I......I got into a fight

Ying Xuan saw, blinking away the blood, Su Shaoyan and Shi Weiwei standing at the entrance of the infirmary, looking very worried.

She turned to Lu Zuan, who said, "I called them."

The two ran over to Xuan and exclaimed and gasped at the sight of her. Their were tears in Shi Weiwei's eyes as she exclaimed, "What happened Xuan?!?!? How did you get so hurt?"

Su Shaoyan said, his hands balled into fists, "Who did this? Give me a name!!!"

Lu Zuan said as she led Ying Xuan inside the infirmary, "Let's get her patched up first. Even I want to hear what really happened."

The head nurse exclaimed at the sight of Ying Xuan and rushed off to call the doctor, who bandaged Xuan's head after cleaning the wound. He also applied some kind of medicine to Xuan's throat and cheek, which were blue with bruises. He then straightened up and looked at Xuan, "Where did you get these injuries?"

Ying Xuan hesitated and Lu Zuan asked, "Why do want to know that doctor?"

"Because I want to report whoever did this." He said.

Lu Zuan opened her mouth to say something, but Xuan stopped her. She signed and the doctor raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Su Shaoyan said, "She's saying that it was no one's fault. She was playing basketball and began to feel a little faint, and lost her balance for a second and hit her head on the railing."

The doctor looked at the four kids with doubt, "What about the marks on the cheek and the throat then?"

Lu Zuan came up with a story on the spot, "She got into a fight after lunch. The throat marks are from there. And then I slapped her for getting into a fight. It was then that she ran off to the gym building."

The doctor sighed and shook his head. It was clear that he did not believe these kids. He said, "Who did you get into a fight with?"

Ying Xuan signed and Shi Weiwei said, "She can't tell you that. But she assures you that it really was a fight and nothing that you need to report."

The doctor mumbled, "Technically I should report a fight too. But then all I would be doing would be reporting students the whole day."

He then looked at Xuan and said, "We're going to have to check you for concussion. And you're going to need a Titness shot if you really hit your head on a railing."

Ying Xuan nodded and the doctor went to an inner room to make some preparations.

In an instant, the other three had flocked around Ying Xuan, pressing her to tell what had happened.

As Xuan finished with what had happened, Lu Zuan said, "He shouldn't have acted like that."

Shi Weiwei exclaimed, "Oh god Xuan!! You did not have to go through that. We could have all gone and explained to him!!!"

Su Shaoyan swore, "I'm going to beat him to a pulp once I get my hands on him!!!!!"

Ying Xuan signed, 'All that can wait. What happened with Shen Jie?'

As Weiwei opened her mouth to answer, the doctor came back in.