Full speed ahead

Very soon, the drivers were ready at the starting lines and the guides were given a call.

Xuan walked forward, handing her map to a woman collecting them. She was very nervous, she felt like she was either about to throw up or faint.

In her nervousness, she bumped into another man, who smiled and winked at her and said, "Don't fall for me yet sugar. Let me show off my skills first."

Ying Xuan's stomach turned in disgust but her nervousness vanished. All she now wanted was to prove these smug idiots wrong. All of them who thought that Flash was going to lose because he had her as his partner.

She reached upto Jingyu's bike and gave him a weak smile.

Wei Jingyu's answering smile was huge as he spoke, "Ready?"

Xuan nodded and got on his bike. "Don't be nervous. It's just a race, nothing else. We're here to enjoy. It's our first date, after all."

Xuan chuckled a bit and wrapped her arms tightly around Jingyu's shoulders as people began to place their bets on the race.

As luck would have it, the woman who had been offering herself to Jingyu was just on their left side.

"Good luck Flash. See you at the finish line, hopefully." she added the last word looking at Xuan.

Ying Xuan rolled her eyes and thought, "I will definitely not let this bi*ch have the last laugh."

Soon, the signals to start the bikes were given and all of them were off in blurs of different colours.

As they went, some of the people turned at the first turn and Jingyu asked, "Did we have to turn?"

Xuan patted both his shoulders and pointed forward, meaning they had to go straight.

Wei Jingyu smiled as he accelerated and murmured, "And people thought you were going to be a difficult partner."

After a few seconds, Xuan patted Jingyu's right shoulder and pointed towards the right. Wei Jingyu saw a turn coming up and without asking for a confirmation or even slowing down, he smoothly made the turn.

Ying Xuan looked back for a second and was smug to see some people making the turn a few seconds after them. They were already in the lead.

The race was quite long and even Xuan one or two times got confused between the turns.

But luckily she had counted the turns on the maps and it helped.

Another plus point being that she couldn't voice her concerns out loud, so Jingyu knew nothing about them to doubt her.

It seemed like he hadn't hit the brakes during the whole race as he took another turn and they came out onto a wider road than the ones they had been traveling on so far.

Xuan tapped Jingyu's shoulders and pointed forwards.

Wei Jingyu seemed to laugh as he spoke, "No more turns, I assume?"

Xuan also chuckled as Jingyu slowed down a bit and looked in the rear view mirror. "Hmm, do we want to give them a fighting chance Xuan?" he asked.

Ying Xuan shook her head and hands.

Wei Jingyu laughed and accelerated. "As you wish, my queen!!!" he said and Xuan was exhilarated by the speed he drove on.

She didn't realize when they crossed the finish line and won the race.