
"You are all weak!" Mo said, looking at everyone, including the higherups, and even Purple Ash, startling him. "So pathetically weak I am ashamed to call you subordinates."

His stern and sharp face made everyone depressed, but just as fast as their moods turned down, it went up. Their unshakable faith, fanaticism, and blind loyalty that got ingrained in them made them like this. Arthur was surprised but didn't let it show on his expression.

'Is this how a true leader is? They believe in him that even with his harsh and destructive words, their faith in him hadn't decreased but instead increased. Is that what I and the others were lacking?'

As Purple Ash started doubting his whole life, Mo's next words snapped him out of it. "Worry not, though. Weakness isn't something to be ashamed of. What you should be disgraced about is not learning what makes you weak and overcoming it. You all became my followers, and no follower of mine is weak. I will make sure you all become so powerful that the ones who are called geniuses will seem like trash in front of you!"

He extended his long pale finger towards them and looked at them one by one. "You," he pointed at the weakest person, "you," he aimed at the strongest of the troops, "you," he pointed at Deckim, the lowest of the new higherups, "even you two," he said to Hesroth and Purple Ash, "you can all become the strongest!"

Excitement rose as the atmosphere heated up, and everyone present felt themselves getting swept up in it. Purple Ash wasn't any different. He felt his heart stir at Mo's words and when he pointed his finger at him, telling him that he could become the strongest made him no different than the others.

"We will make sure of that," Mo pointed at himself and his wife.



With one person shouting, the others followed, and the hallway of the Sect Master's residence got filled with shouts and excitement. Unbeknownst to them, the ones who infiltrated the Sect will soon meet an army of true Dark Arts Disciples.

In the midst of the shouting, Arthur stepped closer to the couple and kneeled, "I Arthur the 8th generation Sect Master of the Dark Arts Sect hereby appoint Mo and Yao Vrec as the 9th generation Sect Masters. Although no one did this before, to make two Sect Masters," he looked at them with a smile and nodded. "There is always a first!"



Yao raised her hand to stop the chattering but not the delight, "although unexpected, we agree," she looked at Mo, who nodded back, "we shall reform the Dark Arts Sect and make it clean."

Mo continued as she stopped, "and to do that, we have to kill the old!" his cold words and smirk made them shiver, and no opposition came. Seeing that what they wanted happening, the two announced, "from now on, we are Chaos!"

At his words, everyone bowed, engraving his words in their hearts. On that day, Chaos was born.

"That's all," Yao said and shooed them away. "Later, Hesroth and Purple geezer will inform you of what to do as Chaos members and how to get the training methods."

While they watched everyone leave, Mo and Yao saw three people not moving. The three had no connection to each other, so they must be waiting for them for different reasons.

Myzer and Hiari, who they hadn't spoken to for a while, approached them and bowed. "Hiari (Myzer) greets Chaos' Patriarch and Matriarch."

"It's been a while," Mo nodded. If it weren't for these two, they would have missed on so many things, and they were also their oldest and most faithful followers. 'Although it's not like me, I should reward them. This will also set an example that the worthy and faithful get rewarded.'

"How were you two?" Yao questioned. Even she appreciated their 'kidnapping' back then. 'We might have joined that Battle whatever Academy if they didn't come.'

"Thank you for talking to us, Matriarch, Patriarch," Myzer said with respect.

"We are presumptuous for requesting this, but we would like to ask something," Hiari said with his hand slightly shaking.

"We want to become stronger!" the two exchanged glances before firmly requesting.

"We don't care how hard or difficult it will be, but we want to become stronger and help the Patriarch and Matriarch more," Myzer said with utmost seriousness.

"Even if it kills us, as long as we can help the Patriarch and Matriarch, we will go through hell, and if that's not enough, we will destroy hell!" Hiari continued clenching his fist, voice determined.

"How do you want to achieve that?" Mo coldly asked. "As I said before, you are weak!"

"Prove your worth," Yao said from the side.

He admits that their determination and sincerity are there, but it's nothing if they don't have something to back it with. Yao also looked at them coldly, making them shiver a bit but not retreat.

