are seven grades that we know of, but this might not be the complete list, and there might even be some more advanced worlds out there. Anyway, here they are, young Miss. The grades of worlds are categorized into seven, where the Low Grade is the lowest, and the Real System world is the highest. Between them, there are mid Grade, High Grade, Top Grade, Soul grade world, System grade world.

These are common knowledge that anyone of a Real System Grade World knows. Now let me tell you something that you might not have known about. The system that you are currently using is, in truth, fake and something akin to a simulation. I can't go specifically into it for now as I am sure the Master would love to tell you about it personally." Seeing that Lu Yao wasn't surprised about this information shocked Delvin, but not much as he expected so after seeing her form and hearing about her when he was trying to find her.

After telling Lu Yao some more information about higher Grade worlds, Delvin prepared a bed for her as at the time he was finished, the sun had set, and it was midnight.


The Day after

Today was the day that a massacre would ensue in a quiet village of Altonia. Still, no one knew about that, so the scene of the village was harmonious and serene, unknowing to the people when the young Miss that the Oracle brought the day before woke up would be the day their demise and death starts.

While everyone was working and Lu Yao was sleeping comfortably in a bed that Delvin got out from his storage device, an evil and greedy trio were making plans that will surely get them tortured.

"Tuil, are you sure about us doing this? What if Akai was lying to us or just trying to tempt and use us as test subjects?" Toro asked as he followed Tuil the Ogre to the Oracle's home.

After thinking about what Akai said the day before and remembering how he didn't even care or ask when his nephew didn't come back with the other two, they got worried and decided to go to the Oracle and ask.

"OF COURSE, I AM SURE." Tuil was yelling as always; however, his bloodshot eyes and his angry voice gave reason to his screaming this time.

Calming down, Tuil said in an unusually quiet voice, which made him seem more terrifying than when he screamed, "The Oracle went to the place where my son and the other two went, but he only came back with that fox, don't you know what that means? My son is probably…. My son is dead; I'm sure of it." Although he knew that he was no match for the Oracle, he wanted to try at least and kill that weak looking fox even if her identity was as big as what Akai described, the only thing that matters to Tuil now is his revenge.

"I know how you feel my granddaughter is missing too, but what if we die in vain and cannot get revenge?" Although Toro was also mad, he still had a shred of reasonability in him as he asked a critical question that made even Tuil stop in his place.

Tuil hesitated for a while before steeling his resolve and continuing his walk. Seeing this, Toro didn't stop him but also caught up with him as they were both ready to give their lives if what they speculated was true; revenge and dying are better than living and remembering their loved ones while their killers still roam free.


Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1690 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)]

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 4000 points Chaos energy (New)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Realm: [Body tempering first stage] (No ranks or other things it can Infinitely be upgraded. no limit. Only Technique's grade is the only limit)]

Technique: Real Body Cultivation Technique



{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}