Water Golem


While Xue Mo and Nathan were about to move, the sound of water splashing caught their attention. Suddenly Xue Mo's instincts went haywire screaming danger, which made him roll to the side. Right after he did that, an explosion sounded.


In Xue Mo's previous position stood what seemed to be a water monster. Its body was made of water and had the shape of a human. Its face had two glowing orbs in the eyes while its mouth had razor-sharp teeth made of ice.

The water monster had hair that seemed like steam and blades made of ice for hands. It looked like a ferocious humanoid monster.

"Hoh, you were able to avoid it?" Nathan sounded amused and surprised. "It seems I couldn't finish you off in one sitting, but it doesn't matter. With this water golem here, even if you were in your peak condition, you wouldn't be able to win, never mind how exhausted you are now?"

Nathan acted as if he already won, with a 'how about that' face, he seemed to be looking down on Xue Mo. Yet, the latter was an expressionless as if he didn't hear anything. He looked at the water golem and shrugged.

Xue Mo saw no reason to talk anymore; he just took a deep breath and looked at the golem ignoring Nathan. He used his True Arch Energy and conjured a brown sphere. It slowly morphed and elongated, taking the shape of a spear.

After he made the spear, Xue Mo used more energy and added dark, white, and green energy. The spear morphed again as it became multicolored, yet this took a lot of energy and concentration out of Xue Mo, making him sweat a little.

At his level, cultivators shouldn't be able to make something like a spear or something as big at their level, but Xue Mo was different. Although it took him a lot of concentration and mental energy to maintain the form, he could make a spear.

Nathan got arrogant seeing his water golem almost kill Xue Mo before, so he let him do whatever he wants, thinking that he already won. Xue Mo noticed his arrogance, and he used it to make the spear.

Xue Mo's black sclera eyed Nathan and spoke, "you are foolish. You confirmed my theory that those kings and queens that inherit their positions are worthless idiots!"

Xue Mo's words angered the 200-year-old man, "water golem attack! DESTROY THAT MAN!"


The water golem followed its master's order and, with a speed that Xue Mo could barely follow, attacked. Xue Mo was slightly exhausted as he gave the spear most of his concentration so he couldn't dodge the fast golem's strike.


Knowing that he would get seriously injured if he didn't do anything, Xue Mo decided to parry the attack. The two blades and spear brushed past each other, making the sound of metals hitting as Xue Mo and the golem retreated.

Again, the golem attacked Xue Mo in the same way; however, the latter plunged and rolled between its legs. Xue Mo turned around and released a strike from the spear on the golem; dark and green lights came out of the spear at the impact point, injuring the golem.


The golem howled in pain as it tried to slice Xue Mo's off by a back-end slice yet failing. Xue Mo had already gone into its blind spot and pointed the spear at the golem before releasing a red fireball.

The fireball came from the golem's blind spot, so it didn't see it making it explode upon hitting it. Once the water left the golem's body, it froze and became a chunk of ice; the atmosphere had already become colder after Nathan froze the ground.

For some reason, the golem didn't regenerate the lost part, making it seem like a living creature that permanently lost that part. Xue Mo didn't let up and attacked again, this time he jumped in the air and slashed down horizontally with his spear, hitting the golem's face.

The golem lost half of its ice teeth as soon as the spear sliced it. Just like that, Xue Mo kept attacking the golem and slowly obliterating it, while the latter couldn't even touch or do anything other than becoming a target practice and dying.

Nathan watched everything with a horrified face. He bet everything on the golem as that spell was a gift from the red-robed lady. In the Ash Expanse, everyone knew that the golem spell was a myth, but when the red-robed lady contacted him and gave it to him, he found out that it wasn't. Yet, that extremely powerful spell was being played with by Xue Mo.

Nathan knew that once the golem died, his turn would come, and that's why he wasn't just idling by but trying to recover his Mana. Yet, Xue Mo was almost done with the golem, and his turn would come. The worst part was that he wasn't done recovering. At most, he got 3% more, making his total amount reach 8%.

Xue Mo didn't forget Nathan and had his eyes on him if he tried to sneak attack him, but seeing the latter's ragged and heavy breath, he knew that he had lost his will. He won't be able to give him a fight anymore.

Xue Mo had known from the start that Nathan was planning something when he saw him freeze everything but the river, and Nathan's small fluctuation of Mana that he tried to hide in their stand off-break confirmed his suspicion.

There was a reason Xue Mo let Nathan do all that. It was because he wanted to use Nathan to the fullest and finally get used to his power, and thanks to the golem's appearance, he did it. The spear that Xue Mo made using all the affinities that he had, without training, most of them proved it. After all, Xue Mo couldn't have done that previously. But, after gaining full control, he did it!

Nathan didn't know that Xue Mo was playing with him from the beginning, this whole fight was just Xue Mo playing him, and now that he's done, the fight would end.

The golem was almost dead by now, its body was missing almost all parts, and only the upper half remained, but seeing no use for it anymore, Xue Mo finished it with a passing strike dispersing it into the surrounding.

Nathan fell on his knees as soon as Xue Mo dealt with the golem. He had lifeless eyes as he knew that he would die. Looking at Xue Mo walking towards him, Nathan, with trembling lips, begged, "you can do anything to me, but please leave my son!"

Nathan knew what his fate would be, so he tried to let his son live. That way, the Udanem bloodline would continue. But Xue Mo didn't reply and walked, making Nathan's heart turn colder with every step that Xue Mo took.

When Xue Mo was in front of the miserable magician, he raised his hand and struck his nape, knocking him unconscious. Lu Yao also came at that moment and hopped onto her usual place on Xue Mo's shoulder.

Ignoring her, Xue Mo took a communication device that Hesroth gave him and called. In no time, the image of Hesroth appeared similar to the way the red-robed woman appeared to Nathan.

"Hesroth greets the Divine one," Hesroth said while cupping his fist. "Has your mission been successful?"

Xue Mo didn't say anything. He just pointed at the unconscious Nathan and said with a smirk, "Hesroth, we need to talk."