[III] Influence

The celebration of Walter's 16th birthday is finally over, which in this world, is the age of adulthood. Some noble families stick to their main house when they turn into this age, but for the Ainzachs', that can never happen.

Though, luckily enough, he was still given enough provisions to create his own individual home from them.

He was given a small mansion by his father, which is now where he lives in, alongside a small amount of currency he can use to hire his own servants and to also help him with anything he needs. It's as if he had never separated from his family in the first place - as he was still given their support that can make him last for years, that is, if he doesn't live in the way most noble people would.

But he was never a noble in the first place, he was just an ordinary person who was suddenly put into this position. That's why instead of getting caught into the 'noble ways', he instead make used of his time to train himself, learn, and save for when this time comes.

That is why he can't really see himself not going into the path of success: his ideal future where he lives peacefully and quietly without minding the world, that is of course, together with Alice... But...

He wouldn't mind if he could also make his own harem. A harem of monster girls.

He remembers: when he was still in the knights' academy, girls are clinging to him as if he was a celebrity, but all of them only has one reason why they do so, and that is for them to get the chance of marrying him. He finds it unappealing that they are only trying to get his attention just because of his family name and the wealth they would get from it. Basking in the love and affection of Alice, who treats him as her owner and loves him to her core, he just can't accept to trade it with something of a half-baked love of women that only care for themselves.

But other than that reasoning... He's just sure that no human girl would be able to match him in bed.

He doesn't know if it's because of his family line, or maybe it's just a curse or a gift, but his member is just 'too' incredible: having both width and length that can never compete with his previous one, it's just monstrous. He's positive that only monstrous girls would be the only type of woman who would be able to handle it, and sure is, one of those girls is Alice.

And since this world allows polygamy and even slavery, he wants to experience his lifestyle at best and create his own harem. A harem which will only consist of the 'monster girls' he loves so much.

Though, the only monster girl he had seen in this world so far is Alice. Well, that is, because he lived in the capital which doesn't allow demi-humans or any kind of race that is not human - and the only reason why he was able to keep Alice as a servant was because of the influence of his family.

[ Ha... ] strolling outside his mansion, the sun shone into the small smirk that appeared on his face.

( Alfred-san... You really are the best. )

Thinking about it, the place where the mansion his father had given him... is in the nearest city just beside the capital. A city that allows demi-humans... Which means, he would now be able to see demi-humans at large. Now, he could probably make his dream come true.

Walking around the large yard of his new mansion, he paused for a moment as he starts to have deep thoughts -

( But... It seems like Alice doesn't want me to hire anyone... )

Maybe the reason why she decided to handle the mansion on her own was because she already knew what his plan is. He remembers that he told her that he would hire people to become his servants, but he was not specific about it, he did not tell her that he would hire demi-humans. But what if she already knew about it and decided to show him that she alone can handle everything...

It's a rather stupid speculation, but it still can be possible.

( Maybe I'll just talk to her about it later... )

Wearing his light clothes while having a practice sword hanging on his waist, he continues to stroll into his large territory.

His land is not yet completely designed: having long grass and weeds growing in his yard, overgrown trees blocking the sun, and bushes and rocks unevenly placed. He's not really the kind of person who would get annoyed by these things, but he can at least work them out to make his place better.

[ Oh...! This might be a good idea! ]

As if he realized that he might be able to do something about this messy place now, he unsheaths the practice sword that is hanging on his waist and hold it with a light grip.

And with a long, heavy heave for air, he formed a stance, ready to strike his weapon. His fingers traced the grip of the sword, making sure they're on the right position, and then he steps his foot one step more, before -

[ Haa!!! ] as he released the accumulated air from his lungs, he swings his sword to the side with an unbelievable speed that sends a visible sharp wave that immediately cuts down the tall grass and the bushes, sending them off flying into the air like cut feathers.

And with a relaxed sigh, he immediately put his sword back on its sheath and looks at the result of his work, satisfied.

But just before a second past, he heard cracking sounds coming from the trees and the rocks. And before he knew it, they crumble and fall. The rocks, being crushed to pieces, while the trees being cut to their roots.


Just like that - within seconds, he made the place a lot of times messier than it was before.

[ Too... Too strong... ] he could only whisper as he gasps in his own strength.

Maybe those years of training with the sword had paid off more than he had expected. Well, he is certainly not called a prodigy without a reason, he realizes again for more than a few times already.

[ Haah... I think I'm going to need to hire people to handle this for me... ] he scratches his head as he utters.

And realizing where he could hire people the easiest way possible, he gets ready to leave and go there.

[ If my memory is correct, the adventurers' guild should just be near here... ]