
Xue Mo sensed other creatures coming from the direction the goblin was roaming in. 'He must have called for reinforcements when he felt my presence, or am I just being paranoid? And they were patrolling the area.' Xue Mo thought before looking closely to see that what was coming towards him were more goblin and even a blue-colored muscular creature with a club in his hand leading them.

The aura of the blue-colored creature exuded was definitely stronger than the goblin he just killed, and not by a small amount, while the goblins near him had the aura similar to the goblin he killed, but some of them were weaker.

'Trolls and goblins…. This world shouldn't have powerful creatures at their levels. The Troll seemed to be at the Magic GrandMaster level from what I can tell, although I haven't met one the aura he radiates is stronger than the peak Magic Master goblin I killed.' Xue Mo fell in deep thought as he remembered that the Ash Expanse was a weak world and shouldn't have that kind of power.

'Now that I think about it…. What was that power?!! It wasn't near me, but it felt stronger than the raw power my SSP energy can exude, it is definitely Something this world shouldn't have. Was I too naïve to think that nothing will be able to stop Lu Yao and me under at least a high-grade world's power?' Xue Mo pondered briefly before focusing his attention on the creatures in front of him.

Before Xue Mo moved, he suddenly saw as the dead goblin on the ground evaporated into nothingness, and weird particles started approaching him, Xue Mo tried to dodge. Still, his body and instincts stopped as if telling him that it won't harm him.

Xue Mo let the shining particles enter his body and move towards his 'Heart Core,' disappearing into it just like the energies he has. Xue Mo didn't ponder over this anymore but swiftly killed the creatures in front of him, not even letting them react.


Sounds of pigs getting slaughtered almost rang out from the cave, but Xue Mo used his chains to stop them from screaming and swiftly breaking their necks.

In less than 10 seconds, over 35 goblins and one Troll died at the hands of Xue Mo, and just like the goblin previously were reduced to shining particles that Xue Mo's 'Heart Core' greedily absorbed.

As Xue Mo advanced, more trolls and goblins appeared in front of him. With the increased number, the strength of the opponents had risen too, turning the weak Magic Master and early Magic Grandmaster level creatures into creatures with the middle, high, peak Magic Grandmasters and even True Mage level creatures.

Xue Mo didn't find any trouble disposing of them, as in front of him, they were all weaklings. Even if they had raw strength and power from their Mana, Xue Mo had his energies that can contend with the Divine Celestial Stage cultivators, with this kind of arsenal, not just any out of the mill creature can contend with him.

After getting to the mid-stage True Mage level, the creatures started becoming diverse, with many of them taking on different forms or having weapons fit for their abilities.


Even though they are weaklings and can be blown away easily by a sweep of Xue Mo's energies, their numbers were still too much and annoying, with the new professions that they have hindering him even further.

A water arrow was just about to arrive next to Xue Mo before being deflected by his chains. Although this was tedious and annoying, Xue Mo didn't mind as he found an opportunity to train his energies and fine-tune his control over them while also facing a semi-life and death battle through the sheer number of opponents he is facing.


A shadow goblin just tried to assassinate Xue Mo with his dagger, but before it even got close, Xue Mo had already thrown an arrow made from pure mana at it, swiftly killing it.

Although Xue Mo's Mana cannot currently compare to these creatures, thanks to his 'Heart Core' purifying it over time, the aura of it has condensed and can be used by him for various means.

Xue Mo was enjoying himself as he felt free; the only thing he had been doing was killing. For a whole day, Xue Mo had killed nonstop. 100, 400, 600, Xue Mo had lost count of how many creatures he had killed after an entire day of nonstop walking through the expanding cave.

After another half a day, Xue Mo had arrived at an area filled to the brim with peak True Mage creatures. Some of them were wearing robes, and others were wearing basic armor and holding various weapons protecting the robed figures. Xue Mo noticed a monster in the back, commanding all these creatures; this one was different from the rest.

He looked like a Troll but had two heads and red skin and was speaking in some kind of language that Xue Mo understood thanks to his bloodlines. ^Kill him! We cannot let whatever that thing is to get behind the door!?? Master is still recuperating from the resurrection process; he needs time to recover, so delay that 'thing' with whatever you can. Use your bodies as meatshields, sacrifice yourself, use whatever means just delay or even kill whatever that 'thing' is.^

Maybe thinking that Xue Mo wouldn't be able to understand him, the weird Troll with an aura too strong even for those around him commanded the various True Mage monsters around him before pointing at Xue Mo; with wary and fearful glances every time he spoke 'thing.'

'Hooo, that mutation actually knows I'm not some filthy human. How? My disguise is flawless! My shapeshifting ability should be able to stop anyone from ever figuring out what I am, and with my experience, it is easy to make myself look like a human.' Xue Mo was now even more curious to know what is happening in this dungeon.

