The Twisted Haven

There was something Hesroth always knew, but Mo's words nailed in them in him. 'You are all weak!' these cold-hearted truthful facts woke him up, and as he walked to his room, they rang in his mind like bells.

"Roth! Roth! HESROTH!"

"What, eh?" Hesroth turned around and saw a running Nathan catching up with him. He looked around him, and he was already halfway to his room.

"Did you call me?"

"Did I call you?!!" Nathan angrily shouted once he arrived, "I have been calling you since we left, but you kept moving as if you didn't hear me."

"Did I?" Hesroth looked confused.

"Sigh, never mind." Nathan waved his hand as if he didn't care anymore. "So," he stopped, looking directly at him, "what's on your mind that you didn't even hear me shouting?"

Hesroth looked unsure, quirking his eyes before fixing his eyes to Nathan's, "I am weak! Pathetically so!"

"You are," Nathan nodded, agreeing. "So, what if you are?" he shrugged as if it were stupid. "You are weak, but so am I! Master called everyone weak. Even that ex Sect Master is weak in Masters' eyes! They are on a different level to us, after all."

Seeing that his words didn't make Hesroth ease, he continued persuading, "Hesroth, you are weak." He told him the truth, "but you still have Master's trust, right?"

"I do? Yes, I do!"

Hesroth realized that even though he was weak, it didn't matter as the other words his Master said landed, 'you can become the strongest.' If told by anyone else, Arthur and Freya included, he would have dismissed these words, but Mo was the one who said them.

"I can become the strongest!"

"You can."

"I won't be weak for long."

"You won't."

Hesroth felt reinvigorated and looked at Nathan with appreciation, "thank you, Nate." His sincere words reached Nathan, who laughed it off.

"No need for thanks between friends, Roth!"

"Yes, my friend," he smiled happily. He then remembered that Nathan was looking for him since he had been calling for him since they left, "did you need anything?"

"Actually," Nathan scratched his head and revealed, "I would like for your help in…"

Hesroth listened as Nathan told him his plan. At first, he didn't think much, but the more he thought about it, the better and plausible it was.

"Hmm, sure," Hesroth nodded in seriousness. 'If he succeeds, Masters would definitely be happy. Let's help Nate achieve his goal then.'

"Let's go to your room and start then."

"Okay, go first," Hesroth told him, "Masters still need to give me the techniques first, and knowing them, they will come for me soon. Let's keep this as a surprise for them." Hesroth smirked, thinking of what Nathan suggested.

"Alright then," Nathan nodded and left, "I will be waiting for you." He told him before going to his room.


After Mo and Yao finished with Hiari and Myzer, Arthur, Purple Ash, came to them with a request. He wanted them to meet the last dragons in that world.

The world of the Dark Arts Sect was called The Twisted Haven. It was a world that housed many creatures, and in the Hollow Universe is considered a high-grade world, with players that reached level 600+ or more known as Grand Mages!

One of this world's features was the existence of legendary creatures with pure bloodlines like Dragons, Elves, and Dwarves, including even Blue Barbed Octopi. Like all worlds, these creatures slowly died and dwindled while humans, with their fast reproduction, survive.

Dragons weren't exempt from the mass extermination, and now only a few Dragons exist. What Purple Ash wanted was to unite these Dragons under Mo and Yao using their superior bloodlines.

The reason was that all the surviving Dragons had their organizations worldwide, but the only ones they truly trusted were other Dragons, and one of the reasons the Dark Arts Sect survived was Arthur being a Dragon.

Arthur looked at Mo and Yao and explained the dynamics and power structure of The Twisted Haven to them. The Twisted Haven was a flat-shaped world.

It had only one continent, but it was so massive four Ash Expanses wouldn't be enough to cover it. The Twisted Haven's terrain varied from place to place, as did the seasons.

In the North to the Valley of Peace where the Dark Arts Sect is located, the Ruins of a great Empire and the Waterfall Necropolis exist, to the West the Elf Forest and Dwarves Mountains, while the Apes Jungle and The Poisonous Bog is to its East.

"This is The Twisted Haven's layout," Purple Ash finished and stored his 3D map. He showed the continent to them at their request.

"So, some of the most dangerous spots on this world are The Poisonous Bog, Black River, The Thermo Wastes, and Waterfall Necropolis." Mo summarized, lying down.

"And the most dangerous one is the Mana-Qi Vortex where turbulent hurricanes of energies roam around," Yao finished, crossing her legs and sipping tea.

"Exactly," Arthur nodded as cold sweat fell from his forehead, "t-that place is too dangerous. I once accompanied a Dragon friend there to get a miracle cure that is said it can revive the dead. I went with him to help him arrive there safely but in the end he… Cole never came out."

Mo and Yao exchanged glances and nodded. "Old geezer," Yao called for him, snapping him out of his day-nightmare, "the Dragons you want us to meet you haven't told us anything about them or about where to meet them."

"Oh right, my bad," he scratched his head. "hmm," he pondered and muttered, "I think Roger is still somewhere in the Valley sleeping… knowing him he probably is," Purple looked up, seeing Mo and Yao waiting for him, "the earth Dragon Roger is here in Peace Valley. I will tell him to come to you when I go."

"As for End… that guy is probably still in The Thermo Wastes with his five disciples. Seya and Ingrid are in the Dwarves Mountains and Elf Forest, respectively." Arthur finished and drank more tea.

"Alright then," Mo said as he stood up, "when are you leaving?" he turned to face Arthur and asked.

"In a week, I should prepare everything and inform Freya of you two succeeding me, becoming the new Sect Masters."

"How many times do I have to say this," Yao sighed, looking annoyed and pointed at Arthur, "get it in your thick skull, Geezer! This isn't a Sect anymore… well, technically it is, but you aren't a member of the Dark Arts Sect anymore but of Chaos!"

"Yes, yes," Arthur waved his hand, not caring, and stored his stuff back in the ring.

"Dear wife," Mo softly called as he came behind her and embraced her. "Can you leave first? I want to talk over some stuff to this blockhead old man," Mo said, pointing at Arthur in disdain.

"Fine," Yao answered, gave him a peck on his cheek, and left, not forgetting to glare at Purple Ash.

Once she was out of sight, Mo turned to Arthur as his face returned to the rigid, emotionless expression he always had. "Arthur," Mo called coldly, grabbing his attention, "I will need you to find a way but keep Yao with you this week."

"Why?" Arthur wasn't intimidated by the former's face, and curiously asked.

"That," seeing that Arthur wasn't afraid, Mo answered, "…why do you want to know?"

"Just because I do."

"Can't you just do it?" Mo glared at him, annoyed.

"Nope," Arthur laughed, "if you don't tell me, I won't."

"Fine," Mo harrumphed but gave up. He approached Arthur while checking around him, "because…" he whispered.

Arthur listened as Mo told him his reasons and his face's expression changed several times. It went from curiosity to wonder, and finally, amusement.

"Sure, I will do it."