Minimising the damages

Su Shaoyan was surprised, "Minimise the damages?"

But Lu Zuan seemed to understand as she exclaimed, "Wei Jingyu!!! Damn it!!"

Ying Xuan nodded as a look of realisation passed over Su Shaoyan's face and he instantly made for the door, but Ying Xuan stopped him.

"What now?" He exclaimed.

'You, go find Weiwei. Explain to her the whole situation. And then both of you find Shen Jie and tell him what really happened.' Xuan signed.

Su Shaoyan slapped his forehead, "Of course. Shen Jie could cause too much trouble."

Xuan nodded and signed, 'Off you go.'

After Su Shaoyan had hurried off, Lu Zuan turned to Xuan, "How are we going to find Wei Jingyu?"

Ying Xuan signed as she walked out of the room with her, 'I have a general idea of where he could be. That's why you're coming with me.'

Lu Zuan tilted her head. She could not understand what was going on in her mind.

Ying Xuan pointed at Zuan's qipao which was now so lose that she even had trouble walking.

Lu Zuan's eyes widened, "Of course. The gym building. Jingyu always goes to either work out or do some other activity when he has something on his mind."

Ying Xuan smiled and the two headed towards the gym building. Once they reached there, Ying Xuan signed to Lu Zuan, 'Go and get your pins and fix your qipao. Then come find me.'

Lu Zuan looked worried. Ying Xuan smiled, 'Don't worry. Go.'

Lu Zuan touched Xuan's cheek at the spot she had slapped her. The red had now turned purple and was hardly visible against Xuan's ash skin. She said, "Xuan. Be careful ok? Jingyu seemed very angry."

Ying Xuan pinched her cheek, 'Go.'

Lu Zuan hurried towards the girls' changing rooms with worried glances at Ying Xuan. Just as she vanished from view, Ying Xuan whipped on her heel and walked towards the volleyball court which was on the ground floor.

Volleyball was Jingyu's favourite game, so she was disappointed not to find him there.

Ying Xuan searched all the courts as she made her way up the building, some empty, some occupied with students.

Ying Xuan opened the door and peeped in. She was surprised to see Wei Jingyu on the basketball court.

He had removed his shirt and shoes, and was playing barefoot wearing a sando. Ying Xuan was struck by the fact how beautiful he was as she saw him dribbling away, something clearly troubling his mind.

Sweat rolled down his face and it glistened, his hair were pulled into a ponytail and were damp with sweat and some stray ones stuck to his forehead.

As Ying Xuan stood there admiring the beauty with which he was playing alone, his movements suddenly stopped. She looked up at his face to see Jingyu standing like a stone staring at her.

Despite all her instincts screaming at her not to go any further, Ying Xuan walked over to him. She had not gone five paces when a basketball came hurling towards her. Xuan caught it with ease and continued to walk forward.

Wei Jingyu suddenly shrieked, "Didn't Lu Zuan give you my message?"

Ying Xuan signed, 'Jingyu listen to me.'

But Wei Jingyu was so agitated that Xuan was not even sure that he could or even wanted to see what she was talking about.