'Such a beautifull day.' I though to myself getting up after a good night of sleep, that for certain reasons are rare, considering that i have to sleep on a cold and hard bed. I still don't know how the mechanism on my door were cheaper than "luxury" items in this world, even if I did half the job, it simply doesn't make any sense.
After my daily grumble about my bedroom condition I prepare to another day, this being one of the few days I have to rest. Getting to the kitchen, that I had to create half of the tools by myself for reasons already mentioned, I start to prepare a feast, not that I was waiting for someone, just that I felt like rewarding myself for breaking the record of profits in this week, yep, it's all because of the profits.
When I was finally done with most dishes there was a sudden knock on the door of the shop, even though my powers are not physical, I still boast of enhanced senses, so hearing it from the kitchen was easy, if not quite loud.
After getting everything ready I walk to the shop from the kitchen and open the door mechanism, letting a familiar beauty enter. Flowing red hair and red eyes with horns and tail that one would think it was a devil's, all paired with a sexy body full of curves.
"You arrived really early, are you so anxious to see me?" Said Mikoto with a slight cold voice, even though deep inside she was really happy.
"Of course my dear Misa, who wouldn't be? Even more so that I would have the pleasure to taste such a beauty's cooking." Said the same familiar voice that in the past would make me annoyed, but nowadays it doesn't even make a reaction, though her words and manners are still the same old Kila.
"I still don't know what got into me for inviting you." I say out loud without expecting an answer, even I don't know what made me do such, it just happened naturally when she came back from her "adventure", as she like to call it. Although for some reason I'm happy she accepted.
Taking her to the kitchen I see that she is different than usual, even though she is wearing casual outfit that differs from normal, she is more quiet, It somehow feels strange. I was ready for the barrage of questions and compliments like always, but there is none, looking at her from the corner of my eyes I somehow feel that something is off, but couldn't quite put my finger on it.
Almost on the kitchen I feel that she got real close and was about to hug me, i don't know what happened later because my brain simply blacked out, but when I've came to myself she was still hugging me from behind with her face close to mine, I almost felt like blacking out again but I've resist it, charging an eletric cloak, making sure to knock her out.
"For fuck's sake, what happened." I've said gasping for air, that sure surprised the hell out of me, but the thing is that I didn't felt dread or fear, but excitement. 'No! No! No! No! No fuckin way in hell was I excited for such a thing, must be my imagination.'
Looking at her that was already knocked out cold in the ground I've finally figured what was wrong, taking a certain ring in one of her fingers that she definetely didn't wear yesterday. After taking the ring my suspicion turned out true when the body transformed into a human male. Feeling a chill going down my spine I've remembered his face from the costumers that were close when I made my invitation to Kila.
'Damn bastard, if he touched a damn finger on her i'm going to make sure he goes though hell, but first.' Taking a dagger out of a secret compartment close to the cash desk, hidden for situations like this. Charging the blade with electricity I've made a motion to cut, and a certain part of the human male falls off together with some of his clothes, but not like he would need it anyway. Making sure he doesn't make a mess waking up and screaming I've charged a bolt of lightning stunning the hell out of him, now I'm pretty sure he's as scared as he can get, but before I start to question him for answer there is a knock on the door.
'If it is an accomplice I'm gona be pissed. For fucks sake, even crimes here are more annoying and complicated.' Opening the door completely from the distance I see a certain red haired woman that looks really surprised after looking inside the store from the door. Looking closely to make sure is her I let out a sigh. 'Yup definetely her, still with the same leather armor even while casual.'
Now let's just say that dealing with the guy was more of a hassle than I would like, having to wait for the guards to come and even having being questioned about what happened have taken more time than I expected, to the point that I'm sure the food is already cold.
'So much for a date... Wait why the fuck am I thinking it as a date, damn, she is seducing me with that body of hers.' At the mention of the annoying beauty, she appears in the corner of my eyes, though she is eating something? Looking closely I recognize it as one of the dishes I've prepared using the recipes I've learned in my home world.
"Why are you eating, it's already cold." I've said a little angered by all the trouble that guy caused me, at least he wouldn't be a trouble for any girl anymore.
"But my dear Misa made this delicious food for me, if I didn't eat it I would certainly die full of regrets." She say with a smile, though this one isn't the same smile I'm used to, but a happy and pure smile, a thing I was certainly not expecting.
Feeling my face heat up I've immediately turned arround. 'Damn, that smile is dangerous, I was almost swayed, how much fuckin charisma she has?! I have to make sure no one see it, otherwise they would fall for it... Yeah I'm certainly only preventing people from failing into her hands.' I though whilst nodding with my head.