
After finishing with the Troll, Xue Mo returned his serious countenance before staring with a solemn expression at the door; the dangers of it might be more than he can handle. But as always, Xue Mo wasn't just some weak cultivator, and he knows that where risks are opportunities usually follow. Xue Mo isn't scared for his life like some weak cultivators, or otherwise, he wouldn't be aiming for the peak, but even so, he still wants to prepare some things that might help him escape if he encounters Something above his current power level.

Xue Mo had thought of various ways that might help him escape, but with his current resources and power, he narrowed his options down to two. Xue Mo can use his Intangible, and ghostly ability to escape from whatever threat that might be over him safely, or he can try to combine his two energies and get some boost that might help him survive or even kill the threat.

After making up some plans and sorting his thoughts out while clearing out his mind of any distracting thoughts, Xue Mo had quickly readied his mind and prepared himself for an unlikely outcome. Such things were normal for him, who was always on the run or fighting people all his life, so it was no problem for him to get in battle mode.

Xue Mo started approaching the Golden Black gigantic door in front of him. While standing in front of the door, Xue Mo truly felt that even if he tried his best, he might only be able to destroy it but at the cost of using all his power in the process.

In front of the door, Xue Mo had a solemn expression on his face, but unlike how he acted when he met the chains that locked the Divine Hell Universe and was rash to try to destroy them with his power. Instead, Xue Mo tried the simplest way to see if it worked after finding no keyhole in it. Xue Mo put his hands on the door. As his hands touched the icy cold door, he gently pushed forward.

Xue Mo found no difficulty in opening the door, different from his thoughts or preparations to try to find ways to open it. 'Indeed. I've grown.' In the past, Xue Mo would have tried to forcefully open the door or try some other unnecessary methods to open it. Still, now after his experiences with the seal that locked the Divine Hell Universe, Xue Mo started using gentler and less forceful methods to achieve results.

Entering the door, Xue Mo was met with a big hall that looks like a throne room. No, it was a throne room. The walls were shining with the same color as the door. The Dark Gold brilliance gave the hall an eerie look, and the darkness of the room doesn't help with changing the viewer's mind.

This wasn't Xue Mo's first time in places like this, so he ignored his surroundings and concentrated his eyes on the figure standing on the throne. The figure's eyes were open and staring at him as if looking at an ant, while a mocking expression was plastered on his face.

He was a young man looking in his teens with dark hair and eyes. Though he looked young, Xu Mo was able to recognize from the power emanating out of him. It was different from the magic power that people have here. It was more akin to a cultivator's power of utilizing True Arch energy. Xue Mo could tell from the vitality he exudes that his cultivation is in a realm that Xue Mo hadn't reached before, Something he longed for but couldn't get in the Divine Hell Universe.

"Welcome to my humble abode, young one." The voice that came out from the young teen was old and wise, with the look that he was staring at Xue Mo with, he appeared like a wise majestic king looking at an innocent child.

"It has been a very long time since I have been called young." Xue Mo replied curtly.

The young man wasn't bothered by Xue Mo's attitude as he continued: "I see. So you are a cultivator who was reincarnated. I have seen many of those who try to reincarnate to try to reach higher levels of powers, but unlike them, you seem kind of different." The figure's words made Xue Mo look at him in a new light as he was able to figure out his identity easily.

After saying that, the young man closed his eyes before releasing some kind of probing power that appeared over Xue Mo and engulfed him in it. Xue Mo tried resisting to no avail, which let his heart sink before he could try ways to retaliate. Xue Mo suddenly felt the power leave as quickly as it came, making it appear as if it was an illusion.

"Poor Child. You had a rough childhood, it seems. Hunted and oppressed, almost getting enslaved for your uniqueness. That's when you descended into your path and became the Sage of Darkness. A power that none other than you can achieve. With your potential, you would have long surpassed the Divine Celestial Stage in my Universe.


Although for some reason, I cannot see your memories after reincarnating, I won't probe any further. Your destiny is far greater than you think, and I feel that your true Origin is extraordinary." The way the figure talked and the words he said made Xue Mo go through different states of expression. But the most blaring part was that the killing intent he exuded made the dark and eerie hall seem as if it was now a land of slaughter, as if the Asura himself had descended.

Although Xue Mo had quickly suppressed his killing intent and reined it in after seeing that, he is entirely powerless and under the mercy of the Man in front of him, but after hearing Man's next words, Xue Mo relaxed slightly. "Don't worry, child, for you may think that I am powerful, but I have been significantly weakened, and from what I can feel of the energy you exude, you have the power to kill me easily.

You surely have many questions, but I cannot give you answers as this might hinder your journey forward, but there is Something I can tell you. Before I tell you, care to listen to a story, young one?" Xue Mo, although reluctant to submit at first, but his curiosity got the better of him, so he let the Man continue as he approached him to sit in the seat that the Man pointed to.

"There is no need for the cold attitude, but seeing your memories, I understand that this is the real you, so don't try to suppress yourself here." Hearing the mysterious and unfathomable Man in front of him, Xue Mo stopped trying to reign his emotions in, as his usual cold and stoic expression appeared on his handsome face, making him look as if the god of beauty had descended.

"Damn, if you were in my world, you would have been able to get all the girls crawling for you with that kind of face." Hearing Man's words, Xue Mo almost jumped on him for these words while inwardly thinking, 'Can these good for nothings even compare to one strand of my Yao's fur? Of course not, and even if they can, I wouldn't even look at them. Only My Yao is worthy of touching me.'

The figure ignored Xue Mo's increased cold look after his words were uttered, and continued while taking on a serious countenance, making Xue Mo concentrate, as he knew the figure's words might open him to a truth he didn't know of before. "From your memories, I can tell that the world you came from is entirely lacking in actual Cultivation power and civilization, though they have reached a high power level somehow their knowledge is only equal to a high-grade world of this Universe.

I won't comment much and let you discover the truth yourself, but I can tell you about the next level after the Divine Celestial stage; the immortal stage.

Although you may seem to have started cultivating an unorthodox path and from what I can tell, even I don't know where your path leads. But I can tell it's genuine and potential might even surpass my Universe's cultivation knowledge. Anyhow, the Immortal realm, let's talk about that. It might be called the Immortal realm, but it's actually not the last realm or has anything to do with Immortality, for as you will later learn, nothing is truly immortal.

The immortal realm is the stage where you have to combine the laws you understood with your physical body and change its constitution into the laws itself. Whereas long as a part of you has a trace of law energy in it, you will never die, and that is the reason it is called the immortal realm.

Although I wanted to tell you my story first, I opted to give you this information now, for I might not have enough time to finish what I want to say later."

After explaining to Xue Mo some things, the young man went silent and closed his eyes before going silent for a while, as if organizing his thoughts after a while. He opened his eyes and began to speak again.


Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1690 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)]

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 4000 points Chaos energy (New)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Realm: [Body tempering first stage] (No ranks or other things it can Infinitely be upgraded. no limit. Only Technique's grade is the only limit)]

Technique: Real Body Cultivation Technique



{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}