[0] Fetish

I was reminiscent of my past life. The way I was before, the life I've led, and the people I made relations with.

They came in pictures as I fell on an endless void of darkness, only the light that can be seen were the colors emitting from the memories. Maybe, in the end, these memories will all that will really matter.

But I'm sure that was not the case for me.

Pictures of me being abused by my parents, being bullied by my friends and classmates, and anything that is negative is the only thing that I can see in this endless line of photographs. Well, that is... Right... My collection of Eroge... Even at a time like this, each screen of these games made me smile for a bit.

Maybe they're the only thing that I really enjoyed in my wasteful life, no, I'm sure that they're the most important memories I've earned. I treasure them. And so, I basked in the lustful scenes and screenshots of these Eroges and before I knew it, I already forgot that I was still in this unexplainable place.

I never really counted how many seconds, minutes, hours had already past, but the line seems to be nearing its end, with the last one, being the first game I ever played.

I'm not gonna lie, but I'm sure that game was the thing I fapped the most at. Back in the days, as a person who has no experience with women, that thing was the one which has saved me.

Man... If I could really just relieve my life in a world like that... No, if I ever get one wish, I would wish to live like the protagonists of every one of these games!

[ Haha... as if... ] of course, I could only make an empty laugh at the joke I created myself.

[ Boy, your wish has been granted. ]

[ Eh? ]

I was sure I heard something, but... Before I could even say anything, I was slowly sucked by the endless void of nothingness. Like a black hole, it sucked everything, the photograph and even the darkness itself. And from the pressure, I needed to close my eyes.

What is happening? Am I finally going to hell which is I'm sure would be my destination? If that is the case... Then at least let me fap one last time!

With a shout, I opened my eyes and everything seemed to have stopped... only my voice that completely changed to a cry. And after that, the view that appeared in front of me completely made me quiet...

Yes, what was in front of me was the plump breast of a beautiful woman pushing against my face.

And as I did, any man will stay quiet on its sight as it jiggles for the invitation to suck it.


[ Are you okay? ] a hand was reached out towards her. As she lays there on the ground, injured, a figure ahead of her offers his help.

Her vision was blurry and she was not able to see what the figure looks like, but she can at least outline his shape. Looking ahead, she was sure it was a boy - a boy of the same age as her.

But... As she raises her head to focus on his blurry face, she asks a question on her head.

Why would this boy help her? As far as she knows, there is none of her race living in this area, and there is also no existing human that will have the kindness to offer her help, the same humans who had slaved her and put the heavy collar on her petite neck.

( Then... Why...? )

[ It's okay... I'm not going to hurt you. ]

Although it was still unclear, she saw the boy kneel in front of her to match her gaze - to match her mono-eye that is still yet to focus.

His voice seemed very gentle and... it was kind. She never heard anyone talk like that to her before. Since she really can't understand what he's saying, she is still on doubt, but she can feel the heart of people and she can't feel any malice in the heart of the person in front of her. In fact, she felt something different in him, something indescribable, something that is close to love which she felt on her parents before but still felt far away from it.

What is that feeling...? She felt her own heart synchronize with his and she realized something.

As her vision finally went back to normal, she saw a black-haired kid with clothes that indicates that he's on a higher status of humans - if she can recall, the term was 'noble'.

She's very much different from him. Her ragged clothes, her dirty appearance, and of course, the number of their eyes. She is in the race of cyclops while he is undeniably of the vulgar humans.

As she stares at him completely silent, one of his warm hands touches her cheek and she felt that she finally calmed down.

[ You'll come with me. ]

She didn't really understand what he meant, but one thing she was sure of is that -

He wants her.