Chapter 14

It didnt take Gemma long to be halfway to Magnús's film studio. After nearly sliding on the ice twice, she had to slow down.

"He'll still be there when I arrive," she told herself letting off the gas a bit. "Slow down."

Gemma suddenly ended up losing control of the car as it swayed and slide across the road. The road was icy and slick. All of a sudden the wheels got trapped with snow and caused the car to flip off the road and down a snowy hill.

Meanwhile at the film studio, Magnús was in the middle of directing when his pager went off. He looked at Stefan and he nodded his understanding.

"Someone's in trouble," he said to himself as he rushed to where his airship was hovering, hidden behind the large building.

Once inside he grabbed his telescope and looked through it above the town. He noticed a car smoking from the direction his house was.

"Oh no," he said, his heart dropping. "I have to hurry!"

As fast as he could he maneuvered the airship in the direction of the smoking car. He knew who was in the car and his heart pounded as he drew nearer.

The ladder of the ship dropped and Sportacus quickly descended. He ran towards the wreck and looked inside and saw Gemma buckled up but unconscious.

"I have to get her out before the car explodes," he said thinking quickly in what to do.

A noise was heard indicating that the car sparked and caught fire. Sportacus found something that had fallen out of the car and wrapped his arm in it and busted the glass of the driver door.

Sportacus tried unbuckling Gemma but the belt wouldnt unlock. He grunted in aggravation and quickly went around to the passenger side and reached into the broken glass window to the glove department for a pocket knife.

Grasping it tightly, he went back to Gemma and cut the belt. Sportacus dropped the knife and eased her out of the car.

The car started to whistle. It felt like Sportacus used up all of his energy just to break the glass and cut the belt to pull her out.

"Ugh, come on!" he said to himself as he lifted Gemma in his arms and moved away from the burning car.

As quickly as it caught fire, it suddenly exploded, sending a wave causing him to fall forward. Sportacus covered Gemma's body with his own.

He sighed in relief and looked Gemma over as a trickle of blood slowly ran down the side of her face from her temple.

"I need to get her to a hospital," he said looking around.

Gemma groaned and moved in his arms and opened her eyes slowly.

"Magnús?" she asked trying to focus her eyes.

"It's Sportacus," he said moving a strand of hair out of her face. "Don't worry, you're safe now. I'm going to take you to the hospital."

"Magnús... I love you," she said then passed out.

He blinked his eyes in disbelief. Was she speaking from confusing or did she actually mean it?

A siren was heard in the distance and a firetruck was visible along with a police car and ambulance. Sportacus didnt leave her side, though. Even though he wasn't supposed to be seen by certain people, be wanted to make sure she was going to be fine.

"Hey, who are you?" the chief fireman asked after hopping out of the truck. "What happened here?"

Sportacus went on to explain how he arrived on the scene and pulled her out if the car.

"I think she has a concussion," he added after explaining himself.

The paramedic approached at this point and took a look at her. He nodded his understanding.

"We'll bring her right to the hospital," he said getting a gurnee ready.

"She called me Magnús," Sportacus said watching them. "You should probably give him a call."

The paramedic nodded, thanked Sportacus, and left with Gemma in the back of the ambulance.

At the hospital Gemma woke up confused and in a panic. The nurses tried calming her but she kept calling for Magnús. Although she knew she probably sounded like an idiot, she wanted Magnús. She needed him.

"Miss, he's been contacted and will be here soon," the head nurse said. "Please calm down."

Gemma took in deep breaths and tried calming. Just then Magnús rushed in and he was at her bedside immediately.

Ignoring the IV in her hand, Gemma wrapped her arms around his waisted and sobbed in his chest.

"I'm so glad you're here," she cried, her voice muffled in his chest. "I was afraid I was dead."

He stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. "You're safe now. Shh."

Gemma continued to cry in his chest and when she calmed down a little Magnús lifted her head to meet his eyes.

"You're safe," he said softly. "You had a small concussion and a few bruises. You're okay."

She sniffed and a tear ran down her cheek and he wiped it away with his thumb. Magnús traced circles on her cheek and rested his thumb on her chin. Leaning in he gave her a gentle sweet kiss on the lips.

"Magnús, I have something to tell you. That's why I was on the road, to see you at the studio," Gemma said after taking in the sweet kiss.

He shook his head. "You need to rest. We can talk tomorrow."

"But," she watched him as he closed the curtains of the room and turned some lights off.

"Shh," he kissed her cheek. "Rest. Talk tomorrow."

Gemma laid back in the bed and as soon as she closed her eyes, she was out. Magnús stared at her replying the event that happened at the crash sight. She said she loved him. Upon hearing her say this made his heart skip a beat. But what this the reason she wanted to speak with him at the studio? Or was there more to it, he wondered.