She likes to get in trouble

"Whatever do you mean by that?" Shi Weiwei asked in a disapproving voice as Wei Jingyu stopped in his tracks to look at him.

"Don't be angry," Kio began, knowing by the look on Jingyu's face that it wouldn't be possible, "But it looks to me like Xuan is always in some kind of trouble." he said, his voice growing smaller and weaker with each word.

Weiwei pouted and said, jutting out her chin, "Xuan is a little prone to attract trouble, but she never gets into anything serious. Plus, when all's said and done, there's never any permanent damage."

"But she likes to get in trouble nevertheless." Mo Kio replied with a shrug. Shi Weiwei opened her mouth to argue, but Wei Jingyu whipped around and continued walking. "We should get back to our dorms." he said, distaste apparent in his voice.

Weiwei gave Kio a disapproving look before she followed Jingyu. Mo Kio audibly sighed and shook his head and walked behind the two.

An hour later . . . . .

A very worried Shi Weiwei sat on the edge of her bed with her phone in her hands. She had felt that it wouldn't be safe or call Ying Xuan as it would give away that more of them had been out after curfew and Xuan was trying to protect them.

After much deliberation, Weiwei had sent an innocent text asking Xuan where she was. Anyone who read it would just assume that she had noticed Ying Xuan was not in her room and was asking about her whereabouts. But Xuan would obviously know that Weiwei knew all about what she had done, and was asking about what was happening now.

As Weiwei sat waiting for a reply, Mo Kio's words from before swam in her mind. Did Xuan really like to get in trouble? Was she a self-destructive person who sucked in everyone around her into her own troubles?

Shi Weiwei couldn't help but think how Ying Xi was making trouble for all of them, probably just to get back at Xuan. But she shook her head and dismissed the thought. Ying Xuan was a very good person who would do anything for the people she cared about, as was evident by her actions tonight. And Xi was just a mean bi*ch who was envious of Xuan and always wanted whatever the latter had.

She was rescued from her thoughts by the sound of her phone buzzing. Weiwei looked at it and was relieved to find a message from Ying Xuan. She had sent her a text saying, 'I'm on my way back. Talk when I get back, because this grumpy guard will probably have my head otherwise.'

Shi Weiwei laughed out loud and went out of her room. She peered from a window beside the staircase which overlooked the entrance of the girls' dorms.

She actually laughed out loud when the guard had the warden called, who literally looked like the devil's spawn upon being raised from her sleep. Weiwei had to duck her head when the guard suddenly looked up, hearing her laughter. She carefully looked through the window again after a few seconds, making sure not to make even the slightest noise.