She's making everyone miserable

Su Shaoyan pouted and huffed, "Fine!! I know that's the best I'm getting anyway." "But after all this suspense, you better win the 'belle of the ball' title, otherwise I'm going to personally ask Mr. Kylo not to take you the next semester." he added, shaking a finger in Xuan's face.

Ying Xuan laughed as the two headed for her dorm room.

After Ying Xuan had taken the brunt for everyone when they were out after the curfew, everyone had finally been convinced to do the play with Ying Xi.

Though none of them liked it, they had all agreed that the play should not suffer because of Xi. And after practice each day, the whole gang gathered in Xuan's dorm room to hang out until the warden kicked the boys out when the curfew was imposed.

'How's the play going?' Ying Xuan asked as the two almost reached her room.

"Horrible!" Shaoyan exclaimed. "Ying Xi is making everyone miserable. Though I'm sure we're returning the favor quite nicely, but still, the practices are like hell!!" he completed, glaring at Xuan, who felt very guilty because she was the one who had convinced everyone to go ahead with the play.

'What did she do?' Xuan asked. "The better question is what didn't she do? She refuses to learn the sign language, doesn't listen to Weiwei saying she knows how to act better than some wanna be director can tell her, doesn't cooperate with anyone. And the worst of it all, she told me she didn't like the princess Marylene look!!" Su Shaoyan immediately burst with all the anger he was holding inside and spoke this all in one breath.

Ying Xuan hung her head and didn't say anything. Everyone was suffering so much because of her. "But Jingyu has the worst of it all." he continued and Xuan looked up, askance. But Shaoyan only shook his head and said, "You better ask him about it."

Xuan wondered what had happened as the two reached her room and entered. She was met inside by all of her friends, Zuan, Weiwei, Kio, Xu Shang and Min Yeyao, another two of Wei Jingyu's good friends. Ying Xuan greeted them all with a smile and looked around the room as her smile faltered, not seeing the person she had been looking forward the most to meet.

She put on the smile back again as she entered and everyone began to bombard her with complains about Ying Xi. Xuan listened to them all quietly until Lu Zuan shushed them saying, "Enough guys!! She's not Xi and worrying her won't change anything. Let's eat."

"Yeah, yeah!! Let's all order seafood today!" Shi Weiwei exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood. Ying Xuan looked at all of her friends trying so hard and signed, 'My treat.'

The students in the room cheered and Xuan quietly mouthed catching Zuan's eye, "Where's Jingyu?" Lu Zuan made a sad face, which meant that he was still angry with Ying Xuan and had refused to come.

This had been going on ever since their argument in the gardens when she had asked everyone to consider taking Ying Xi for the play. Though Jingyu had agreed to do the play with Xi, he had started to completely ghost Xuan.