What's he doing here?

"I'll accept this as proof that you certainly did translate the whole chapter all on your own. Very well, you may go." Miss Anhao said, getting back to her papers.

Ying Xuan had almost reached the door when Miss Anhao's voice rung again, "Wait a moment, Miss Ying."

Ying Xuan turned around and looked at her teacher.

Miss Anhao said, "Could you tell me why was it that you were trying to get into detention yesterday?"

Ying Xuan's eyes almost popped out of the sockets, "She knew! But how...."

Seeing her face, Miss Anhao spoke, "You're wondering how I knew? Very well, I'll tell you how I knew. But I expect to be answered when I'm done."

Ying Xuan nodded and again sat down across Miss Anhao.

Miss Anhao began, "I could tell that you were trying to get in detention because I know of my reputation. And any student who misbehaves in my class either has to be very stupid or have some motive. And you don't look stupid. Moreover, you seemed to be anticipating something every time you did something, and your face fell the first two times.

But the third time when I gave you detention, don't think I missed that smug look."

Miss Anhao stopped and slid a paper towards Ying Xuan, "So now will you tell me why you were trying to get into detention?"

Ying Xuan was impressed as she wrote, 'My friend had detention, and she was very scared about doing it alone.'

Ying Xuan thought that she saw the corners of Miss Anhao's lips curve into a small smile as she read the note, but it was gone so quickly that it might have been only Xuan's imagination.

Miss Anhao nodded towards the door and went back to her papers.

Ying Xuan was confused, "You have been given a mouth, use it for god's sake." She thought internally as Xuan slowly moved towards the door, wondering if she was excused or not.

When Miss Anhao did not stop her, Ying Xuan rushed out of the door and towards the cafeteria. She was very, very late now and would not be surprised if the cafeteria had closed.

But fortunately, when Xuan reached the cafeteria, it was still open and the students were finishing up their dinners. Ying Xuan spotted Su Shaoyan standing at the door looking very worried. She walked upto him and tapped on his shoulder.

Su Shaoyan turned around, apparently alarmed, but his face shifted into one of relief as he saw it was Ying Xuan.

"Where have you been? I've sent you at least a hundred texts." he said as Ying Xuan waved her hand and led him towards Shi Weiwei and Lu Zuan, who she had just spotted.

Shi Weiwei was the first to see Xuan approaching as she said, "We've been worried. Where have you been?"

Hearing her, Lu Zuan also turned around and said, "What were you..."

But her voice trailed off as she noticed Su Shaoyan behind Ying Xuan.

For some reason, Lu Zuan looked angry, "You've been with him?" She asked, pointing at Su Shaoyan.

Ying Xuan mouthed as she reached for a chair, "Of course not. I'll tell you guys everything."

But Lu Zuan caught the chair and asked, "What is he doing here? Answer me, Xuan."