New hobby, teasing Wei Jingyu.

Wei Jingyu heard the sound of the other end of the stick being bitten off. He wondered how his senses were still working well enough to perceive the sound.

At the moment, Jingyu felt the pressure leave the stick and felt Xuan's presence vanish from beside him.

He opened his eyes to see Ying Xuan looking very smug, waving the box of wafer sticks in front of his face.

Jingyu sighed and pretended to pout as Xuan took out a wafer stick and stuck it in her mouth. But inside, Wei Jingyu felt a mixture of relief and disappointment. Two contradictory emotions, but he felt them together.

Ying Xuan looked at him, chuckled and signed, 'What? Disappointed?'

Wei Jingyu pouted and turned his face away.

Xuan went to where he could see her and signed, 'Don't worry. I'm not like you. I'll share.'

Signing this, she pulled out a stick, pushed it inside Jingyu's surprised mouth and closed his lips with his fingers.

Wei Jingyu pretended to be angry, but a faint blush crept into his cheeks as he chewed on the stick.

The two continued to chat for some more time before Jingyu stood up. He said, "We should be getting back. It's almost time for painting class." Saying this he held out his hand in a very gentlemanly manner.

Ying Xuan put the empty box of the wafer sticks in his hand and stood up, dusting her capri jeans.

Xuan turned and looked at Jingyu's stupid expression, 'What?' she signed.

Jingyu: "..."

Wei Jingyu folded his fingers across the empty box and muttered, "Nothing." and began to walk towards their class.

Ying Xuan smiled as she looked at his back. She had just found a new hobby, teasing Wei Jingyu. She loved when he was speechless and tried to hide his embarrassment.

The two headed towards the class after picking up their stuff from their lockers. The garden was in such a far corner that it took Xuan and Jingyu most of the break just to walk from it to the class.

Wei Jingyu muttered as they entered the class, "We're early." Just as he finished, the bell indicating the start of the class rung.

Xuan sighed. What was with the students of this college? Could they never be on time?

She signed as the teacher ushered them in, 'Actually, we're right on time. Everyone else is late.'

Wei Jingyu pouted as he walked to Xuan's favourite seat, "That basically means we are early."

Ying Xuan: 'It means we are following the rules.'

Wei Jingyu: "Rules are meant to be broken."

Ying Xuan chuckled, 'Oh sorry.... I forgot you had your bad boy reputation to maintain.'

Wei Jingyu tried but could not supress a smile, "I guess the golden girl is rubbing off me."

At this point, the two did not notice that they looked like a couple bickering or that the few students and the teacher were staring at them.

Oblivious, the two continued to bicker until some more students filed in and the class finally started.

In the class, all the students were divided into groups of two and told to make paintings on a topic given to them.

Xuan and Jingyu got the topic:-

"Beauty that rivals nature."

Wei Jingyu sighed upon reading it, "I'm going to have to salute the teachers' imagination. One day they are going to give us something which we can't even make sense of."