You did this? By yourself?

Ying Xuan shook her head and made sure the girl felt it. After crying some more, the girl finally pulled apart from Xuan's embrace and took the tissue she had been offered.

She managed a small smile and said, "Thank you. I think I'll go to dinner now. You want to come with me and have dinner with my friends?"

Ying Xuan shook her head and pointed towards her bag, indicating that she still had something to do. The girl nodded and smiled and walked out of the classroom.

Ying Xuan walked out after her, and they said goodbye in the hallway.

Xuan knew she was late for dinner, but she still had something to do. She hurried off towards the office of Miss Anhao and knocked. Miss Anhao's voice rang out, "Come in."

Ying Xuan opened the door and walked in. Miss Anhao was bent over some papers and looked up when the door opened. She looked visibly surprised at seeing Ying Xuan and asked, "What are you doing here? Wait, first tell me, are you Miss Ying Xi, or Miss Ying Xuan?"

Ying Xuan took out her ID card. The action was enough for Miss Anhao. She said, "So you're Miss Ying Xuan. Continue."

Ying Xuan took out the notebook in which she had translated the chapter and gave it to Miss Anhao.

"What's this?" Miss Anhao looked confused as she opened up the notebook.

Miss Anhao's expression changed to one of surprise as she read. She looked up and said, "Sit down, Miss Ying."

Ying Xuan took a chair.

Miss Anhao: "Is this the translation of the whole chapter?"

Ying Xuan nodded her head.

Miss Anhao: "And who's help did you take to finish this?"

Ying Xuan started fishing in her bag for a notebook, but Miss Anhao was quicker. She slid a notebook and a pen towards Xuan saying, "You'll have to excuse me. I don't know sign language."

Ying Xuan wrote, 'I took no one's help.'

Miss Anhao: "So you're meaning to tell me you translated the whole chapter in just a day's time? By yourself?"

Ying Xuan nodded.

Miss Anhao: "Can you prove it?"

Ying Xuan was dumbfounded. "How does she expect me to prove it." She thought internally as she wrote, 'One of my friends saw me do this all on my own. I could call her if you want.'

Miss Anhao smiled after reading the note and said, "That is no proof. How about..... you translate this paragraph for me."

Ying Xuan took the book Miss Anhao had slid towards her.

Just by looking at it, Ying Xuan could tell that this was a difficult paragraph which was probably part of the course of advanced English. She looked up at Miss Anhao's expression and knew that she believed Ying Xuan would not be able to translate it.

It was obvious, because the passage would have been difficult for anyone whose first language was not English. But Ying Xuan had been studying English since she was little, her mother made sure of it.

Xuan took up the pen and read the paragraph once more. She then started writing and did not even look at the paragraph anymore. After five minutes, Ying Xuan slid the notebook and the book back towards Miss Anhao. Miss Anhao glanced at the paper and a smile appeared on her lips.