The hidden motive of the extra spar

"Let's take this up a notch, shall we?" Lu Yao said before lunging at Xue Mo. It was a straightforward attack that Xue Mo got used to; however, there was something else in it this time.

Xue Mo could see the space distorting in the trajectory Lu Yao came from. It wasn't teleportation but an attack. Tilting his head to the side allowed him to evade the attack.

"So, you want to use magic?" Xue Mo's voice didn't change; it was cold and battle-hardened. His eyes, however, displayed a serious and sadistic intent.

Not giving Lu Yao a time to answer, Xue Mo's black nail-like claws started emitting darkness making Lu Yao think, 'oh shit.' Knowing that he decided to be more serious, Lu Yao's demeanor also changed.

With quick and sudden acceleration Lu Yao appeared to have teleported. With her tail, she slashed at Xue Mo. The latter didn't dodge and stayed in his place; the only difference was that he suddenly turned invisible.

"Hey, no incorporeal use!" Lu Yao yelled with frustration. She wanted to take things a little seriously; however, Xue Mo's incorporeal power is too much of a cheat. Although he couldn't attack her in that form, her attacks would do nothing to him.

Furthermore, even though he couldn't attack her in that state, Xue Mo can still turn corporeal in unexpected times and land sneak attacks! If anyone inexperienced had this power, it wouldn't pose a problem. But Xue Mo wasn't, which allowed him to utilize this power to the best of his abilities.

Ignoring the complaining Lu Yao, Xue Mo materialized and scratched her with his claws. With her enhanced senses, Lu Yao barely dodged. This was how they had been for the last two months.

This training, although didn't do much it was necessary. It helped them increase their senses to detect danger. Also, it trained their dexterity and made them use many of the skills in their arsenal, which allowed them to get more knowledge and applications of how to use them.

Hesroth, who was watching at the side, had his eyes wide. He knew that these two grew stronger after Cultivation but to see their power firsthand was something akin to an eye-opener. He remembered how he was when he had been at their stage. He was praised as a supreme genius, but Hesroth knew that he would undoubtedly lose if he fought these two when he had been at their stage.

It hadn't been that long since Xue Mo, and Lu Yao started Cultivation, but their joking around could kill anyone at the same level. Not to mention these powers that they used. Spatial magic without casting, weird power to become invincible, and their physical strength.

Hesroth didn't know that they were testing him. They wanted to see what his reaction would be if he saw some of their abilities. After all, Xue Mo did like Hesroth for some reason and even planned to nurture him, but before that, they wanted to examine him with some unexpected things to see how he would look.

Just as they hoped, Hesroth didn't have a look of greed, though he did look amazed and yearned for some answers or even knowledge about these powers. However, Xue Mo saw as he examined him that Hesroth wouldn't ask, making him nod his head.

Understanding what Xue Mo meant, Lu Yao said, still in the middle of attacking, "Mo, let's make this one the last attack." Nodding his head, Xue Mo changed his form.

To Lu Yao and Hesroth, it appeared as if a sleeping monster was in front of them. The air around Xue Mo became cold, and wings came out of the former's back. Lu Yao checked and saw that there was no weak point she could exploit.

Lu Yao didn't have a fearful look; instead, she also took a weird form. Standing on two legs, Lu Yao had her eyes in a boxer stance and hopped a little in the air at fast speeds.

A similar yet different cold air appeared in the room. Lu Yao closed her eyes, and with a final hop, she accelerated. Xue Mo, who had a defensive stance, concentrated and waited. Once he saw Lu Yao attack, he braced himself for the impact.


Every fist that connected with Xue Mo made a sound of an explosion. Hesroth could still see and was amazed. Lu Yao attacked with fast and precise attacks; her fists slammed the same place with pinpoint accuracy. What's more, was that her attacks were hard and heavy.

Thanks to Xue Mo's weird stance and no obvious weak points to attack, Lu Yao opted to overwhelm him with fast and potent attacks. If normal or weaker people were watching, they would see Lu Yao attacks as normal punches. Yet, stronger people would see that there were at least 10 in the same second with every punch.

Lu Yao kept hitting, and Xue Mo defended for a day. As if they didn't know what fatigue was, they kept at it. It looked like they hate infinite energy and stamina. Hesroth also noticed that they didn't use Magic or Qi. They just used their normal physical power.

Blood leaked from both Xue Mo and Lu Yao. Although these couple of years, they trained their bodies. They didn't start body Cultivation, and even with their weird races and bloodlines, they had a physical power incomparable to someone with their level.

Still, even with their whole bodies being blood-soaked, they didn't react or whimper. They kept at it, making them drenched in blood completely.

Once a whole day passed, they looked like they bathed in blood. The purple and grey blood of Xue Mo and Lu Yao gave them peculiar looks. Hesroth didn't care nor ask. There were many weird features in the Universe; there were even some with magic eyes, extra arms, and whatnot.

Hesroth felt his horizon expanding. Never had he seen someone who fought and trained like that. The only reason that Xue Mo and Lu Yao stopped was falling unconscious due to blood loss.

Hesroth quickly regained his bearing and sprinted to them to check their states. As he took out a potion to give them to heal, he saw how both started healing. Still, Hesroth fed them the potions and carefully put them on top of a bed that he had taken out from his space ring.

Xue Mo and Lu Yao didn't faint. This was a part of their plan to observed Hesroth and his actions. Xue Mo felt the genuine worry and care from Hesroth as he treated them, making him nod inwardly.

Lu Yao didn't move and let herself fall asleep. Unlike Xue Mo, although she had a great amount of stamina, it wasn't infinite, which made her need rest. With the last thought lingering, 'I have grown stronger! Still, this isn't enough!' Lu Yao fell asleep.

Xue Mo got up after an hour and looked at Hesroth, looking at him with worry-filled eyes. For some reason, Hesroth had a weird look that Xue Mo didn't understand. He saw this look once when he was in his old world. It was a caring father's look as he stared at his injured son.

Xue Mo removed such thoughts before speaking, "I'm going to sleep now. Take care of us, Hesroth."

Hesroth nodded his head as he saw Xue Mo return to his position and sleep. He didn't know, but he had a happy and sad smile on his face. He stared at Xue Mo and Lu Yao with a sad and heart-wrenching smile.