Putting the disciples in their place

The disciples looked at the casual looking weird dragon with bright but fearful eyes. Some of them noticed that although his huge size helped but the dragon only attacked using Arch Energy.

When met with a powerful being, you either cower forever or learn from it, and as disciples accepted into the Dark Arts Sect where not everyone can enter, these disciples are mainly of the latter mind.

Mo's display of power was to quickly finish the spies, give hope to disciples, and show them that he and Yao exist. Mo achieved the result he wanted as the disciples' emotional and ambitious eyes landed on him.

Hesroth and the others also noticed what was happening and finally understood Mo and Yao's plan and why they didn't get included. While the disciples watched Mo with bright eyes, others watched Yao wrecking the Sect and wiping the floor with the spies and remembered what the man said, 'this is your Matriarch!'

The girls instantly felt mesmerized by the display of Yao's power. Although they didn't know how Mo and Yao became their Patriarch and Matriarch or how Chaos came to be, they understood that the Dark Arts Sect would be no more after today, and only Chaos remained.

"Had fun?" Mo asked the blooded Yao.

Her bloodied figure had a faint smile as she neared the group. The blood covering her from head to toe didn't remove how her calm and chaotic aura affected the disciples, making them not know how to feel. The Blood Queen made a comeback.

"Of course! And you?" Yao said as she injected Arch into the arrays on the robe, cleaning herself. "From the view, I would assume so."

"It was so so," he shrugged. "These are our disciples, it seems," Mo pointed at the frightened and ambition filled disciples. "They can use some work, but they will do for now."

Mo said that to show the disciples his point of view of them and check something. As he expected, some of the disciples had indignant faces while others had confidence and ambition radiate from them, showing who the good seeds and bad ones are.

Yao, who was clean by now, stood next to Mo, showing the disciples the new leaders' faces. They looked at the surrounding disciples before Mo stepped forward and looked around, his piercing eyes gazing at the disciples and making them shiver.

"From now on, your identity as Chaos disciples is your only identity. If you have goals you want to achieve, so be it. I don't give a shit about it, but when Chaos needs you, you better be here or else…" Mo left his words hanging and activated something. All the disciples that didn't come from the Ash Expanse fell on the ground spasming in pain. "Just remember that your life is in my hand."

Mo's hard words and actions of activating the oaths elicited a nod from the now terrified, bowing disciples. Yao looked worried for a second but calmed down, remembering who Mo was. He wouldn't do anything without having thought it through countless times. If he chose to threaten them, then threaten them, it will be.

After saying his piece, Mo turned around and dusted his robe before leaving with Yao in tow and entering the Sect Master's residence. Hesroth, the troops, and the Chaos disciples looked at their receding figure with different expressions.


"Was that necessary?" Yao hesitated for a while but decided to ask.

"It was," Mo stopped and opened the room door. "You see, many of the disciples out there had arrogant and satisfied looks, and I needed to break them and make them learn their place," he said after laying on the bed in a cultivation stance.

"That… makes total sense," Yao commented while doing the same.

As if they agreed on this from the beginning, Mo sent a message to Hesroth to not disturb them and deal with any trouble.

As energy entered Mo and Yao, revitalizing them and increasing their power, they immersed themselves in the feeling of more power. Although their energies are powerful, Mo and Yao finally understood that, sadly, they are constant and hard to cultivate.

Their energies symbolize their beings, power, and origin, and if their existence stayed in the same rank, the energies wouldn't change. When the duo realized this, they finally knew how great Cultivation was, as it elevates beings' status into higher forms.

As their core absorbed Mana and Arch and made them True Arch energy, Mo and Yao, who got lost in their feeling, didn't notice the time passing. Days, weeks, and even a year and a half passed while they Cultivated.

Once someone entered the Foundation Establishment realm, food became unnecessary as Arch energy kept them in top shape. But the ordinary cultivators needed some pills to sustain themselves from time to time. However, Mo and Yao's inner powers worked in making that unnecessary, allowing them to cultivate with no worry.

After a year and a half, Mo opened his eyes. Dust spread in the air at his subtle movement. And more dispersed as he got up and stretched. Since Mo and Yao redirected the Formations, Arrays, and Array Formations into providing them Mana and Arch energy only, the other functions were disabled.

[Congratulations, Father, on your Seclusion.]

"How long has it been?" Mo asked, rubbing his crimson eye.

[It's been exactly one year, six months, twenty-two days, and 10 seconds since you and Mother entered Seclusion. Many changes happened in Chaos, but Hesroth and the others successfully took care of them.]

"By changes, I suppose what I predicted happened?" Mo asked, sitting down on a black chair he made.

[Yes, Father. As you expected,] Infinite Darkness started. [Some insurgences happened as the dissatisfied disciples and the ones we came with fought but Hesroth and the others took care of them. Also, many other predictions came true: Deckim broke through, Declan and Ash advanced smoothly. Chaos has been rising quickly as the words of a golden dragon spread around.]

"So, everything is going as planned," Mo reclined on the chair and focused his eyes on the still Cultivating Yao. "What about the other plan?"

[…I prepared everything but are you sure?] Infinite Darkness hesitantly questioned.

"We already talked about this," Mo sternly replied. "It is necessary for going forward and expanding Chaos more."

[Will you wait till Mother wakes up first?]

"That," Mo wavered but shook his head. "No, I won't be able to leave like that," Mo answered, staring at Yao and smiling.

"She will be fine. I am sure of it. After all," Mo proudly stated, "she is Yao Vrec."