You want me to act!!!!!????

Ying Xuan walked into Weiwei's room with Lu Zuan and Su Shaoyan.

Zuan said as she pulled away Weiwei's blanket, "Wake up sleepy head!!!! It's time to eat!"

Shi Weiwei sat up rubbing her eyes and looked at the three of them. Her eyes finally settled on Ying Xuan as she asked, "Is it time for class already?"

Ying Xuan slapped her forehead as Lu Zuan shook Weiwei by the shoulders, "You've slept through the first two classes. It's time for lunch. Get up!!"

Shi Weiwei's eyes flew completely open as she exclaimed, "Oh no!! I missed two classes!?!?!?"

Ying Xuan chuckled as she sat down beside her, 'It's okay to bunk once in a while. By the way, I read this script. It's brilliant!! Perfect combination of fantasy and urban!!'

Shi Weiwei blushed a little, "You think so? You're not just saying that, are you?"

Xuan shook her head as Su Shaoyan grabbed the finished script, "I wanna read it too. More opinions will help."

Lu Zuan snatched the script from Shaoyan before he could open it, "What would an oaf like you know? I'll read it and give my honest opinion."

Shi Weiwei chuckled as she got out of bed and said, "I'll really appreciate it if both of you could read it. I need as many opinions as possible. Now, let me quickly get dressed or I'll miss another meal!!!" Saying this she rushed towards the bathroom.

That night after dinner...

The four of them were sitting on a bench outside the main building.

'Say Weiwei, you have to prepare the play right? Who are you thinking of casting?' Xuan asked.

Shi Weiwei scratched her head, "That's all for after. First I'm going to have to get the script approved by my drama teacher. And then I'll think of casting."

Su Shaoyan exclaimed, "You're putting together a play!!! Can I be the costume incharge?! Can I?! Can I?"

Lu Zuan said as she pushed Shaoyan out of the way, "Give her room to breathe. There'll be anyway no costumes until one final play is selected from the whole class."

Shi Weiwei smiled at Su Shaoyan who looked like a dejected puppy, "No. It's up to us. And Shaoyan, you can be the costume incharge if you want."

"Yayyyyy!!!" Shaoyan punched the air as Xuan exclaimed, 'What about me!?!? You're going to choose someone else apart from your best friend?'

Su Shaoyan yelled, "Hey Xuan! That's playing dirty!!"

Shi Weiwei chuckled as she calmed them down, "Hey hey hey. Calm down! Both of you. My script still has to get selected before we fight over this. And anyway Xuan, I thought of another great role for you."

Ying Xuan tilted her head, 'You did?'

Lu Zuan rolled her eyes, "Oh come on! The main lead is basically written for you!!"

Ying Xuan shook her head, 'What? No!! I can't act!! I'll faint as soon as I step in front of all those people. And Weiwei did not really write that character after me, did you Weiwei?"

Shi Weiwei shrugged, "I kind of did. And you would be my first choice if the script is approved. But it's okay if you don't want to."

Ying Xuan pouted, 'It'll be so difficult to refuse if you put it like that.'