[IV] Noble's Party

The carriage Walter rode took him into the many streets of this city - the city of Citrine.

Yesterday, he was able to see a little of it, but now, he's observing it thoroughly. Most are just normal houses with second floors, but there are still many shops and stalls - and together with the people and the paved cobblestone road, the scene is exactly what you would expect in a fantasy world.

There are also many carriages and wagons that are on the road, but Walter's carriage stands out than most of them. Having the crest of the lord of the city, one glimpse of it and one would know that whoever is inside, is an important person - and that's what Walter is.

The carriage continues to move, making screeching and bumping sounds of its wheels as it did so, and before Walter knew it, from its window already appeared - is the entrance of a territory much larger and grander than his. The structure that stood at the end of the path after the gates is a large mansion, with tall towers and a wide base, and its color: white that reflects the ray of the sun.

[ Ainzach-sama, we're already here. ]

The butler who's riding the carriage in front didn't actually need to say it as it can obviously be seen already, but he still needed to, especially that they already passed the open gates.

Soon, they arrived - and immediately, not letting the butler open the door of the carriage for him, he exits.

As he does, his figure was immediately shown at the entrance of the mansion, still with his usual clothes on: a white shirt and a normal, but expensive pants. And wouldn't you know it, even his practice sword is still on his waist.

[ Then, please enjoy yourself, Ainzach-sama. ] the old butler says his goodbye as he went away together with the carriage.

Again, he's alone. He's expecting someone would receive him after the butler, but it seems that he's on his own now, but it's not like he doesn't know what he should do. Looking toward the entrance of the mansion, he walks towards it, and even though he found no servant, there are at least two guards to receive him.

The two guards that are wearing helmets and iron garments observes him first, and they expected that he would be just like any other guess, though, they were still baffled with his clothes that mostly do not fit in noble parties. But as they saw the sword on his waist and saw the crest on it, they realized that he's more important than any that had passed the two of them yet.

That crest, it was the Ainzach's. At the pommel of his sword is a lion's head with the color of gold. It was undeniably from the most famous family of knights.

And as they realized this, they immediately fixed their composures and stood up straight, both afraid and excited to meet such a person.

Well, they already knew that one of the Ainzachs is invited, but they also know that the person was invited late, so they thought that he won't accept the invitation. Only now knowing that was not the case.

[ Good morning, Ainzach-sama! Our master is expecting you! ] one of the guards nervously spoke, unexpectedly raising his voice in the process, which he immediately regretted. Though, opposite to what he was anticipating, all that Walter did was to greet back without any words of mockery or slur to say. It left him baffled and surprised.

[ Good morning. ] that was the only words he said as he continues to pass through them, but they were still shocked they were able to receive a response.

The experience is something to proudly tell their family.

Though after that, Walter completely ignored them and moves forward to immediately meet with the large hall where the party is currently occurring.

Like his party two days ago, there are many people that are invited and the place is also lively and grandeur. It's like any other noble party where the most important part is to show off before socializing.

At least it's now better as he's not in the spotlight. His casual clothes also help him to become invisible to the crowd - leaving them thinking that he's an ordinary servant or a foot soldier.

( Maybe I'll meet with the lord later... ) he thought as he saw the stage where Arthur Brunhild is waving and shaking hands with the people.

The middle-aged man in the stage who's wearing luxurious clothes with two women by his side, he's undeniably the Earl, Arthur Brunhild. A famous noble known for having multiple women and an expert tactician in the battlefield, and a man, that is friends with the current leader of the Ainzachs, his father. He has actually thought of it already, that the real reason his father has chosen this city for him to live in was that his mentor is its lord.

Walter is actually already familiar with Arthur Ainzach and they have the kind of relationship that's close to an uncle and his nephew; that's why his acceptance of his invitation is somehow more than a priority, but it was a chance to have a short reunion.

( I just wonder what he's celebrating... ) as he asks himself that question, he went to the long table at the corner of the large hall where the food is being served. It's the same as always, just as he was back in his previous world, he was still the unsociable person who is not familiar with the crowd.

Taking his time for himself, he decided to taste the food that was displayed.

[ Mmm... ]

The same taste he always gets to eat. There really wasn't anything new.

Continuing with filling his stomach, suddenly, a voice from his side called his name.

[ Excuse me, are you perhaps Walter-san? ] turning around to see where it came from, he saw a girl with bright, golden locks and a beret that covers the top of her head, including her ears. She also has a very luxurious frilly dress that is not really common, but it feels that it will suit her well more than anything. Her age, he's guessing that's they're just at the same.

[ You are from the Ainzach's, right? ] with a cheerful expression, she asks.

And feeling he won't be able to hide it anymore, he returns a question while acknowledging it. -

[ That's right, I'm Walter Ainzach... but... ]

'How did you know?' But before he could ask it, the girl spoke again, cutting him short.

[ That crest on your sword; I know about it. ]

[ Oh... ]

[ And, your looks, father always tell me stories about you! ]

[ Your father...? ] and as Walter repeated, she turns surprised. And as if she realized something, she fixes her complexion, stood up straight, hold her frilly dress and bows before introducing herself.

[ My name is Sofia Brunhild, I'm the 12th daughter of the 16 daughters of Arthur Brunhild. ]

[ *Cough! *Cough! ] surprised, Walter could only cough, almost throwing up the food that just entered his stomach.

( 16 daughters!? I didn't even know that guy has children...! )

[ We-well... I guess with the number of his women... It would be justified... ] he whispers in a voice she could barely hear. But after, he made sure that his composure will remain and introduces himself back for the second time; he just needs to follow the proper etiquette of nobles.

[ He-Hhm! I'm sorry about that. ]

[ It's fine. ]

[ Anyway, as you've already guessed, I'm Walter Ainzach, it's nice to meet you, Miss. Brunhild. ]

[ Hmm...? "Miss. Brunhild"? ] seems to be baffled, she tilted her head.

[ Are you sure you will want to call me that? ]

[ Eh... Are you perhaps a lady? ]

[ No, no! But... Aren't you going to call your fiancee by her first name? ]

[ Huh...? ]