Previously he thought that the creatures here might not be real or just some kind of creatures that have bodies without any actual mental faculties. But hearing the mutated Troll forced Xue Mo to stop thinking that as not only can the Troll speak clearly, the expression it displayed was real and genuine, making Xue Mo baffled.

'What's happening here exactly? How can these creatures truly think? Are they really 'alive'? Does that mean that their natural forms are those shining particles that my 'Heart Core' keeps absorbing? Whatever is happening here, it seems like the answer to my questions should be behind that door the red mutation is protecting.' Although Xue Mo's questions kept increasing with the baffling scene and the weird happenings that had been transpiring ever since he entered this 'Dungeon.' But there is one thing that is clear to Xue Mo, and that is the answers should be behind the door where the Master the red Troll spoke of should be.

Xue Mo was calm in the face of all the enemies surrounding him. Since it wasn't the first time this had happened to him, when he was weak and on the run back in the Divine Hell Universe, this situation was very regular for him.

Instead, Xue Mo felt like him, as a feeling of bloodthirst exuded from him, and his clear cold-blooded eyes stared at the monsters in formations that would even rule high-grade worlds with ease. Xue Mo didn't waste any time. He neither talked to them, delayed anything, or just asked. The only thing Xue Mo did was lunge forward to attack.

As if to respond to Xue Mo's attacks, the army of goblins and trolls started their battle cries before launching various attacks at Xue Mo. The goblin sorcerers and Troll shamans released their magic and assaulted Xue Mo with separate and combined attacks. While the Mages in the backs were attacking from range, the warriors up front weren't idling by. They were also attacking with their weapons, trying to delay him or stop him so the concentrated magic attacks can finish him off.

Seeing through their crude plans, Xue Mo, instead of continuing his assault, stopped in his place and shut his eyes.

Slowly, from Xue Mo, a shadowy black miasma was spreading outwardly. At first, it was slow and steady, but before long, it enveloped Xue Mo's visage. It didn't stop there, the black dark and frightening miasma made its way towards the Trolls and Goblins, around Xue Mo.

It slowly seeped into their bodies, making them stop in their places before many screams rang out through the hall. All the infected monsters were crying out in agony. Some of them died and became shining particles that headed to Xue Mo's 'Heart Core' while others fell and died on the spot.

The ones who died and didn't disappear into particles but were bleeding from all their orifices as a look of fright and horror was shown on all their faces, making the others and even the red mutated Troll baffled at what's happening to their companions. This is the effect that Xue Mo's SSP energy has done to the infected monsters, immobilizing them and killing them slowly from the inside, this, however, wasn't the only thing it did, as it also sucked the nutrients and everything beneficial it can take from the dead bodies turning them into mummies.

In minutes an army of millions has been killed off and consumed by Xue Mo, leaving only the dumbstruck red mutated Troll who stared at Xue Mo with even more scared and horror-filled stares than he had before.

^You wanted to kill me. You wanted to protect whatever is behind that door. Well, too bad you dumb troll, mutated or not, you are dumb. Revealing all your plans so openly while thinking that the enemy doesn't understand your language is the stupidest move I've seen. Even those humans who disgust me to no end are better than this. Tsk Tsk. Anyway, now what to do with you.^ Xue Mo suddenly spoke the Trolls language, making him look at Xue Mo with an even stranger look than before, just as he was about to say Something, Xue Mo cut off one of its two heads making it fall down on the ground while spraying blood all over Xue Mo.

^W-What are you?!!!!!^ The one headed Troll cried out in fear and desperation. Looking at the blood-soaked humanoid creature made it feel as if it was looking at some kind of devilish and evil creature. No, he was even more frightening and sinister than those devils and demons he heard about from his Master.

^Something not human.

Usually, we would have some conversation about me threatening you to reveal answers that I want to know or me using my soul technique to search you, but that is considering you even know Something. From the looks of it, you don't know anything but what the Master behind that door taught you. Since that's the case, I have no reason to keep you alive. As for why I even bothered saying all this to you, it is just for this look on your face, Yup, that's the look, the frightened and totally despair filled face. So satisfying. Anyway.^ Xue Mo didn't even finish his words and just cut off the rest of the red mutated Troll and let his SSP energy consume it.

After Xue Mo got rid of the last 'threat' in this 'Dungeon,' he started staring at the Black, golden door in front of him.


Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1690 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)]

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 4000 points Chaos energy (New)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Realm: [Body tempering first stage] (No ranks or other things it can Infinitely be upgraded. no limit. Only Technique's grade is the only limit)]

Technique: Real Body Cultivation Technique



{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}