A girl sitting on the seat beside Ying Xuan said, "He is the one? My mother told me to stay away from him."
Xuan also heard a boy somewhere speak, "Look at him. What a freak. I heard even his parents hate him and treat him like shit."
Ying Xuan frowned, "What are they all talking about?"
But she did not have time to listen to any more gossips as the boy walked upto her seat and asked, with a big smile on his face, "Is this seat taken?"
Ying Xuan shook her head and slid towards the window, so that he could sit down. Xuan noticed that the boy looked surprised, like he wasn't expecting her to let him sit down.
The boy sat down and held up his hand, "I am Su Shaoyan. And you must be one of the Ying twins. Are you Ying Xi, or Ying Xuan?"
Ying Xuan shook his hand and then began to write on the back page of her sketchbook. Su Shaoyan said, "So you're Ying Xuan. Nice to meet you."
Before Ying Xuan could ask how he knew so much about her, the teacher entered the class.
He looked around the class and said, "All right class, I hope you remember me. For those who do not, my name is Ren Kylo. Today, we will be working in pairs. Each of you sitting together will be a pair. I will be giving each pair a situation for which they are going to have to design an outfit. I really wanted to have this class as practical, but since the designing room is not open yet, you'll all have to make do with sketches."
He looked around and was pleased to see that people were paying attention.
He continued, "Today, you all will have to come up with the design with your partner and make a rough sketch. Tomorrow, we will be finishing it and choosing colours. And the day after tomorrow, the design room will open, I hope. So you'll be putting together that outfit. Got it. Okay, now.....yes?"
A petite looking girl had raised her hand.
She asked, "What about those who don't have a deskmate?"
Mr. Ren said, "Yeah. You can all raise your hands who are sitting alone and I'll match you up."
As the students who were sitting alone raised their hands, Su Shaoyan leaned towards Ying Xuan and said, "It's good that we're not sitting alone. It would be horrible to be matched up with a stranger."
Ying Xuan looked at him and passed him a note, 'But we are strangers too."
Su Shaoyan laughed, "We are not strangers. I was drawn to you."
Before Ying Xuan could ask how he was 'drawn to her', Mr. Ren had finished pairing up the students and said, "Now we will start from the first row. Each pair will come to my desk and they will pick up a slip from this box, which has the situations for which you will be designing. Now, come on."
They started from the desk closest to the door in the first row. Ying Xuan's seat was opposite the door in the last row, so obviously, her turn came last.
As she and Su Shaoyan walked upto the teacher's table, he said, "Ah. Now I see that my favourite situation has been left for my best student. Here." He handed them a slip.