Inside a relatively small potion shop in the town of Kingsguard, in the living quarters, a young woman was waking up, giving a overly long yawn while getting up from bed.
'Nothing like a good night of sleep.' Though the girl while getting ready to open her shop, getting more potions from the stock and cleaning the place. 'It would be really nice if I could pay someone to take care of this place for me, but i would not be able to eat good food in this shitty world if I were to spend my money like this, well, being a miser has it's pros and cons.'
Finally getting everything in order the girl look outside the shop to see the sun just rising in the sky. 'Right on time, time for another day of work.'
*1st Person POV*
Opening my door that I had handmade with the help of some local blacksmith to be used with my magnetic powers using certain patterns i couldn't help but remember the amount of work and money this thing has cost me. But it really became a necessity, specially when by the time I still didn't have it somebody would try to rob the store at least four times a week.
Letting out a sigh by the memory of those times I open the door while already standing at the cash desk waiting for the chaos that was sure to unfold itself everytime I open the store.
After a few hours with only "normal" clients coming to the store I was already getting hopefull that today would be the first day without getting to see another one of those weirdos. 'Sigh, me and my E-Rank luck.' Walking though the door was the most tall motherfucker I've see so far in this world, at around 2,2 meters. But the worst wasn't his heigh that was slighty intimidating, the giant was wearing the most "barbaric" clothes possible, with only animal pelt and rags around his body, if someone were to search "barbaric clothes" on my old world I'm certain that this guy would be the first thing they would see.
Luckily it seems that he has a friend or party member with him and the guy really give a holy aura, so I could only ignore the "barbarian" that was looking around with a really dumb face, and focus on the guy with the "deus vult" vibes, it would certainly be easier this way.
While trying to maintain the most neutral smile that I could helping the current client in front of me I could see from the corner of my eyes the "barbarian" taking a potion from the shelf with a curious face. Seeing him open the bottle I could feel the trouble coming, but could just make a remark since the potion wasn't really special and he wasn't really doing anything other than looking at it.
"Sir you can't open the potions before paying for it, it can lose it's effects if opened for too long." I say with a calm tone seeing his curious face, and the other man that has come together with him was trying to make him close it.
And that's when shit started to happen like I though it would. Acting like he was drinking a bottle of beer the giant downed the whole potion in one second while making a dumb face.
"Sorry miss we are going to pay for it." Says his friend while looking troubled, and here I though he would be taking care of the brute.
"This! Taste! Bad!" Says the giant and god was I right when I descibre him as a role model for the word "barbarian", even his voice and manner of speech match it.
And if this isn't enough he throws the empty bottle in the ground and lifted his fists with hate in his eye towards the shelf and other potions as if they had killed his parents. Dumbfounded I cast a weakened bolt of lightning to his face to stun him, this mother fucker has the audacity to try something in my shop.
Walking out of my desk I pick the brute by his head and throw him one handed to outside the shop, luckily this body of mine is strong or I would be having trouble with this. Turning around to see his friend I lay my hand close to his face with the palms up.
"The money for the potion he drank." I demand with calm tone as this isn't the first time i'm dealing with troublesome people.
At least the friend looks that he has common sense as he paid right away, but I made sure that he knows that the big guy outside is banned from getting into my shop. 'Sigh, just another day at work. With this one I already saw almost every kind of weirdo for sure, even if a edgelord appeared right in front of me right now I would not be surprised anymore.'
"Miss i'm here to buy concoctions." Listening a emotionless voice saying such I instantly freeze. 'Fuck me.'
Turning around to see who said it i see the image of edgeness itself, black cloak obscuring his face, black armor, black katana on his waist, dark emotionless eyes and a aura that screams "edgy". 'No, I'm not taking anymore of this shit!" Screaming in my mind I don't hesitate for a second and kick the bastard out of my shop even if it's extremely rude and lock the dor closing for the day. 'No more of this bullshit I'm going to sleep.'
Going directly to my bed I fall with my face right on my pillow. 'Why couldn't be her instead of those weirdos... Wait, why am I thinking about that annoying girl?! I'm not missing her or anything...' Thinking such I feel drowsiness overcome me as I drift into sleep.