All because of her

Shi Weiwei couldn't exactly make out what was being said, but the guard was apparently telling the warden what had happened as she looked at Xuan with a horror-stricken face, who was perfectly playing the part of an innocent girl who was very ashamed of what she had done.

Weiwei caught one of the warden's sentences, "Why were you out so late after the curfew?!?!?" as she raised her voice in anger, and Xuan hung her head even further down.

Weiwei looked at Xuan's guilty face, and even though she knew she was only acting, she suddenly felt guilty as she realized that she herself was the reason for all this mess.

Xuan had come back from her date before the curfew, but had gone out looking for her. Even Jingyu and the others had come because they were worried about her. They all could have gotten into so much trouble just because she had on some whim decided to go away without telling anyone.

Shi Weiwei suddenly felt that she could no longer look at Xuan's face, getting scolded by the guard and the warden, she felt incredibly guilty doing so. So she went away from the window and stood by her door, waiting for Xuan to come up.

When Xuan did come up after a few minutes, Shi Weiwei heard the warden call out to her angrily, "Don't even think about trying to sneak out. I'll make sure your father knows about it if you do. And then I'm sure you will have to deal with a more permanent kind of grounding." And then she was gone.

"What punishment did you get?" Shi Weiwei asked in a small voice as Ying Xuan came towards her. Xuan shrugged as she walked over to Weiwei and signed, 'Are you up for some talk? Or is it too late?'

"Of course I would love to talk!!" Shi Weiwei exclaimed, "But Feng'er is asleep in my room." Ying Xuan walked to her room and peered inside, opening the door. She looked back and motioned for Weiwei to come in. Shi Weiwei walked in Xuan's room and was surprised to find it empty. "Where's Ying Xi?" she asked, looking around.

'Probably out partying or hooking up with some random guy.' Xuan signed, going to her closet, 'Hey, would you mind waiting for a few minutes? I'll just take a quick shower.' Shi Weiwei shook her head and settled on Xuan's bed while she went into the bathroom.

Weiwei was looking at some of Ying Xuan's paintings when she walked out of the bathroom, flushed from the shower.

"These are wonderful Xuan! You should get them into some exhibition!!" Shi Weiwei exclaimed, flipping the pages of the sketchbook. 'Maybe one day.' Xuan signed as she plopped down on the bed.

Weiwei put aside the sketchbook and began, "I'm so sorry Xuan. Because of me you got into so much trouble. None of this would have happened if I hadn't gone away like that."

Xuan signed, shaking her head, 'It wasn't your fault. I break the curfew all the time. It gets too stuffy whenever Xi's back. I just happened to be caught this time.' Seeing that Weiwei was still frowning, Xuan continued, 'Though I did get into a lot of trouble . . . . . ' Weiwei's face grew more guilty, 'And you could probably compensate me by going ahead with the play?'