Prettier than Xuan?

"Really???" Shaoyan's face brightened up upon hearing this as he turned to Lu Zuan who nodded with a smile.

"And we were also wondering if any of you might be interested in dancing? They're opening the dance floor soon." Lu Zuan added.

Shi Weiwei groaned upon hearing this as they were joined by other friends of all of them. Ying Xuan was very surprised upon hearing Weiwei groan and turned towards her. 'Is something the matter Weiwei? I thought you liked to dance.' she signed.

"I do." Weiwei whined, "But . . . not on an empty stomach." She completed her sentence and her stomach growled, as though agreeing. This led to their whole group chuckling as Wei Jingyu patted Weiwei's head and said, "Let's get something in your stomach before you faint on top of one of us." "And you look really pretty. Has anyone told you that?" he added, giving Weiwei a smile that made her feel warm inside. She didn't know why, but she suddenly missed her older sister upon seeing that smile. Shi Weiwei had changed into a long lilac colored dress of Ying Xuan's for the ball, that Xuan had fitted to her size. She had been too nervous before the play, but Zuan had made her change while she and Xuan were getting ready.

"No, you'll be the first one to say that." Shi Weiwei said, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "And since you think I look so pretty . . . " she continued, "I would like to ask, prettier than Xuan?" Upon hearing her words, a sudden hush fell over the whole group which had been buzzing with noise.

It was not a curious silence, everyone who Jingyu thought was more pretty, but rather the silence was a scared one. Everyone in the whole college knew how angry Wei Jingyu could get. Though he didn't get mad as often as before now, but his anger was still as intense as before. And he was quick to get angry wherever Xuan was involved.

Even Ying Xuan turned her head to listen to Jingyu's reply. She knew Weiwei wasn't serious when she asked this question, even Jingyu knew that. But she wanted to see how Wei Jingyu would tackle this question. He usually always showered Shi Weiwei with praises, sometimes even more than he did Xuan.

Ying Xuan didn't mind. She was showered with enough praises as it is, and Weiwei was quite insecure about her looks now-a-days. Even she was always reassuring her that she looked really beautiful and cute.

Even Lu Zuan's mouth was open in horror upon hearing Weiwei's question. Just as she was wondering if the dress was too tight and effecting the flow of blood to Weiwei's brain, her own brain stopped working upon hearing Wei Jingyu chuckle. How was he laughing when someone had compared themselves to Ying Xuan? He hated Xuan being compared to anyone for God's sake!!

But as much as Zuan thought she was imagining it, Jingyu actually started to laugh. He turned towards Ying Xuan and said, with a very real apologetic smile, "Sorry Miss Ying, but I must declare Miss Shi to be the belle of the ball." Xuan fought a smile and signed, 'It's okay Mr. Wei. I would have done it if you hadn't."