I don't want to see you ever again

Ying Xuan had never before regretted this much not being able to speak. How she wished that she could hurl the explanation at his face. But this was possible only if he calmed down and saw her signs.

She walked over to Jingyu throwing the ball away, signing with her hands and moving her lips, making every desperate attempt to make Wei Jingyu listen to her.

But he seemed determined not to as he turned and walked away. Ying Xuan ran and caught his arm just as he reached the end of the court and the beginning of the seats. She pleaded with her eyes, and Wei Jingyu seemed to be calming down a little, but suddenly he blinked and tore his hand away from Xuan's grasp.

As he turned around to walk away, Ying Xuan grabbed his arm again. She could never have been prepared for what came next. Wei Jingyu whipped around and caught her throat in his hand. He applied pressure and lifted Ying Xuan two inches above the ground. Xuan started choking as Jingyu shouted, "WHAT THR F*CK DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?!?!? ISN'T ONE MAN ENOUGH FOR YOU? HOW MANY MEN YOU WANT TO HAVE WRAPPED AROUND YOUR FINGER BEFORE YOU ARE SATISFIED!?!?!?"

Ying Xuan had heard none of his exclamations. She was choking and felt her vision turning black. Her hands moved to her throat to try to pry Jingyu's hand away.

Wei Jingyu released his hold and Ying Xuan dropped to her knees. He stood and stared at her for a minute before turning away.

This time, Ying Xuan grabbed the end of his sando, her eyes begging. Begging him to listen to her. Wei Jingyu was so agitated that he lifted Xuan by her shoulders before pushing her away towards the stands. He then picked up his shirt and shoes and walked away without once looking back.

If he had, Jingyu might have stopped. Because when he had pushed Xuan, she had landed with a force and banged her forehead on the railing. A deep cut appeared on her forehead as the basketball court began to spin around.

Ying Xuan sat for a moment clutching the railing, before she slapped herself and shook her head. The slap cleared her head and and she got up. Xuan could feel the blood spilling out of the wound and trickling down her forehead. She made her way downstairs, hoping to catch Wei Jingyu or meet up with Lu Zuan.

As she got to the front lobby, she saw no Wei Jingyu, but a very horrified Lu Zuan running towards her.

"Oh my god!!!! What happened? I'm such an idiot!!! I knew I should have come with you." She shrieked as she supported Ying Xuan.

Ying Xuan shook her head as she blinked away the blood that was getting in her eye, 'That's all right. I'll sort it out somehow.'

Lu Zuan was still horrified, "Don't tell me you're planning to go after Jingyu again? After what he did!?"

Ying Xuan: 'I have no idea where he might go. And I'll have to agree I need to go to the infirmary first. But he did not do this, I bumped into the railing.'

Lu Zuan kept exclaiming at the sight of blood as she helped Ying Xuan to the infirmary.