Stupid horse

Slowly climbing down the cliff making sure he made as little noise as possible Harrison imagined what that sound could be.

'I hope there are ratbits. Hmm but why and how would they make a splash sound? This makes no sense.', he thought.

He took out the bow and a good arrow from his inventory and crawled to the waterfalls overhang to look down. Harrison decided if there was something in the pond he can't handle he will rush back to the cave immediately.

Looking over he saw a horse like creature tied up to a tree but no one in the water. The thing that looked like a horse was tall, black and was just standing there tied by the reins on a branch. It had some stuff on his back what Harrison determined after looking carefully were clothes.

Soon Harrison heard another splash sound below him and as he looked over the overhang he saw a white figure swimming to the opposite shore.

It looked like a gorgeous female body, with slender legs and long black hair that stopped above her buttocks which emphasized her curvy body.

Suddenly Radiohead's song Creep started playing in his head as he could not divert his eyes from her.

As she neared the shore she stood up and pulled her hair in front of her, giving the horse a full frontal view Harrison was extremely envious off.

'Stupid horse that view is wasted on you!'

Maybe it is better you don't turn around. Don't spoil my fantasy of a perfect face on that flawless body. Please don't!', he thought but still kept watching.

As she started to come out of the pond, the horse suddenly turned its head towards the woods and neighed tossing its head from side to side.

'Was I discovered?', Harrison thought looking at the horse.

Soon he saw a bit further away a shadow creeping closer and after it three more that looked the same. They were still some distance away from the horse. Harrison figured it was about fifty meters from them and twenty meters from the girl which with hurried footsteps came from the pond making a splashing sound and ran towards her horse.

The noise alerted the shadows which for a second halted their advance and lowered themselves but then pounced like the wind towards the horse that was growing more restless by the second.

As the girl reached her horse, she tried to untie it from a branch but the shadows were almost halfway to her. The horse was panicking raising its head and swinging it about. It even tried to get on his back hoofs but the reins held it down.

She tried to calm it down and struggled to untie it. She finally did manage to untie her horse, but it hit her with its head and rammed her into the tree head first where she collapsed as the horse ran away.

The shadows halted as if deciding who to go after and now Harrison could see them clearly. They looked like the foxbit he met before but were black and double its size. They had long rabbit looking ears, and their long red tongues were sticking out between their sharp teeth.

It didn't take them long to decide to go for the helpless prey first which was collapsed by a tree near the pond. They started crawling towards her displaying caution.

'F%^& what should I do?'

'I don't even know her ...''


Harrison thought before he ran a few meters towards his cave then turned around and jumped of the waterfalls overhang holding his bow.

As he made a big splash, the sudden noise startled the black foxbits, and they scattered a few meters away before turning and inspecting what made that sound. By the time they stopped panicking Harrison already crawled out from the pond and ran towards the girl.

She was laying by the tree naked in full view but he had no time to enjoy it as the black foxbits decided he was not a big enough threat and started to move towards them.

As he reached her, he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the pond without care for any bruising or scrapes she might incur by his action.

He reached the water before the black foxbits could stop him and waded into the pond backwards holding the girl beneath her armpits looking at the reluctant black foxbits.

Their hunger must have been stronger than their distaste for water as they jumped inside the pond after him and dog-paddled in his direction.

"You have just made a terrible mistake!", exclaimed Harrison as he saw them.

They were slower than he was in the water even when dragging the unconscious girl as they could not reach the floor of the pond after a few meters. This was also what he hoped for when he dragged her into the pond. He put the bow in his inventory and turned around as he pulled the arms of the girl over his shoulders until he faced the paddling foxbits head on.

With his left hand holding the young woman's hands preventing her from slipping from his back he raised his right one in the air and swung it downwards. As his hand was in front of the paddling black foxbit a battleaxe appeared and hit the unsuspecting predator like a guillotine but instead of cutting its head off it split it in the middle. Needless to say it was dead.

The other three were oblivious to the fate of the first one and as Harrison recycled his battleaxe in the inventory and as he executed three more chopping moves, they suffered the same fate.

The whole water assault didn't last more than a minute from the time when the black foxbits entered the pond which now changed its color to pink from translucent emerald green.

The battleaxe was back in the inventory and Harrison added four fresh corpses of the black foxbits to give it some company.

He waded out from the pond carrying the girl on his back like a sack of flour and went around the waterfall towards his cave. Gently putting her down by the cliff he took out some clothes from his inventory.

Looking at her he sighed.

She did not disappoint him from the front either. He could see she was young and not fully developed because of her age. On her small breasts nipples stuck out like radio buttons from the chilly water. Her forehead was still bleeding a bit, but it soon stopped as Harrison wiped and dried it off. Looking at her beautiful face Harrison contemplated his next move.

"Damn you are pretty. But what should I do with you. Aaaaargh...", he said after a while.

He pulled some underpants and a shirt on her then tied her up with a rope under her arms and climbed up the cliff.

Pulling her up was a lot harder than carrying her but he somehow managed. The girl was young but his body right now was even younger.

'The previous owner of the body probably would not be able to carry you.', Harrison thought as he finally pulled her up. Restarting the fire he laid out a bed for her besides it and dragged her on it and covered her with some additional clothes.

Looking at her peacefully breathing he felt satisfaction. He did something meaningful today. He saved a life. Those were the thoughts in his head but also he was admiring how beautiful she was just laying there while the light of flames danced on her face.

She had a cut on above her left eye and a bit of swelling but otherwise her facial features were stunning. Her prominent cheekbones with big eyes which he still could not see because she kept them closed. In his opinion she had perfect lips which were not full but still inviting you to be kiss them with their delicateness and above them was a small gentle nose.

'Aaaaaargh. I should stop looking at her like a pervert. Otherwise what's the point of putting clothes on her.', he thought as he turned around.

He started analysing the books he bought today and eating the foxbit he roasted. The taste was a lot better than the ratbit but the texture was stringy. Every now and then he turned around and admired her as she kept on sleeping.

'This is taking forever. Maybe I should kiss you sleeping beauty. Nah. Who am I kidding I am no Prince?' he mused in his head as he observed her.

He was tired, so he also laid down in his corner and dozed off but not before checking if he could get anything from the books he had. Sadly, the learn button has not appeared on either of them. He closed his eyes and anticipated eagerly the sound of the ventilator and the smell of antiseptics.

It didn't take long, and he was back at the hospital.

'Hello. Goooood-bye.' he said before selecting a drop of diazepam from his inventory and selecting a blood vessel into which he transported it.

Soon he felt like he was floating and reopened his eyes in the cave.