Cultivation Maniacs

In a dark training room deep inside the Assassination Academy, several sounds were continually clashing. The sound of metal hitting rocks, sounds of explosions, and other destructive noises echoed throughout the training room.

A white, purplish haired man and a beautiful white fox were currently sparring. Both beings had claws unleashed and were fighting each other. These were Xue Mo and Lu Yao.


With another exchange of attacks in high-speed motion, the figures of the two appeared. Xue Mo was currently half-naked with his upper body's muscles shown. His sick white skin made him seem like a ghost.

Sweat rolled down his body as a crazed and plain smile hanged upon his handsome face. In front of him, Lu Yao didn't have her usual lazy attitude but one with sadistic intent that wouldn't lose her opponent!

They were in a cave that Xue Mo dug. It was a couple of kilometers down the Assassination Academy and had the size of a stadium. The darkness and their auras made the atmosphere eerie.

"Has it been a week already, Hesroth?" Xue Mo asked without diverting his attention from Lu Yao.

Hesroth appeared once Xue Mo mentioned him. His footsteps didn't sound in the slightest, making him wonder how Xue Mo noticed. He bowed and answered, "yes, Divine One!"

Once Hesroth said that Lu Yao sprinted. Her speed surprised Hesroth as his eyes widened. Yet, Xue Mo reacted in time and blocked. CLANK! Lu Yao's claws clashed with Xue Mo's hands that had transformed into claws. His black nails merged with the claws making a terrifying weapon.

"Tch, you blocked even this!" she complained before finally looking at Hesroth. "Give us the update already. We aren't done here yet."

Hesroth had already regained his composure and nodded. "In these two months, our Assassination Academy had lost many students. Although both sides suffered more losses than us, we did lose some talented students and-"

"Talented doesn't mean shit. They were weak enough to die in this place." Hesroth nodded at Xue Mo's cold truth. He knew that, but still, these weaklings could be used as fodder later.

"I know what you are thinking, but no!" Xue Mo's voice became more severe. His black gold eyes shined like gems in the dark. "Even though we could use them as fodder, quality is better than quantity. One strong Cultivator that could fight a stage or more above his level but dies to weaklings doesn't mean anything. Quality is always better."

Hesroth just nodded. He already knew that but still hesitated. He was about to continue until he heard Xue Mo's next words that made him shiver. "Yet, quantity is also necessary. Do you know what's the middle ground between those two?" Hesroth shook his head. He really didn't.

With a cold and ambitious smirk, Xue Mo answered, "Worlds!" Enlightenment appeared on Hesroth's face as his eyes lit up. Clenching his fists, he asked himself, 'why didn't I think of that?'

Xue Mo's words radiated his ambition and power. When he said worlds, a weird aura emanated from him, brimming with violence and intelligence. The answer was obvious.

The Dark Arts Sect could enter other worlds and even control some. Yet only the worthy and with high Cultivation could join the main Sect. Although they already use this plan, they didn't use it to the best of its capability.

Worlds differ from one to another. There were strong and weak ones, but one thing didn't vary between them, and that was potential. However, stronger worlds could nurture people with better abilities that didn't mean that individuals with higher potential or aspects didn't exist in weaker worlds.

If these figures were to be taken by the Dark Arts Sect and nurtured, their potential would bloom. With some special tests, hard work, talent, and other factors, these individuals could even forge better wills and drive for Cultivation. This would even help them reach further realms and powers in the future.

Hesroth knew all that but didn't say it. Branches like the Assassination Academy exist to find worthy people and cannon fodder when the main branch gets endangered. Yet, Xue Mo planned to cull all the unnecessary and keep the worthy. This would make their Sect even more evil and notorious than what they were already known for in others' eyes.

"Does it matter?" Xue Mo read through what Hesroth though. "If others already consider you dark, why should you care? In the first place, why should we care for classifications such as dark and light? Power rules all!"

Hesroth again felt that Xue Mo was wiser beyond compare. Even the Sect Master might not have such brilliance. 'Are all Divine Ones like this?' Hesroth doubted that Xue Mo's greatness had some effect due to his bloodline not knowing that this bloodline that they revered wasn't the only one inside him.

"Anyway, Hesroth report!" Lu Yao, who was starting to feel her instincts calm down, ordered. Instructing Hesroth was great, and all, but what she cared about now was the training they had. She could feel her power increase with every spar; every second felt exhilarating.

Xue Mo's battle experience was more decadent than hers, which helped her get more ideas on refining her style. Furthermore, she was able to find more ways and potential to fight in her small form.

"Even though we are losing many talen- ahem many trashes, we are unearthing many hidden gems. Some of them are people, Divine One and Madame knows. They are Deckim and his friend Axel. There are also five other gems that have great potential. The others are hanging on, and if they survive the war, they will become stronger with a firmer will!" Hesroth briefed happily. The results were satisfying.

"Finally, the last thing I had to report was about the subordinates of the Divine one," Hesroth added.

Knowing that he meant Myzer and Hiari, Xue Mo got interested. "They made a big name for themselves; their prowess allows them to fight 2-3 Magic Masters. They each joined one of the opposing sides and hunted Magic Masters. They utilized everything from their surroundings, Qi, and even Magic. They gained overwhelming advantages, and I even watched one of their battles once when I was bored. Their growth is fast. They grew in battles and even learned from each battle honing themselves more!"

Hesroth wasn't bootlicking and was speaking the truth. He was surprised how much these two grew after becoming Xue Mo's subordinates. He knew his turn would come too. This made him excited and hungry for power!

Lu Yao and Xue Mo waited for Hesroth to say something else, seeing him not moving. Hesroth just stood there staring at them, making the situation slightly awkward. Xue Mo also started feeling his battle state fade and broke the silence, "is there anything else to report?"

"No, Divine One!"

"Then why are you still here?" Xue Mo calmly asked.

"Ah, my bad. I wanted to ask. Can I watch your sparring?"

Hearing Hesroth's excited voice, Xue Mo stared at him for a couple of seconds before sighing. "Yes, you can. Though you should know we aren't sparring! We are attacking each other using the minimum amount of skill and with the intent to kill. This is to enhance our shortcomings and get more familiar with our weak attacks!"

Xue Mo's words surprised Hesroth. He thought they were sparring and training, yet these two monsters were only using their weakest skills and even going at each other's throats with the intent to kill. He finally learned how extraordinary they were!

Nodding his head in understanding, Hesroth retreated not to disturb them and to watch more intently.

"Let's continue!" Lu Yao released her bloodlust as she said with gritted teeth.