Because the night belongs to me

Waking up by crackling fire Harrison looked at it in wonder. In his mind at least a couple of hours passed on the other side of his reality but the fire was still burning as strong as it had when he left this one.

'There can only be two possibilities. Either time came to a standstill or time flow is different between these two realities. Either way, I will find out eventually.', he concluded.

Picking himself up from the resting place he looked outside and as he expected it was still night outside.

As he was not feeling tired at all he did not want to waste time by trying to go to sleep only to find himself in the prison cell which was his body so he climbed down the cliff and walked onto the plateau.

There were two moons shinning in the sky dimming the stars. One was blue, and one was red. The red one being significantly bigger by almost three times. The night was bright enough he could see the shapes of trees and even his hands in front of him after his eyesight adjusted to the darkness.

Having nothing better to do at the moment he took out a sword and started practicing again the basic moves and trying out different things to connect them where he felt there were parts missing from his knowledge. Every once in a while he checked the Basic swordmanship for beginners or Swordmanship for dummies as he nicknamed it and tried to figure out what the words that were not translated could mean.

Repeating the moves in order as shown in the books he made slight adjustments to his posture and breathing until they flowed more smoothly. After three hours of doing the same repeated moves he still was not feeling tired but his stomach started to protest. Taking out what little of the roasted ratbit wa left he ate it while looking at the moves again. He noticed the analyze button was back.

After a few seconds it stopped its thing, and he saw the learn button available. He selected it with his intention, and it quickly gave him a confirmation.

Swordmanship skill LVL. 10 acquired.

Bonus Strength +1

Bonus Agility +1

He looked trough the book and noticed the system had successfully translated all the text that was missing such as concentrate, exhale, etc.. Those were all things that were not able to be drawn and had to be described.

He looked at his stats and he was pleased that he was over the average in almost all of them.

Strength: 9.5 | Wisdom: 11.5 | Intellligence: 17 | Dexterity: 10.5 | Perception: 12 | Agility: 11 | Water element affinity: 10.5 | Pain tolerance: 10.5 | Vitality: 10.5 | Fire element affinity: 10.5 | Energy: 10.5 | Willpower: 14 |

Finishing his meal he tossed the bones into the woods on the same pile where he put all the others. It was some distance away from the cave but since the double moons gave plenty of light; he was not too worried by a sudden ambush of a predator.

As he looked around if there indeed were some he saw a green flash as he looked at a plant. As he focused on it again, it was covered by a green overlay and a text was hovering above it.

The text was only half legible. It said White something. Harrison looked at the plant and it did have some small blossoms that looked grey in the moonlight. He wondered what it was good for but he did not dare to pluck it.

Some plants can look normal but can be highly toxic when touched. He decided he would dig it out some other day and made sure to remember it's location.

Since he was running out of roasted meat he took out the dead foxbit and skinned it by the pond. He washed off the meat and pelt in the pond and stuck them in the inventory before he buried the insides in the nearby woods.

The foxbit was a lot bigger than the ratbit do he cut it into smaller pieces. It took him a long time since the daggers he had were not really sharp or of good quality.

By the end the knives quality annoyed him so much he wanted to take out the battleaxe and just chop it up like a log.

The poor battleaxe was also at the end of its life after the abuse of chopping up a small forest of young trees. In the end he just followed the joints and dismembered it by slowly cutting off the connecting tissue and the cartilage.

The foxbit meat seemed a lot tougher, but he decided to use it anyway since it was the only food he had besides the meager amount of dried meat and a small leftover of roasted ratbit.

'I need to get some salt from the town.' he thought.

Placing everything in his inventory he walked back to the cave. Once there, he stacked some more firewood on the now dying fire and began to do push-ups, sit-ups and squats.

He stopped when he reached level 6 in fitness and lied down in the corner making plans and trying to not fall asleep. He wanted to avoid jail time for as long as possible.

'I wish I had a lot and some coffee but there are probably no coffee beans here.' he thought while yawning.

Harrison got up and climbed down the cliff as the day was breaking and washed his face with the cool water to try to alleviate his sleepiness.

It helped somewhat, and he decided to go to the town. He put on the common clothing but left the leather boots and got on the way.

It was easy for him to follow the markings he made last time and he was much faster reaching the road with the dirty underwear in less than half an hour.

Half an hour after that he was standing in front of the shop which was still closed to his dismay. Holding the four books he bartered for the last time he was here, Harrison was about to leave and look around when he heard a noise of the door being unlocked followed by yawning as a plump man came out.

"Aka sha!" Harrison said as the shopkeeper noticed him.

"Aka sha...!" the shopkeeper said in bewilderment with a passive voice awkward voice bordering on stuttering.

'I thought you were a mute.' he thought as he looked at Harrison. Right now Harrison looked much cleaner than before. Although he still wore the same clothes, the dirt from last time was gone and other than some marks left by the shrubs he passed on the way his clothing was clean.

Shopkeeper muttered something as he made way and gestured for Harrison to come in.

Harrison walked in front and stopped at some sacks and looked at an opened one filled with coarse white crystals. He dipped his finger in it and tasted it. It was salt as he had hoped.

Shopkeeper furrowed his eyebrows but did not sat a thing since the amount Harrison took was miniscule.

Coming back to the bookshelf Harrison pointed at it and the books he held in his hands.

The shopkeeper understood his intention and took the books from him and looked them over for damage and seeing they were in the same condition as if they never left his shop he raised two fingers.

"Bolk!", he said still holding the two fingers.

Harrison shook his head and shamelessly raised four knowing it would not get accepted.

The shopkeeper looked at him and the books raised three fingers next. Although he was not a library, it was still a good deal for him getting paid a book every time this kid visits for free.


Harrison nodded, and selected three books and left the shop for the small urine smelling alley. They were still children's books since he expected those to be easiest for the system to interpret the vocabulary from. He put them in his inventory and took out the ratbit skin and went back.

Finding the shopkeeper he pointed at the salt and then at the fur. The shopkeeper took the fur and looked it over and weighed a small amount of salt in a linen like bag.

Honestly, the fur was small and in two parts and he was probably suffering a loss but the deal with the books softened his heart.

Taking the salt Harrison bowed his head a bit and left the shop eagerly. With quick footsteps he approached where he was ambushed the previous time he was in town but no one bothered him.

He quickly reached the underwear marking and went into the woods. The embers in the cave were smouldering as he restarted the fire. Soon he took out the meat and salted it and put it on the rack to roast it. He planned to roast the whole foxbit now and stick it into his inventory when done since it would stay nice and warm there forever according to previous experience.

The pieces were too big for doing them all at once so he had to separate them in four parts.

As he was finishing up and getting cooking up to level 3 he suddenly heard a splashing sound coming from the waterfalls direction.

'Oooo. Something has come to offer itself for my next meal.', he thought as he put the last piece of roasted foxbit into his inventory.