So much in love

Jingyu and Xuan had barely begun dancing when the song finished.

And the next song that started, made Ying Xuan blush. It was a slow romantic song that was only good for a couple's dance.

While Xuan stood there, feeling very awkward, Wei Jingyu suddenly knelt down on one knee and offered up his hand. Ying Xuan chuckled awkwardly before signing, 'Such a gentleman.' and placing her hand in Jingyu's.

Wei Jingyu stood up, holding Xuan's hand.

He lightly placed his other hand on Xuan's back.

Ying Xuan's dress was almost backless, with only straps going crisscross through her back. As Wei Jingyu placed his hand on her back, his hand touched her bare skin and Xuan shivered. Ying Xuan felt electricity run through her whole body and her heartbeat sped up as though she had just run a marathon. Ying Xuan mentally scolded herself and tried to distract her mind as Jingyu spoke.

Wei Jingyu had an even harder time than Xuan controlling his heart.

His thoughts ran wild as soon as his hand touched Xuan's back. Jingyu gulped and forgot to breathe. He opened his mouth to speak, but his voice came out all sqeaky.

Good thing Xuan was a bit preoccupied with her own thoughts, so she didn't hear him make a fool of himself.

Wei Jingyu cleared his throat and spoke again, "Are you cold?"

Ying Xuan heard this. Jingyu was sure her cheeks were a bit red as she smiled and shook her head. Xuan put her hand on Jingyu's shoulder and the two started dancing.

A little way from the dance floor, Lu Zuan had a knowing smile on her face. "You devil Jingyu. Good thing Xuan does not have a suspicious personality. I'm sure only someone as naive as Xuan could believe this song was pure chance."

Zuan's eyes wandered away from the couple over to a girl who was watching the two, just like herself.

But the expression of the other girl couldn't be farther away from Zuan's thoughts. She had such a look of hatred in her eyes that Lu Zuan frowned and wondered if either Ying Xuan or Wei Jingyu had a history with her.

"Probably a love rival of Xuan. I'll have to warn her sometime. I guess falling for young master Wei does have it's cons too." Lu Zuan sighed to herself as Su Shaoyan approached her.

"Just look at those two. Is there anyone else so much in love?" he asked, elbowing Lu Zuan. Zuan threw him a dirty look before saying, "Don't you have anything better to do?"

Su Shaoyan replied as he rolled his eyes, "Says the one who was staring at them like a creepy stalker."

"I guess it would be better for you to go to the end of sem ball without a partner. You wouldn't want to be seen with a creepy stalker, now would you?" Lu Zuan spoke with narrowed eyes.

Su Shaoyan shook his head and his attitude immediately took a 180 degree turn. "Oh. I was just kidding. There's no one as smart and beautiful as you in this whole party. Would you care to dance?" Su Shaoyan asked, offering his hand.

Lu Zuan rolled her eyes with a smile, "You do know that flattery doesn't work on me right?"