Too much PDA

Ying Xuan was a little embarrassed with herself, she could smell Wei Jingyu!!! And he was far too!

Her tips of the ears went a little pink as she looked down, knowing that Wei Jingyu was surveying her up and down.

After quite some time, Jingyu spoke, "You look.... really beautiful."

Ying Xuan looked up, finding his voice weird. She saw that he was quite red around his ears and a faint blush had crept into his cheeks.

Xuan signed a thanks, wondering what was he blushing about.

If she had known Wei Jingyu's thoughts at that moment, Ying Xuan would also probably have blushed or might have even fainted.

Suddenly, between the two of them, there appeared Shi Weiwei's hand made into a chop slicing the air. Ying Xuan and Wei Jingyu looked at her, confused.

Weiwei shrugged, "Trying to cut the sexual tension between you two. Apparently....." She gave the air another slice, "It's not working."

Ying Xuan's ears went from pink to red, the blush was really beautiful as it contrasted with her ash coloured skin.

She lightly slapped Weiwei's back and motioned her to shut up.

Xuan then felt an arm slide around her shoulder.

Su Shaoyan stood with his arm casually around her. He said, "Only complimenting her? Look around, other people have dressed up too. You actually look quite good yourself."

It was then that Ying Xuan noticed what Wei Jingyu was wearing.

It was very different from his usual dressing style of a bad boy. He wore a plain white shirt with the topmost button open and sleeves folded to reveal his muscular forearm.

And faded blue denim jeans. His long black hair were parted at the side and pulled into a half bun.

Wei Jingyu smiled as he looked at Weiwei and Shaoyan, "You both look really pretty too."

Su Shaoyan pretended to flip his hair and Shi Weiwei said, "Hey, you guys match."

It was then that Ying Xuan looked down at her own clothes and then back at Wei Jingyu. They indeed matched.

Both Su Shaoyan and Shi Weiwei had grown quite used to Wei Jingyu's being around. They joked around with him, and he laughed around with them too.

Su Shaoyan started to push Xuan towards Wei Jingyu as he said, "Come on, stand together. Let me take a pic."

Ying Xuan and Wei Jingyu stood together and Shi Weiwei forced Jingyu to wrap his hand around Xuan's shoulders, and he seemed very happy too.

Su Shaoyan clicked the first pic, they both smiled shyly at the camera, both of them a little red around the ears.

Then suddenly a gust of wind blew Ying Xuan's hair and Su Shaoyan clicked another pic of Wei Jingyu looking at Xuan and lovingly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Finally, he clicked a third one, with both of them looking at each other. It was such a candid and beautiful shot that Su Shaoyan felt himself immediately become a shipper of Xuan and Jingyu.

While everyone was engrossed in themselves, a voice was heard from behind them, "If all the PDA is done, can we go? We'll be late for class."

The four of them looked in the direction of the voice and saw Lu Zuan, standing with her hands on her hips.