Waking up

"Did he leave?"

Yao opened her eyes six months after Mo. She saw no one around her and knew what that meant. As she Cultivated, Yao felt something weird with her body in these two years, but she didn't know what. She assumed it was Mo leaving, but she felt it might not be it.

[Yes,] the dutiful Infinite Darkness replied. [It's been over six months since Father left.]

"How was his journey?" Yao asked after cleaning herself from the accumulated dust.

"Never mind," Yao said, shaking her head. "He is my husband, Mo Vrec, I am sure he beat everyone up and is steadily raising his Cultivation. From what he told me, battles always made him stronger, and I can already tell that he had many these months."

[You really know him the best Mother.]

"How were you?" she looked at space but talked to Infinite Darkness with a soft voice.

[I am doing fine. I am diligently Cultivating and adjusting your souls. You are already midway through the Mortal. Your Souls are more complicated, so I Cultivated them accordingly and let them take their own course. Yours looks like a mass of threads that keeps changing shapes. Father's though looks like-]

"Stop! I meant how you are not this!" she shot it, annoyed looks.

[Oh, oh that? I am very happy. Being with you and your father all the time is really great for me and makes me glad to be alive.]

Yao didn't know what to say at these words, "… as long as you are happy, I suppose."

[Anyway, as I was saying, Father's Soul is made of black threads that emit corruption and destruction. If I weren't made by you two, I am sure that anyone that even tried prying into your souls would have disintegrated before even getting the chance to lay their eyes on them.] Infinite Darkness praised, or Yao thought that at least.

[Your Cultivation is also increasing steadily, Mother. Father has left the next way to breakthrough to you as he felt that your Cultivation was increasing at a fast rate for some reason. I also feel the same.]

Yao clenched her fist and relaxed repeatedly. Strands of Mana and Arch energy sparked at the tip of her fingers. For some unknown reason, Yao felt her control over the energies increase the more she rose in realms. 'Isn't it supposed to be the reverse?' she didn't know what to think.

"And how do I break through this next realm?"

Yao had felt that she was almost at the Foundation Opening realm's peak and knew that her breakthrough wouldn't be that far. 'Though only half of my dantian has energy, what do I do with the other half anyway?'

[The way to break through to the next realm is…]

Infinite Darkness started explaining while Yao relaxed and listened carefully.


It's been six months since Mo left Chaos. He didn't know when Yao would leave her seclusion, but he knew that great changes would commence when it happened. When he returned, Chaos wouldn't be the same.

Over these six months, Mo experienced the life of living in the Wasted Haven and experienced just how big it was. Even after six months of moving, he hadn't arrived when Arthur told him about where a dragon exists or even near the end of the Valley of Peace.

However, that didn't mean Mo didn't have his small adventures. On his path through the Valley of Peace, Mo encountered several things that made him stop. It was a new world, and he didn't want to miss anything, so he stopped at every new thing to check it out.

Some of the things he found were useful, and some weren't. On one of his stops, Mo even managed to locate a small spring brimming with Arch energy. When he absorbed it according to his Cultivation technique and mixed it with Mana, his energy rose by a great amount, pushing him into the peak of the Foundation Opening realm.

On the other hand, Mo also found a stalk of poisonous herbs that he never saw before. The Pill Maker in him got curious. 'There is still so much for me to learn and discover.

Yet, it wasn't always good stuff. Mo had also found some useless stuff like a horned pig that had no value whatsoever but still powerful.

Mo looked around as he journeyed through the Valley, and at his seventh month's travel, he found a gigantic rock that stood on his way. Its size was as large as him when he turned into his dragon form.

The rock seemed to have been there for a long time as it had moss and other basic organisms surround it. It was definitely large and stretched for a few kilometers.