Chapter 13

Last night felt like a dream. There was no way Magnús kissed Gemma under the northern lights sky.

She rubbed her eyes and say up in bed looking around the sunlit room. Her curtains had been pulled back and breakfast sat at the table at the end of her bed.

"Was it a dream?" she asked herself, grabbing her breakfast. "Or did it actually happen?"

A knock on the door didnt even pull her out out her thoughts. Gemma sat there slowly eating an apple slice when the door opened.

"Good morning," Magnús said, laying a soft kiss on her forehead.

Gemma looked up at him confused. "Did last night really happen? Or was it a dream?"

He smiled. "It was magical enough you would think it was a dream. But it did happen."

He caressed her face and made a path from her cheek to her chin with his palm and planted a kiss on her nose.

She felt a rush of energy as he kissed her cheek then peaked her lips.

"I have to go to work. I rented you a car for the day in case you wanted to travel somewhere so you wouldnt have to stay cooped up here while I'm gone," he said, lingering with their foreheads touching. "Be safe."

She slowly nodded, an apple slice still in her hand and she blinked a few times trying to process what just happened. Last night did happen. He kissed her.

"I have to tell Kirsten and Taylor," she said still not believing that it happened.

She waited for an answer after setting up a video chat with Kirsten. Taylor was usually by her side.

"Hello?" Kirsten answered groggily.

"You won't believe what happened last night! Where's Taylor?"she Gemma said suddenly.

"Hes still asleep," Kirsten said with a yawn and rubbing her eyes. "Just tell me and I'll relate it to him later. What's up?"

Gemma got straight to the point. "Magnús kissed me last night under the northern lights."

Kirsten's mouth dropped in disbelief. "Were you dreaming?"

Gemma shook her head. "Afraid not. I even asked him earlier and he said it was magical enough to have been a dream but it was totally real. I can't believe this, Kirst. This puts me at a brick wall."

Kirsten nodded knowingly and quickly got up to wake Taylor. This called for a "family" meeting, if you will. After relating the events that bbn happened to Gemma last night to Taylor, he was caught up and shocked.

"I knew he fancied you," Taylor gloated. "Our girl is attractive and dont forget it!"

Gemma blushed. "But now I dont know what to do as far as this article goes."

"Do you have feelings for Magnús?" Taylor asked.

Gemma nodded slowly, still unsure of her own feelings. "I believe so."

Taylor shook his head. "Not good enough. Think harder. How did you feel with the kiss? Did it make you feel like you were floating? Like you and him were the only two people on earth?"

Gemma nodded. There was no point in denying it anymore. She loved him. Deeply.

"Then you're in love," Taylor said clapping his hands.

Kirsten's face grew serious. "Now for a hard decision. The article or Magnús..."

Gemma let out an aggravated sigh and ran her fingers through her hair. She knew this would happen eventually with hiw things had been going. Magnús and her had too many cute moments to ignore. Too many times she blushed around him and he knew she would.

"Well, if I choose the article Magnús will be heartbroken but The Loop will be saved. But if I choose Magnús, The Loop will close and we all lose our jobs," Gemma ranted.

She flopped herself on the bed and let out a big annoyed growl.

"Well, sounds like you have a decision. To make it easier on you, Taylor and I can easily find other jobs so dont worry about us," Kirsten said lovingly. "You deserve happiness. All you ever do is care for others and put their needs before your own."

Taylor nodded his agreement. "So go get your man, girl! Drop the article and fight for what you want."

"But Kim," Gemma whined.

"We'll handle her!" They said at the same time.

"This article isnt right," Kirsten added. "It feels as if Kim chose you to ruin your life. Maybe she knew you two would fall for each other."

Gemma shrugged and sat up feeling a spark of confidence. "You're right, guys. I cant deny my feelings for him anymore. I'm falling for him and hard. He's shown me so much kindness and love."

Taylor pounded his chest and held up a peace sign with his fingers. "Go get him girl!"

Gemma smiled with a tear in her eye. She could always rely on her two friends and she owned them so much for giving advice when she needed it.

"Anyway, if this bothered you from the very beginning or after you met Magnús," Taylor threw in. "Then that should've told you what you should've done. Magnús and Sportacus are a mystery but not for you to solve. If Magnús is Sportacus then he will tell you when he feels comfortable enough to."

Gemma nodded. "I agree. He has a right to his secret but my secret could break a heart or two and that needs to be put to a stop before actually happening."

Kirsten and Taylor smiled. They were seeing their shy best friend finally standing up for herself and what she wants.

"I'm going to go to his job and tell him how I feel. I will tell him everything," Gemma said jumping out of bed. "I'll let you guys know what happens tomorrow. Wish me luck."

"Good luck!" they both said before hanging up.

"I should hurry before i change my mind," Gemma said nervously.

Her heart was beating so fast as she dressed herself and got ready to leave. She had never done this before, gone after a man she hardly knew. But if this was true love, she wanted it.