
With Nathan's shout, a giant tornado materialized. It was bigger than the one heading for Xue Mo and was blue. Also, it was moving anti-clockwise, unlike the original tornado.

Xue Mo watched it with a calm face and narrowed eyes. He knew that this wasn't Nathan's most potent attack, but he felt excitement coursing through him as he felt the heat emitting from the tornado. Still, Xue Mo didn't move. The first tornado was almost upon him.

Nathan watched with curious eyes. His opponent wasn't moving even after his attacks; if he underestimated him after all this, he must be stupid. Yet, contrary to before, Xue Mo did something this time.

Xue Mo's black smoke was slowly accumulating around him; with it, a corrosive air arrived. The black smoke was starting to erode the wind. Once the fire tornado neared him, it started heating up and crackling, as if it hit a wall.

The tornado stopped in place and started dying out. The corrosive smoke nullified the fire and dispersed in the air, yet it didn't leave and instead turned into more corrosive smoke. The smoke destroyed the tornado and took the wind that it accumulated around it to increase the corrosive fog.

Nathan's eyes almost popped out. He didn't know how this was possible; darkness magic wasn't like this. Although it was corrosive, Darkness magic didn't have this ability that Xue Mo was doing.

Nathan, although knew about the Assassination Academy but didn't know about Qi. He thought that Xue Mo was using Mana, and although he didn't sense the mana fluctuation, he didn't have any reason to doubt his theory. So, he attributed Xue Mo's standing in place as stupid, but what was happening now!

Xue Mo didn't move an inch nor cast anything, he just released his element, and his offensive got canceled. Nathan was in revere but didn't stay still. Even when the blue tornado didn't arrive at Xue Mo's position, Nathan decided to bombard him with attacks.

"Blaze Arrows! Wind Slash! Hell Blaze! Air Spikes! Water current! Wind Enhancement! Combination Magic Ice Stalactites!" Nathan said in one breath. He saw how Xue Mo took care of his first attack quickly, so he decided not to give him any room to move and send multiple strikes at once.

Xue Mo stood staring at the large and heavy attacks in front of him with nonchalance. His aura spiked as he moved.


The ground under him collapsed as he launched himself into the battlefield. He was heading into the center where the attacks were coming from; if anyone saw him, they would think he was crazy. But, Xue Mo had a plan as he knew that this wasn't the strongest attack of Nathan!

Xue Mo's shadow blurred as if he teleported and appeared in front of the blazing arrows. They were more concentrated than the flaming tornado and were too many as Nathan kept on making more. First, he stopped in place and flicked the arrows with a brown colored ball that appeared out of nowhere. Xue Mo used his earth affinity to make it.

It was a flick in Nathan's eyes, but Xue Mo threw the balls with incredibly fast speed as if playing baseball. With every hit, the arrows' trajectory either deviated or they exploded. Seeing that green-colored slices were trying to sneak in from inside the explosion, Xue Mo just used his corrosive smoke to do what it did to the tornado previously.

While Xue Mo was dealing with these two attacks, several fire columns that seemed even more concentrated than the arrows arrived, they were all around him, locking him in a circle while one was under him. Xue Mo quickly avoided the attacks nimbly, soaring through them as if dancing. Even when the other attacks were still assaulting him, Xue Mo was still calm.

He decided to continue moving forward as Nathan was still throwing more strikes on him. He started advancing while nimbly nullifying, avoiding, or even parrying some attacks; he truly seemed in his natural element. His experience was finally shining.

However, before he could leave the area he was in and dive forward, he suddenly withdrew.


Ice shaped icicles and green colored balls with spikes protruding out of them appeared in his previous position. They were razor-sharp, and any cut from them would have injured Xue Mo. Nathan was starting his real attacks.

If previously, Xue Mo's figure appeared relaxed before it was now serious. Nathan was starting to show his real power, and he would finally get the fight he wanted. A real-life and death battle. Nathan didn't know that Xue Mo thought his previous attacks were child's play in his eyes. These attacks would usually kill people like cabbages!

Nathan had been keeping his eyes on Xue Mo; he saw how he started taking things seriously as he moved faster than before, and even his moves and attacks had become more fluent. Nathan decided to go all out.

Frost suddenly started spreading on the previously green and beautiful ground. In no time, the whole battlefield had become ice, and with it, the temperature became a few degrees lower.

When the ice was about to reach him, Xue Mo retreated and jumped in the air, avoiding getting frozen. When he reached his position, the whole ground had become ice. Yet, the river was left alone. It seemed Nathan was going to use it for something.

Both opponents kept looking at each other without talking just as when the battle started. Nathan observed Xue Mo and tried to estimate just how much energy he has left, but Xue Mo's state wasn't giving him any definitive information that he could use.

"Let's make this our last attack," Nathan's voice appeared tired. But Xue Mo knew that wasn't the case. Although Nathan was indeed tired, he still had 20% of his Mana left; he gauged it as he kept his eyes on the magician while avoiding his attacks.

Even so, Xue Mo wasn't much better. He was just a newly advanced True Arch Condensation cultivator; even if he had more energy and purity than normal, he still used too much power.

If Xue Mo compared the Magic power-system to the Qi power-system, then his newly advanced True Arch Condensation power was the same as a freshly promoted Magic Master. Yet, he was fighting a Magic Grandmaster who had been at that level for a long time. This was due to his experience, reflexes and because he wasn't used to his new cultivation.

Xue Mo was slowly getting used to utilizing his power with Nathan's help. Soon, he would completely be able to utilize it and won't have any problems in the True Arch Condensation realm.

Nathan took Xue Mo's silence as a rejection of his offer. Yet, contrary to his expectation, Xue Mo answered, "if I agree to your proposal," Xue Mo stopped talking for a few minutes putting the exhausted Nathan on edge. "Then You have to go all out!"

Xue Mo said that with a solemn voice. Nathan just stared at him while thinking, 'do you have to stop talking? Why make it that dramatic? Are you messing with me?!!' But he didn't voice these thoughts out loud. He just sighed and nodded.

Xue Mo narrowed his eyes while retaking his fighting position. This will be a tough fight!