Trying not to cause trouble

Xuan shook her head and wrote, 'I can see you need money. And to be very honest, I don't. So, take it.'

Lee took the money with trembling hands and said, "You sure you really don't need it?"

Ying Xuan shrugged. She could see Lee wouldn't be convinced like this. Xuan pulled at her collar and showed the brand of her top to Lee.

The latter's eyes popped out of their sockets as Xuan showed her shoe brand. She was easily wearing clothes more than 10,000 yuan.

"Who. . . .are. . . . .you?" Lee asked in a thunderstruck voice and Xuan shrugged.

As she was about to write something else on the map, Xuan felt a shove against her back and the map and pen fell from her hands.

Ying Xuan turned around to see the woman who had forgotten the way during their race along with her sister and some other scary looking girls.

"Move! This is our spot." she said, looking at Xuan as though daring her to say no.

"Hey! It's no one's. . . ."Lee began, but Xuan held her arm and shook her head.

She stood up and led Lee away from the seats.

"These girls are as*holes. They will bully you the more you let them." Lee began as Xuan led her away.

Ying Xuan smiled upon seeing that Lee thought she was scared of them. She just didn't want to create a scene after Jingyu had told her not to cause trouble.

She wasn't a regular here anyway.

"Told you she would be a pushover." Xuan's thoughts were cut off by the woman's voice.

"Didn't you see her? So fragile! And look at her clothes. I'm sure she's just a spoilt princess." the woman continued.

"I wonder from where Flash J picked her up?" another one said.

The woman snorted, "He's probably only with her because she's hard to get. Once. . . ."

But nobody got to hear the end of the woman's sentence as she suddenly received a violent kick in the stomach and doubled up in pain.

Xuan next turned to the one who had asked from where Jingyu had picked her up and gave her a hard punch in the face.

She elbowed the first one's sister who came at her and k.o.ed her to the ground, where she lay whimpering.

Ying Xuan stood up and glared at the other girls, who rushed away screaming. She had let them go only because they hadn't directly spoken anything.

Xuan was about to walk away when the first one stood up and shrieked, "You bi*ch!!!" and she ran towards Xuan, aiming a punch.

Ying Xuan easily dodged her and held her head. She gave her a head butt with her full force and her helmet hit the woman on the forehead.

Xuan was surprised her head didn't split open as she dropped the girl and she hit the floor with a thud. She pulled out a handkerchief from the woman's pocket, wiped her hands and dropped the handkerchief back on her.

Ying Xuan walked around those girls and towards Lee, and she stopped dead when she noticed Jingyu standing beside her.

Xuan had been trained in self-defense ever since she was a kid, and she had an athletic body.

It was no wonder these girls had been best up by Xuan when she had fought all of Jingyu's friends almost alone.