Stop acting like a damsel in distress

The boy sat down in Weiwei's chair and said, "Hey, I have never seen you here before. Are you new to Beijing? If you want, I could show you all the tourist spots. And some of of my favourites too."

The boy looked like a total sleez-ball and Ying Xuan was disgusted. As she took out her phone to type, the boy placed his hand on her hand that was on the table. He said, "What do you say, we ditch this place and go somewhere fun?"

Ying Xuan was utterly horrified and slapped his hand away. The boy did not seem to take this pretty well as he grabbed her wrist and said, "Look at you, behaving like the queen of the world. You should thank the heavens that you are lucky enough to catch my attention. Now, just state your price."

Ying Xuan was about to slap the boy when she heard a voice behind her.

She turned to look at a girl with long hair in a bun and large front teeth. The girl said, "Can't you see that she is not interested? Or will you only back off after I punh you in the face?"

The boy seemed to know her as he said, "It's not like that Zuan. This girl here first came onto me and then began to demand a really high price."

The girl name Zuan said, "Please call me Miss Lu. I don't think we are close enough for first name basis. And are you sure about what you are saying, because it sure didn't look like that to me. It looked like you were molesting a simple girl here to have dinner."

The boy looked flustered as he said, "You're mistaken."

Zuan crossed her arms in front of her chest and said, "You sure? Cause I could pull up the security camera footage of this shop. And I wonder what will your father have to say about your behaviour here tonight."

This seemed to do the trick as the boy quickly backed off. He said, "Oh I was only kidding. I was just joking around with my great friend here. Anyway, I'll leave."

Saying this, he hurried out of the restaurant, a big gang of boys following after him.

Ying Xuan opened her mouth and looked at the girl who had saved her. But the girl said, "Don't thank me. Just stop acting like a damsel in distress and start standing up for yourself." And she walked away.

Shi Weiwei came with a tray in her hands, watching the retreating figure of the girl. She turned towards Xuan and asked, "Did I miss something?"

Ying Xuan sighed and shook her head before picking up the big bowl and she began eating.

The rest of the evening was pretty normal. The two girls had a rather enjoyable lunch at the ramen shop.

Ying Xuan asked Shi Weiwei, 'Hey Weiwei, do many rich kids come here?'

Weiwei looked at her message and said, "Not many. Just a band of rich spoilt boys. They bully the people here and the owner is unable to do anything as their parents are influential. But the good news is, they don't come very often as the place is not much high profile."

Ying Xuan nodded as she continued eating her ramen.