You three look like angels today

All four of them stared wide-eyed and open-mouthed at Lu Zuan.

She was wearing a black qipao with white and red flowers on it. Her hair were done in a beautiful elegant bun and Zuan looked like a princess out of a history book.

She walked over to then and said, "Okay. You guys can start making fun. But on the way, we'll be late."

This broke everyone's trance. Though Lu Zuan usually wore dresses, Shi Weiwei was more the pants type, her dresses were always western. Nobody had ever seen her wear a traditional dress ever since they had started college. But it had to be admitted that Zuan carried it well. She seemed to be comfortable in the qipao, and moved as though she wore it every day.

Wei Jingyu was the first to recover. He coughed and said, "You look good, Lu Zuan. I'll be going now." He turned towards Xuan, "See you in literature."

Ying Xuan was still in a daze and nodded.

Su Shaoyan was next to snap back.

He walked over to Lu Zuan and circled around her, admiring the qipao and her hairstyle.

He then turned towards Lu Zuan and said, "The only compliment I can give you is that....."

He turned to Xuan, "You're not going to be the most beautiful girl on campus today."

This statement helped both Shi Weiwei and Ying Xuan snap out of their daze.

Ying Xuan smiled as she greeted Lu Zuan, "Wouldn't mind losing if this is what I'm competing to."

Lu Zuan blushed as Shi Weiwei also showered her with compliments, "Stop making fun of me."

Su Shaoyan was hurt by her words, "Do you think I would ever joke around in matters of dresses? Every word I spoke was the truth from my heart."

Ying Xuan smiled at his over dramatic behaviour but said, "It's true Zuan. You really look extraordinary. You should wear traditional dresses more often."

Now that she was sure they were not all making fun of her, she said, "You guys can then come to my funeral. Because I'm not able to breathe in this thing."

Shi Weiwei was surprised, "Really? You look comfortable enough."

Lu Zuan chuckled, "You'll be surprised at how much discomfort can be hidden."

Ying Xuan: "If you're so uncomfortable, why did you decide to wear this? Some special occasion?"

Su Shaoyan: "Today's not your birthday. Neither is one of ours."

Lu Zuan: "Nah. My mum made me wear this. We're going to some function as soon as the college will be over and I won't have time to get ready. According to my mum anyways."

Shi Weiwei: "Whatever the reason, I'm glad you wore this today."

Ying Xuan: "Yeah. It makes us see you in a new light."

Su Shaoyan mumbled, "You guys really look like fairies. Maybe I should go and change."

Shi Weiwei punched him, "Don't be ridiculous. You can be an angel tomorrow."

The topic of conversation was Lu Zuan and her dress until the four parted after breakfast to go to their separate classes.