
"Can't you stop your bullsh*t. Haven't you realized that if your so-called savior, the Oracle truly wanted to help you, that you wouldn't be here with me being dragged and about to get tortured?" Lu Yao finally got annoyed by either Ogma's naiveness or stupidity. She slapped him in the face with the truth and made him wake up.

"I-I" Ogma had nothing to say to refute what Lu Yao had said, so he shut up while letting her drag him quietly.


Lu Yao threw Ogma's enormous body next to Phante with ease. If anyone looked at the scene, they would wonder how such a small fox would be able to handle an Ogre with Ogma's size so easily. This is the benefit that Lu Yao got from empowering her body with Chaos energy; with it, she can have a strength her body shouldn't have been able to handle before.

'Were people stupid before? How come no one was able to find out the benefit of infusing energies into the body. They can enhance their physical prowess, and it can be used in so many ways. How can I forget that Mo is smart, unlike these wanna be smart-asses who think they know everything? My Mo is brilliant, after all.' While Ogma was shaking in fear while looking at Phate's corpse, Lu Yao was thinking of how awesome Xue Mo was.

It was too weird. Lu Yao, someone who always hated men and was disgusted with them, was so easily able to like Xue Mo when she first met him after she woke up. 'Is it what people call love at first sight? Impossible. It was too sudden, and Mo said the same thing happened to him when he saw me?' Lu Yao kept trying to find ways that explain how Xue Mo and her were able to like each other so fast.

'Anyway, it's been almost two years. These two years were the happiest of my life. I was always fighting and trying to get stronger before, but in these two years, I was able to learn new things, spend time with someone I don't find detestable and annoying. Someone that I truly… love.' Lu Yao had an epiphany. Although she and Xue Mo had confessed their love to each other before, they both knew deep down that it might be because they spent time together that Xue Mo and her just got used to each other, so they easily were able to say I love you to the other. Still, now for the first time, Lu Yao had indeed started seeing Xue Mo as someone she loved.

'It's as they say when you put some distance between you and someone else, only then will you find out your true feelings to them.

I hope Xue Mo still feels the same way he always felt about me.' After sorting her feelings out in an unknown situation, Lu Yao started to worry that Xue Mo will be the one to begin doubting their relationship.

To clear her mind that started becoming a mess with ideas that she previously never thought she would have like love, Lu Yao decided to start Ogma's torture session.

"You are a lucky one….. eh, what was it that these two called you. Oh, right, Ogma? Ogma, you are fortunate. You should be glad to be the first person that I will try this new torture technique that I just thought about on." Lu Yao spoke out loud, both to clear her mind and terrify Ogma even more.

Not giving him the chance to waste more of her precious time, Lu Yao directly conjured up a bolt of lightning in one hand and a purple-colored fireball in the other.

If Xue Mo were here, he would be surprised that he didn't know that Lu Yao had her fire's purity reach a level that is higher than Sakamoto's blue flame. This shows that although Lu Yao and Xue Mo do trust each other. But subconsciously, there was a limit to that trust since they didn't truly open up to each other about their past, since they didn't share these sensitive and vital parts with each other yet.

'After I see Mo, I will be completely honest with him…. Even about that.' Lu Yao unknowingly decided to do something that Xue Mo had already wanted to share after they rampaged in the Battle Mage Academy.

Xue Mo has waited till Lu Yao was ready to trust him completely, and at that time, he will also share his miserable and painful past with her.

Seeing the weird-looking fire and lightning, Ogma gasped in surprise. 'Stage 3 fire purity and stage 2 lightning purity?!!! What is this fox? What kind of creature have I offended?!!!' It was too late for regrets, and Ogma knew that which is why he stopped resisting and started hoping for a quick death, but he subconsciously knew he wouldn't get it.

Lu Yao had chosen fire since she can slowly cook Ogma alive while lightning so she can fry his internal organs and melt them.

Lu Yao didn't waste time as she started directing the blue lightning in her hand and laid it inside Ogma's body, making him start spasming and crying out in pain.

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" His voice was even worse than Phante's screams.

Phante at least had his bones broken, and his arms cut off while Ogma had lightning of the second purity stage invade his body and wreak havoc in it. Everywhere the lightning went, Ogma's blood vessels, nerves, muscles, and cells died and got burnt.

Lu Yao started concentrating the lightning near his internal organs, making the situation even worse, as the lightning began condensing and slowly burnt and destroyed his organs. Some of them started to melt by the heat the electricity emitted, while others were electrocuted and died directly. The only reason that Ogma was still alive because, with the destruction of lightning, Lu Yao also sent a wave of healing energy from her holy element; that way, Ogma can live more and suffer even worse.

'This is fun.'

Lu Yao didn't forget the fire in her hand as she started to burn Ogma's skin, starting from his toes. Lu Yao concentrated and condensed her fireball so no energy would be lost. And all of it will be used to burn Ogma's body.

After twenty or so minutes, Lu Yao had stopped and looked at her masterpiece.

Ogma laid on the ground with all his skin cooked into medium-well look, some of his internal organs were protruding outside from the looks of it his body couldn't handle all the torture and started bursting his Organs as consequences. While some Organs were scattered across Ogma's body, others were black as charcoal, and others were melted as iron from the heat.

Overall, Ogma looked completely different from an Ogre, and even butchers and experienced torturers would look at him with pity.

After she finished admiring her work, Lu Yao noticed that the sound coming from Yoru was even worse than when she tortured Ogma and Phante together. 'Is he that good at torturing? I should let Xue Mo help me get better in the ways of inflicting pain.' Hearing the way Yoru screamed from Delvin's torture made Lu Yao even more determined to up her torture lessons.

In Lu Yao's mind, no one is better than Xue Mo at torturing others. She had witnessed his work with her eyes, and she didn't have another word other than 'Perfection' when she remembered the scene.

Lu Yao and Xue Mo aren't complete sadists who like to see people in pain, but they do love inflicting in the most possible vicious and scary way.

Lu Yao held the dead Ogma above her head and made her way to where Delvin was torturing Yoru.

The scene was comical as Lu Yao held an Ogre five times her size with ease as she walked with ease while doing it. 'I should get myself a space ring. It's more convenient than I thought, hopefully, something special like Mo's we can even match.' Lu Yao thought.

When she arrived, Lu Yao saw Delvin holding in his hand a ball of light that was shaped like Yoru while Yoru's body was lying on the ground.

'Is this the Soul manifestation Mo'er talked about?' Lu Yao got curious and approached Delvin, who was wholly concentrated on Yoru.

He was holding a green-colored fire that made her whole being shake in its presence. Thanks to her Soul cultivation and her having a unique Soul called the Chaos Soul Lu Yao was able to sense the danger emanating from that small green-colored fireball that Delvin was burning Yoru's Soul with.

Lu Yao threw Ogma's body on the ground while she approached Delvin to see him work more up close.

Seeing Lu Yao coming, Delvin accelerated his work and torture while Yoru's screams intensified, making the quiet forest seem evil.

"I want her body intact, but you can do whatever with unnecessary parts."

"As you command my young Miss."

'It's about time I delayed it long enough.' Lu Yao thought while licking her lips devilishly, making a shiver run down Yoru's nonexistent Soul spine since she's just a Soul.


Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1690 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)]

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 4000 points Chaos energy (New)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control



{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}