Kingswatch is an fairly developed town in the borders of an human kingdom, because of said kingdom neutral policy and good positioning it has become an middle ground between many different races and different types of people. If one looks close enough it is said that you can found almost everything in it being an paradise for merchants and adventurers that have a lot to spend their hard-earned money on.
In the corner of Kingswatch there is an inconspicuous shop, barely noticeable due to it's small size and strangely enough no one living there ever noticed or even remembers if there was ever any shop really there. In it's front there is a big wooden board with writings that would read "Misaka's Shop".
Inside of it one would found an normal-sized store, even though it looks small from the outside, full of different types of potions and ingredients for alchemy, and in the back would be the storage and living quarters, only inhabited by the owner of the shop.
"You really don't have anything better to do?" Said a young voice filled with annoyance. The voice would belong to the store owner that likes to be called Misaka Mikoto, and if a certain group of person would see her they would certainly freak out by the more mature version of a certain character famous for her Railgun.
"Of course not, how could anything be better than to court such a fine lady as yourself?" Said an beautiful lady, the only thing in her different than a human like Mikoto being the horns in her head alongside a tail and pointed ears.
"Does you only know those cheesy lines?" Said Mikoto already on her limit.
Ever since she opened this shop after careful research and preparation, every time that she opens the shop, this client would appear only to "court" her. Don't misunderstand her, she likes girls as well, but that girl is over the limits, always spitting out cheesy lines to get in her bed, not making a mention to the time she started singing her the most ridiculous of the songs while she had to deal with other clients. Sometimes she would close the shop for days to rest only to get her coming anyway when she is resting. Obviously she would never open her door in those ocasions but it would still wake her up from her precious beauty sleep with the loud banging of the door, something she really hates.
"Only for you my dear Misa" She said in a serious tone with no shame apparent on her face only to receive a sigh from the tired shop owner because of the forced nickname said person gave to her, even getting to the point of being the name everyone now calls her for.
Looking closer to the woman Mikoto has to admit that she is really beautiful, if only her personality was better. Another sigh came out of her mouth. 'Such a waste' was what she would often think.
"Now that I think about it you never said your name." She said thinking about how strange it was when said person would go around her like glue but never once has she heard of her name before. And though she didn't see at the time, her question made the young woman show a happy and honest smile on her face.
"Finally interested in my amazing self Lady Misa?" She said switching the happy and honest smile with a devious one even though slight fake, not that mikoto noticed.
When Mikoto was about to answer, slight flustered from the very fact that she was wanting to know more about her and she caught onto that, but sadly or fortunately she was saved by a half-elf male coming though her shop door.
"Sorry Lady Misa for coming at such time but i'm taking this idiot with me she almost bailed on us in our new quest." Said the half-elf wearing a outfit that basically screams "Rogue" all over, taking the bard woman by the clothes and dragging her across the shop, giving quite the relief to the shop owner for just thinking about not having to see her again for a time period.
"Don't be such a brute Kelios, this is why you're still single" Said the bard making the half-elf Kelios feel like being hit by a imaginary arrow, but still dragging the touble-maker away. "Ah, and Lady Misa my steemed self name would be Kila Mistral, but I would prefer having the surnamed changed to Mikoto though" Almost screamed the bard close to being dragged out of the store.
"I already said that Mikoto is my name and Misaka is the surname, how many times are you keep doing this?!" Screamed Mikoto angry for the common mistake made by her clients even when she said herself many times before, only to blush furiously thinking about how she didn't even deny her claim, luckily for her Kila was already dragged out, but her laughter could still be heard, this time full of pride and joy, making Mikoto even more embarassed than before, is she this weak against cheesy lines?
Too embarassed to continue her job she decided to close the shop for the day, it's not like she really needs to stay open, she still had enough money to feed herself for a few weeks. Closing her shop Mikoto immediately runs to her bed, jumping into it thinking about this strange world she suddenly found herself in, and the familiar powers she received in here. And for last thinking about all the weirdos she found so far in only two months of having a shop, one of those being Kila who she only recently found the name. Suddenly becoming a blush mess because of the cheesy and stereotypical bard she let out sigh, good thing she would only become the bard archetype when arround her, or else she would really hate her for hitting on anyone other than her. Becoming another blush mess because of her thoughs she decides to sleep, like she always do when something troublesome is bothering her.
Tomorrow for sure would be a better day.