We just got more detention!

Wei Jingyu suppressed a smile, "I like how your devil brain is spinning. Oooooo.... It'll be interesting."

Xuan smiled as she thought about Weiwei's little doll face, all stunned by what she would encounter at dinner. Her previous anger at Jingyu had been forgotten. She just vaguely remembered that they were kicked out of the class.

Jingyu asked, "So, since we have some time to kill before painting class, what do you want to do?"

Ying Xuan thought for sometime before she waved her hands in confusion. She could think of a million things to do alone, but none of them accommodated Jingyu very well.

Wei Jingyu's eyes furrowed, deep in thought, "Hmm.... let's see. How about basketball?"

Ying Xuan's eyes brightened up at this mention. But they immediately dimmed again.

"What's wrong?" Jingyu was worried. It was almost like a reflex for him, when he was not angry anyway.

Xuan signed as she pouted, 'We just added another week to our one month of detention.'

Realisation dawned on Jingyu's face, "Oh yeah. I had forgotten about that."

Xuan: 'I knew I was forgetting something.'

Wei Jingyu tried to lighten the mood, "Doesn't really matter, does it? I'm the campus's bad boy after all."

It worked. Ying Xuan rolled her eyes, 'Damn it! And I was trying so hard to be the golden girl.'

Jingyu chuckled, "The shy girl who doesn't speak to anyone. Guess that one's down the drain."

Xuan smiled. Doesn't speak to anyone. She didn't, did she? It sure didn't feel like that anymore. As she was still absorbed in her own thoughts, Wei Jingyu called out to her, "Anyway. We are getting side-tracked. We were trying to decide on a place to kill time."

Xuan fake pouted as she walked out of the cafeteria with him. It really was difficult to be angry at Jingyu when he was control of his temper. When he wasn't, well that was like another reality. 'I would love a place to mope about forever detention.'

Wei Jingyu: "We'll survive. Come on, I know a great place to hang out."

And a bit scared that Xuan would react like she had done outside literature class, Wei Jingyu stopped himself from grabbing her hand and jogged forward. Sure enough, Xuan caught up in a moment, 'Where are we going?'

Wei Jingyu pressed his fingers on his lips, "It's a secret."

Ying Xuan made a face. Though no voice came out, Wei Jingyu somehow knew she was groaning about the secret.

As they walked, Ying Xuan recognised the direction and frowned. This path led to the small garden in a corner of the campus, her's and Weiwei's spot. Did Jingyu know about it?

Xuan sighed. It wasn't that big of a deal. The spot was not really hidden, and it was a beautiful place that everyone would want to hang out there. What was surprising that Jingyu seemed to think Xuan had not explored enough to come across that garden.

As Xuan had expected, Wei Jingyu led her to the little garden she has come to know so well and looked at her, as though showing off some prized possession. Ying Xuan's heart melted upon seeing his expectant expression. She smiled, her eyes shone, and she signed, 'It's so beautiful!!!!'