Spin the bottle!!

Ying Xuan frowned and took out her cell phone. The guy mistook her gesture and said with a disgusted face, "So you're so full of yourself that you can't even reply. . . . ." he hadn't gotten very far when Ying Xuan thrust the cell phone under his nose.

'Who are you?' was typed on it.

While the guy was busy frowning, Xuan typed another message and showed it to him, 'I'm not full of myself. I just can't speak. So unless you know sign language or how to read lips, I can't really communicate with you.'

The guy read the message and frowned. "I'm sorry I....." Ying Xuan shook her head and again showed him her phone.

On it was typed, 'I don't mind. People usually assume I'm rude because I don't talk. Anyway, excuse me.'

Then, without waiting for a reply from the boy, Ying Xuan swiftly took off his coat, handed it back to him and walked away.

The boy stood leaning on the rooftop, staring at Xuan's retreating back with unreadable eyes.

Ying Xuan found Su Shaoyan and the two spent the rest of the evening enjoying together. Su Shaoyan rarely had friends due to the fact that he was gay. People usually avoided him.

And it was very difficult for Ying Xuan to make new friends, socializing at a party like this was almost impossible for her.

So the two were very happy together, occasionally joined by their friends from college.

It was already close to midnight and most of the people had left.

All those were left were Wei Jingyu, Ying Xuan, Lu Zuan, Su Shaoyan and Jingyu's close friends, who were all sitting on couches around a round table.

Shi Weiwei had passed out half an hour ago and she slept peacefully beside Lu Zuan, wrapped in Shaoyan's coat.

Most of the people awake were quite drunk as they conversed among themselves.

Suddenly, one of them had a brilliant idea.

"Hey, you guys!! Why don't we all play spin the bottle." someone suddenly shrieked.

He was shouted down by others who were having headaches at loud noises before the idea was adopted.

One of the boys ran and brought a wine bottle and placed it on the table in the middle.

"Okay. So who wants to go first?" he asked.

A girl leaning on her boyfriend spoke, "I think young master Wei should go first. He is the birthday boy after all."

Wei Jingyu shrugged and took the bottle. He was still quite clear-headed when compared to the rest of them. It was his party and he had been busy greeting everyone around, not having much time to get drunk.

Wei Jingyu spun the bottle and there was a huge cheer when the bottle stopped, pointing towards Mo Kio.

Both they boys made a disgusted face and pecked each other on the lips as all the other cheered.

Next, Mo Kio spun the bottle which stopped pointing towards the sleeping Shi Weiwei.

Kio blushed as Lu Zuan cut in, "This doesn't count. She's asleep. She is not playing."

"So, will you take her place!?!?!" one of the boys shrieked.

Wei Jingyu was about to call out to the boy when Lu Zuan shrugged her shoulders.

Jingyu smiled as Zuan pecked Kio on the lips. Looked like the prim and proper princess had drunk quite a lot too.