Spending time before term starts

After the dinner, Shi Weiwei and Ying Xuan walked back to the dorms. They said goodbye to each other as they entered their separate rooms.

As Ying Xuan opened the room and went in, she saw Ying Xi getting ready. She had on a dark blue backless blouse and black miniskirt. She was doing her make-up right now and turned to see as Xuan entered.

She said, "I'm going out. Don't wait up."

Ying Xuan waved her hand as she picked up her towel and a set of pajamas and went into the bathroom for a bath.

As she prepared her bath and got into it, Ying Xuan had a satisfied expression on her face. She really did not care what Ying Xi did, most probably was going on a date with someone.

It had been like that ever since Xuan could remember. Ying Xi would be going out with one person or another everyday. Xuan used to make an effort to make friends with Xi before as they were sisters, but had soon given up when she realised Xi was well beyond repair.

Ying Xuan came out well after half an hour, smelling of her favourite soap and shampoo.

To her surprise, Ying Xi was still there.

She had put on smokey eye make-up, which meant she was going clubbing. And her already straight hair, which she had still straightened, were loose and fell halfway down her waist.

Ying Xuan walked out of the bathroom, wearing a comfortable pair of white pajamas with red polka-dots. She was drying her hair with a towel when Ying Xi stood up and blew a kiss in the mirror. She turned around and looked at Xuan with a surprised expression, "You had a bath? So quick?"

Ying Xuan sighed and pointed towards the wall-clock that they had put up.

Ying Xuan gasped, "Shoot! It's already almost 8:30. I'm way more than fashionably late."

Saying this she rushed out of the room as Ying Xuan dried and combed her hair and plopped on her bed.

She was so jet-lagged that she immediately fell asleep and did not know when Ying Xi returned, or whether she did at all.

Ying Xuan spent the rest of her days before the term started mostly hanging out with Shi Weiwei. They had two spots where they would go. One was the rooftop of the main college building and the other was a secluded small garden in one corner of the campus. The garden was more frequently visited by the two as Shi Weiwei was not very athletic and it was quite a climb upto the rooftop. The two girls, despite being wastly different, had grown quite fond of each other. Ying Xuan showed some of her finished designs to Shi Weiwei and Weiwei showed her some of the stories she had written.

The two found being around the other quite easy and relaxing. Shi Weiwei was a chatterbox and Ying Xuan found all her talking intersting. Weiwei, on the other hand, liked how calm and rebellious Xuan was at the same time.

She also found Xuan really beautiful and left no chance to appreciate her beauty. Whether it was her ash coloured skin, her straight silky hair with that blue streak, or Xuan's perfect body.