This guy has real talent

Su Shaoyan put up his hands in defeat, "Okay fine. Don't stab me."

As the two walked out, Shaoyan said, "Hey, do you want to meet up sometime today to work on that dress?"

Ying Xuan took out her phone and pointed to it. Su Shaoyan understood and took out his own phone. They saved each other's numbers and Ying Xuan texted, 'Do you stay in the dorms?'

Su Shaoyan: 'Yeah.'

Ying Xuan: 'Then we can meet up after the next class.'

Su Shaoyan: 'Sounds like a plan.'

Ying Xuan: 'Meet me in the cafeteria at dinner time.'

Su Shaoyan: 'See you there.'

The two parted ways and Ying Xuan hurried off to her painting class. She had already spent most of the break talking to Su Shaoyan.

Ying Xuan reached the painting class all out of breath. She had to take a detour to her locker as she had not being carrying her painting sketchbook.

Ying Xuan was sweaty when she reached the class and was relieved to find out that the teacher was not there yet. She walked over to her favourite seat by the window, wiping her sweaty forehead on the sleeve of her blouse.

As Ying Xuan was still thinking about the dress she and Su Shaoyan had to work in, she did not notice the person sitting on the bench next to her.

The teacher soon walked in and said, "I hope you all have completed your paintings. Now, I want you all to follow me to the paint room, it is open today. You can leave your bags here. Only take your paints and sketchbooks."

Ying Xuan was excited for seeing the art room as she stood up with the rest of the class and followed the teacher there.

Once everyone had settled down, the teacher spoke again, "I now want you all to keep your paintings that you must have finished here on this table."

"The teachers here sure have an unusual way of teaching. Well, I guess you can't teach arts like other subjects. I bet this class will be fun too!" Xuan thought as she went and placed her sketchbook with the page of her painting of the night open.

After they were all done, the teacher clapped her hands and said, "Now, I will calling you one by one. You will come up here, and mark a star on the painting you like best. You cannot mark your own painting. Understood."

She looked around and seeing no real enthusiasm, she said, "The one whose painting gets the most star will be rewarded."

This captured the students' attention as the teacher, Miss Wang, began to call them alphabetically.

As expected, Ying Xuan's turn came last. She walked over to the table and looked at the paintings. They were all good, but nothing that would reach your soul.

Then, her eyes fell on a painting at the very corner of the table, a painting of rain falling on a valley. It was so beautifully done that anyone would think that it was a photograph at the first glance. The rain was vivid and the greenery brought out by rain was life-like.

Ying Xuan picked up her marker and went towards it. As she was about to make a star, she noticed the sign below it, 'Wei Jingyu', it said.

"Wow, this guy might be arrogant but he has real talent." She thought as she marked a star without even a second thought.