The boys planned to apologise!?!?!?!

Outside the classroom...

Ying Xuan yanked away Jingyu's hand and threw his bag in his face, hoping that it would hit him, but knowing, with his reflexes, it wouldn't.

As expected, Jingyu caught the bag easily. He said with a grin, "Is someone angry?"

Ying Xuan groaned and lifted her hands, wanting to strangle him to death. Jingyu chuckled.

He said, "Come on. It's no use standing around here. I'll show you something fun "

And he grabbed Xuan's wrist, and she instinctively shrinked away from his touch, but quickly recomposed herself, letting herself be pulled by Jingyu.

Wei Jingyu had noticed her reaction, it was to be expected, after all the times he had personally hurt her. He switched from her wrist to holding her hand.

This movement made Xuan blush and her heart race. She took a few deep breaths when Jingyu said, "Where were you guys during the lunch?"

Ying Xuan tilted her head in confusion. She signed with her only available hand, 'Infirmary.'

Wei Jingyu was immediately worried. He stopped walking and looked at Xuan with a worried expression, "Infirmary? Why? Did you get hurt again? Damn it! Tell me who did it."

Xuan hurriedly consoled him and told that she and the girls had gone to visit Shaoyan, no one was hurt.

Wei Jingyu only seemed satisfied after eyeing Xuan up and down. He then began walking again. "You know, it's a pity you guys weren't in the cafeteria. But I enjoyed it." Jingyu seemed like he was repressing a laugh.

Xuan raised an eyebrow, and he mysteriously said, "You'll see."

Xuan and Jingyu walked towards the cafeteria, and the former stopped dead as she entered through the door.

Every type of food available at the cafeteria had been piled up at her and her friends' table, including all the beverages. Xuan stared open-mouthed at the table, looking at all the food that seemed like it would fall off at a single touch.

She blinked and turned to look at Jingyu when he gently took hold of her hand and led her to the table, picking up a box of wafer sticks that seemed to about to roll off the table.

Ying Xuan asked in a surprised tone as Wei Jingyu opened the box and offered her a stick, 'What is all this?'

Jingyu chuckled, "Apparently the boys were feeling guilty about how they behaved. They planned to apologise during the break."

Xuan's hands clasped at her mouth in surprise. The boys wanted to apologise? She felt really bad!

But something seemed a bit off. 'Why food?' She signed.

This time Wei Jingyu full on burst out laughing, "It was Kio's idea. He seemed a little too intrigued by the little one that tried to punch him in the morning."

Xuan's jaw fell open. Her hands almost moved to towards them to stop it from falling to the floor. Weiwei!!!???? Mo Kio!?!?!?? Weiwei!?!?!?

After recovering from the shock, Xuan's lips turned into a naughty smile. 'Weiwei? Mo Kio? This could be quite interesting.'

Wei Jingyu raised an eyebrow, "What do you have in mind?"

Xuan shrugged, 'Nothing much. I'll just not tell Weiwei about this. And you can ask Mo Kio to apologise during dinner.'