Make sure we look good

He set to work on rearranging Xuan's hair the best he could as he said, "I don't exactly know how to do this hairstyle, but I'll try my best."

Xuan flashed him a grateful smile before turning to look at Wei Jingyu. She stepped close to him and signed discreetly, 'Be more appreciative. He's just trying to make sure we look good for the belle and gentleman announcement.' before setting to carefully wipe off the sweat from his face and touch up his make-up with some supplies Shaoyan had again magically produced.

Jingyu nodded as he tried to even his breathing. Ying Xuan had gone into her fashion-designer mode, and she didn't seem to notice how close she was. But Wei Jingyu did, it was actually the only thing that he could notice. Xuan was a little shorter than him, coming up to a little above his chin and her face was tilted up as she concentrated on. . . . . doing . . . . something with a brush.

Jingyu cursed his heart as Ying Xuan inched closer to wipe his brow and push back his hair. There was no way she hadn't noticed how fast his heart was beating, even when he had controlled his breathing. With tremendous effort. And Jingyu couldn't help but notice how. . .very close she was. He just needed to lean forward a bit, maybe with the pretext of saying something to Su Shaoyan, and she would be delightfully pressed against him.

Only a little bit, almost . . . . . . "All done!!" Wei Jingyu jerked upon hearing Su Shaoyan exclaim. He had completely forgotten the presence of someone else beside Xuan and himself. And who else other than Su Shaoyan, who seemed to magically appear whenever the both of them were having a moment.

Wei Jingyu sighed as Ying Xuan stepped back, nodding her approval. 'We just need to fix your hair a bit. Everything else looks great.' she signed, putting down whatever make-up supplies had been in her hand. 'And great work on my hair Shaoyan!' Xuan added, taking out her phone and using it as a camera.

"Thanks Xuan!" Shaoyan replied before walking over to Wei Jingyu with the brush in his hand. Jingyu narrowed his eyes which made him stop in his tracks. "Xuan! Jingyu's bullying me!!" Su Shaoyan whined.

Ying Xuan chuckled and made a stern face, the effect of which was spoiled due to her smile. Wei Jingyu sighed and held out his hand. "I don't like people touching my hair." he replied with a shrug.

Once both of them had fixed themselves up, Su Shaoyan whipped out his mobile and yelled, "Come on!! I'll take a picture of you both." When both Xuan and Jingyu let out polite smiles as they posed, Shaoyan rolled his eyes. "You have your whole life to get old. Act fun!!" he said.

Wei Jingyu sighed while looking very pained and doing a peace sign, and Ying Xuan laughed upon seeing this. "Why on earth are you laughing?" Jingyu asked with narrowed eyes. Xuan glued her lips together in an attempt to hide her smile as she signed, 'You look like you're being tortured.' Jingyu opened his mouth to retort, but Shaoyan walked over, rushing them towards the dance floor, saying, "Okay, okay. You can bicker while walking. Look, they're going to make the announcement."