We will design a gown!!!

"Favourite student? What us he talking about? Can't be me. This is my second class. And him, I did not see him here yesterday, so this must be his first class." Ying Xuan thought as Su Shaoyan took the slip from the teacher, read it and a small smile formed on his lips.

He handed the slip to Xuan. It read, 'A princess of a great kingdom has always been half-vampire. She has hid it uptil now, but now that the people have found out, the princess has decided to embrace her true self and will be attending a ball dressed such that there will be no doubts about her identity.'

As Ying Xuan finished reading, she looked up.

"Our teacher sure has a vivid imagination. I wonder if all the situations were like these." She thought as she went back to her seat with Su Shaoyan.

Upon reaching the seat, Ying Xuan took out her sketchbook and scribbled a note. It said, 'Let's first decide what the gown will look like.'

Su Shaoyan read the note and said, "Gown? Why a gown?"

Ying Xuan: 'Because she is a princess. And half-vampire."

Su Shaoyan: "But does she have to wear a gown? I mean, can't she just wing it?"

Ying Xuan sighed as she made another note, 'What are you thinking?'

Su Shaoyan smiled as he quickly drew a rough draft in his sketchbook. As Ying Xuan saw it, she slapped her forehead.

It was a costume that looked like a count Dracula had come out of some cheesy movie.

Su Shaoyan laughed as he said, "I'm just kidding. Of course it will have to be a gown. Not the usual princessy one, I'm thinking...."

As he trailed off, Ying Xuan wrote, 'Something maybe a-lined. With maybe a cut that shows her leg.'

Su Shaoyan beamed, "Exactly what I was thinking!!!"

Ying Xuan: 'We can't make it too villany. Because she is a princess too."

Su Shaoyan: "She is embracing her identity as a half-vampire, while not letting go of being a princess."

Ying Xuan: 'So the dress has to be the perfect blend of a princess and a vampire.'

Su Shaoyan and Ying Xuan were on a roll. They were definitely on the same page as they completed each other's sentences. Ying Xuan enjoyed very much as she and Su Shaoyan prepared a rough draft.

At the end of the class came, neither of them had noticed it. They were still in a debate.

Su Shaoyan: "But why can't she have that. I mean, it will complete her look."

Ying Xuan: 'I am not letting my first model wear a devil hairband!"

Su Shaoyan opened her mouth to say something when the teacher said, "Mr. Su, Miss Ying, I understand that you guys are enjoying yourself, but may I suggest that you pick it up tomorrow?"

Ying Xuan looked up to see that the class was already empty. She looked at Su Shaoyan who seemed surprised too.

Ying Xuan let out a guilty smile as she and Su Shaoyan packed up their stuff.

While they were walking out, Su Shaoyan said, "Are you sure?"

Ying Xuan glared at him. Her look saying 'definitely not'.