Couple dance

'Well I did become a little light-headed due to all that noise and those lights. And all those people hugging me all at once, I was not getting proper air. That's all.' she finished with a shrug.

"And . . . . . ?" Wei Jingyu prompted. He could easily see that Xuan was not telling him everything. Ying Xuan pouted upon realizing that she had been found out. She looked at her shoes and was rocking back and forth as she signed, her hands barely moving, 'And well . . . . when I realized that you weren't at my side, I felt weird. That was when I started to feel light-headed.'

'But as soon as you found me, I started recovering. And I swear, I'm perfectly fine now!' Xuan hastily added, looking up at the last line and also mouthing the sentence along with signing it.

Wei Jingyu huffed when she stopped. Though he still looked a bit worried, Ying Xuan knew that her confessing the real reason she had felt light-headed had been good enough for him. She could see it in the faint blush that crept on his fair skin and the way he pressed his lips together to hide a smile.

Jingyu finally did let out that smile when Xuan latched herself onto his arm and gave it a light jerk, willing him into submission. "Fine! But one more swoon, and I am taking you back." he said, trying to look strict but failing. Ying Xuan nodded as she bit back a smile. 'What if that swoon is due to your good looks?' she signed and Wei Jingyu playfully narrowed his eyes at this and pinched her cheek before putting an arm around her shoulders and saying, "Come on. Everyone will be looking for us."

Xuan and Jingyu soon joined their friends, and he was right, they had been looking for them. Both of them received a lot of congratulations, pats on the backs, and even some sly smiles before Ying Xuan pulled Jingyu away, signing that they needed to open the couple dance.

The two of them were right on time and the director walked up to them as they neared the dance floor. "Ready?" he asked them, and the two nodded.

Wei Jingyu slipped his hand into Xuan's as they walked together to the center of the stage. He could feel her breathing speed up a little and hands get clammy. Obviously, Xuan's stage fear had returned as soon as she had realized that they would be dancing in front of hundreds of people. Jingyu let out a long sigh as they came to a stop. Though he completely understood stage fears and people afraid of public speaking, he never could understand why someone like Ying Xuan would be so nervous about these things.

She was an amazing person. Was good at everything she did and could easily be considered a prodigy. This was on top of being from one of the most prestigious families in the entertainment sector. All in all, Jingyu felt that Ying Xuan was really extra-ordinary and all her stage-fears were ill founded. But of course, he would never utter all this out loud.

Ying Xuan actually had realized that she and Jingyu would be dancing in front of hundreds of people as they walked to the stage.