To each his own talent

Xuan and Jingyu danced for three consecutive songs. Not surprisingly, all of them were slow, romantic songs. By the end of the third one, even Ying Xuan began to wonder if it was really a coincidence.

Wei Jingyu offered her his hand again as the fourth sing started, but Xuan signed, 'Would you like it if I collapsed right here on the stage? At least let me get something to eat.'

Jingyu laughed as he led Xuan towards the food table, where they found Shi Weiwei, looking like a happy child and Mo Kio buzzing around her.

"Hey Weiwei, you want something? Another helping? Or I can get you something to drink if you would like?" Mo Kio asked as Shi Weiwei finished whatever was on her plate.

Weiwei shook her head as Xuan and Jingyu approached. "Hey waiter? One plate of sandwiches and two on the rocks please." Wei Jingyu spoke to Kio as they approached.

Mo Kio scowled, "I'm not a waiter. Get whatever you want yourself."

Wei Jingyu stuck out his tongue, "Oh sorry. I got confused. I thought you were a waiter. Or are you only Weiwei's personal waiter?"

Mo Kio turned red upon this remark and Shi Weiwei coughed awkwardly. "Kio, go on. You shouldn't refuse something to the birthday boy." Weiwei said.

Mo Kio made a face and went away muttering to himself. Shi Weiwei turned to the two with a smile and said, "You seem to be enjoying yourself."

Ying Xuan rolled her eyes and signed, 'Says the one who hasn't looked away from the food ever since arriving here.'

Shi Weiwei stuck out her tongue and stuffed her mouth as Xuan signed in exasperation, 'I need this kind of talent too. How don't you get fat even after eating so much?'

Shi Weiwei replied with his mouth full, "To each his own talent."

Xuan shook her head and took the drink Mo Kio had brought with a smile.

The four stood there talking for some time before someone called out to Wei Jingyu and he walked away.

Ying Xuan also left the two alone with a knowing smile. She never could believe that Shi Weiwei was so oblivious.

Xuan roamed around and talked to some people she knew before she slipped away from the crowd.

Ying Xuan walked around aimlessly for a few minutes before she came upon a fairly secluded spot on the other side of the roof.

Xuan leaned on the railing, a drink in her hand and closed her eyes. A smile formed on Xuan's lips as she felt the wind in her hair.

Ying Xuan shivered as a strong gust of wind blew.

"Winter really is almost here. I hope I don't catch a cold." Xuan thought to herself as she downed her drink and played with the glass.

Ying Xuan suddenly felt a coat drape over her and she looked around, surprised at first and a little alarmed after seeing an unknown boy standing beside her.

"No need to look so afraid. I'm not someone creepy." the boy said as he leaned on the railing beside Ying Xuan, his back towards the railing.

"You're Wei Jingyu's girlfriend, aren't you?" he asked, the question taking Xuan a bit by surprise.