Hiari looked at Myzer and gulped, "do it."

Myzer nodded and took out a dagger from his boot and stabbed it directly in Hiari's lung. He didn't stop there, though. He slashed the dagger across his chest messing him up, and finally drove it into his heart.

The latter didn't scream as his blood splashed everywhere. His organs got ruined, and the 4-inch slash messed him up. He was almost dead. Hiari didn't let out a whimper, only looking at his Matriarch and Patriarch as he bled on the ground.


"Did I pass the test?" he asked with a smile hiding the pain that his sweat and frown showed.

The two waited in silence as Hiari died in front of them but the latter never lost hope or worried, "e-Even if I die now cough, blagh, I will do so happily. I-If I k-know that cough, I died for a blagh, test made by you Myzer and I would gladly do it. Our lives are yours!"

Hiari difficultly spoke, seeing himself dying but managed to finish his words. While they watched Hiari in silence, Myzer pulled the dagger from Hiari's chest, letting more blood flow, and slammed it into his own chest.

The dagger flowed through his lungs, puncturing them and letting the tip cross the other side. He calmly gutted his lung, organs, and even heart. He then looked at Mo and Yao and smiled.

The two coldly watched the show, and only after the two really looked like they would die, they waved their hands at the last person in the room. Two pills got thrown and landed in the dying Myzer and Hiari's mouth.

The wounds immediately healed, making the two widen their eyes. They saw that Purple Ash was in the room other than them but didn't expect him to help them. They understood that this was Mo and Yao's order, so they quickly sprung to their feet and bowed for the three.

"Thank you for letting us live to serve you, Patriarch, Matriarch!" then they looked at Purple Ash, who was strolling to their position and bowed, "thank you, old Sect Master. We will make sure you do not regret doing this!"

Purple Ash curiously looked at the two and, with a tilt of his head, voiced his confusion, "what would you have done if I didn't help."

To the question, the two smiled crazily and fanatically, "we would have died for our Patriarch and Matriarch!"

The answer surprised Arthur, who grinned back menacingly before hitting their backs, "I like you two." He then gave them two pills that were filled with energy, "eat these when you need to enter the Foundation Establishment realm or whatever these two," pointing at Mo and Yao, "will name it later."

"Alright," Purple Ash said, clapping his hands and laughing, "you too leave. You proved yourselves. I will convince these two to let you become their weapons."

Myzer and Hiari bowed to him, thanking him again but didn't move. They stole glances at Mo and Yao, showing that they only listen to them.

Purple Ash scratched his beard, nodding at Mo and Yao. "These two are really sincere, and it seems they will only listen to you," he commented.

"Seems so," Mo finally said, eyeing the two.

He looked at Yao, who nodded and sighed. "Ok, we will help you. From now on, you two will go on secret and suicidal missions. If you complete them, you will soar in realms and become strong. If you don't, you will die." he casually told them, making the two happy and bow again.

"Thank you, Patriarch, Matriarch, for this opportunity," they shouted in unison.

"Now leave," Mo shooed them, "we have another guest to entertain, it seems."

Seeing that their presence interfered with their Masters' business, they bowed one more time and excused themselves, leaving the three most powerful people in Chaos alone.

"You two are really worthy of leading this Sect!"

"Skip the compliments," Yao harrumphed, "what do you need, old geezer!" She demanded and clarified, "Also didn't you hear this isn't a sect anymore. We are an organization that is beyond that."

"Sigh can't even let an old bag of bones like me congratulate my successors," Arthur put his hand on his heart as if he was hurt, "your words are sharp as always Abyssal One."

"If someone hears you, they will think I bullied you," she crossed her arms unamused.

"Anyway," he coughed in hand, "I wanted to tell you two things. One," he raised a finger, "you probably already expected this. Since the materials I need to breakthrough are hard to get here, I will leave the Sect for a while. This will cause some surges in the Sect by the spies and traitors."

His expression hardened as he continued raising a second finger, "I would like to introduce you to some people."

His words caught their attention as they urged him to continue, "to whom do you want to introduce us?" she asked.

"The last Dragons that this world has!"